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Everything posted by wrestle87

  1. Peyton Robb is the coolest guy at this tournament.
  2. Fix gets the buffalo wild wings treatment every match. He’s wrestling backside matches starting this AM if be’s any other wrestler.
  3. Huge fan of everything about olejnik, hate everything about fix
  4. DC must be drunk, he's so well versed and knowledgable, for him to be putting out stupidity like this, he must be doing this commentary effectively for free, or he must have signed an agreement as with UFC/espn back in the day to be doing this, bc he doesn't usually sound like a complete jackass on his ufc broadcasts.
  5. No way....ref just stuck his hand way too far into that pinto bullock match. Pinto's a boss for getting that td.
  6. Something happened, entirely internal/mental, who knows, it happens sometimes.
  7. DC is pushing being a full benjamin above his college weight class. Any shade at Imar is the most ironic flavor of shade thrown at himself.
  8. The irony here is irrefutable, considering that's exactly what DC looks like too...
  9. Griffith has made a killing being successful with slow, tricky grandpa wrestling
  10. Man give me a break, he backed up for ten seconds and got hit for stalling, fix did that for a decade and nothing happened.
  11. Starocci must be so strong, kemp looks like he doesn't even want to touch him.
  12. Aaaand taylor might have hurt his leg on that scramble
  13. Watch closely folks, this is the most wrestling you will ever see out of Lewan...
  14. No stall call against orine either? That dude was showing off his bicycle the entire 3rd period...
  15. mccrone just folded surtin into a pretzel and a half
  16. caleb smith trying to be the mayor of kansas city
  17. My apologies, some of us are a little slow at times around here
  18. He blew his knee out at worlds over the summer. It was in the last scramble of the finals iirc. He's got the same spirit so to speak, but he's definitely not the same dude he was last year.
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