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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Why do people always leave “well regulated” out of that statement?
  2. Covid and work from home man, it was rough. Vodka was a night thing. Sloped down to right after I logged off. Which sloped down to ah what the hell I’m home, 3:00 is good. Soon I had a bloody sitting on my couch at 10:30. The next morning another bloody and so on. About a week of that and I realized I was drinking vodka every morning for the last week. That was enough of that.
  3. Used to be a vodka guy. Became too much of a vodka guy. Now it’s just beer and wine. sorry I’m not help.
  4. Personally think it's more of a contribution from all as opposed to being a primary. Except for religion, I don't think religion in schools is a factor, just my opinion.
  5. What's your process on that, just curious?
  6. You didn’t think it was really about keeping the board clean did it you?
  7. Can’t disagree with the majority of this. Particularly the last part. Except the part about we don’t have gun problem. We can have both a gun and a mental health problem, and we do. But as it pertains to guns/lethal weapons. Agree we cannot completely eliminate the desire for humans to kill other humans, and the means to find a way to do it. BUT, that kids have the ability to kill a person by stoning, does not mean the ability for an unfit person to easily obtain a weapon that will allow them to walk into a building and fire off a hundred rounds every couple minutes is not a problem. In fact is amplifies my point. How long diid it take for the whole scenario with the kids and rocks to end in death, vs how long did it take the Nashville shooter to kill, however many it killed? (I ask that not knowing much about the case you are referring to)
  8. Whole hearted agreement. To add a branch under parenting.......developing coping skills. We don't want kids to have to cope with problems and feel uncomfortable anymore, we want to fix it for them and make sure they always feel nice and cozy all of the time. Then they get out in the real world.... Honestly, I don't think any of us on this board have the correct answers to this problem. That would take being heavily involved and invested in the work (research, etc) to carve out the best solutions. The biggest problem as you've pointed to, it's never going to happen until we sit down and talk. As long as both sides main priority is silencing and/or defending the other side's ideas on the issue it will continue to get more divisive. Two facts that can be and are mutually true: A gun sitting on a table with no one around it isn't going to shoot anyone. Likewise, a crazed unfit individual who doesn't have access to a gun isn't going to shoot anyone.
  9. The donations are coming because of the school and its alumni. Very little to do with actual wrestling and more to do with wanting your school to be on top no matter the endevour. Universities have lifelong support from their alumni, an international wrestler not so much.
  10. I do believe the value/worth of something or someone is as simple as that….whatever someone will pay. but… Name Image Likeness Collectives aren’t paying for NIL, they are paying for services.
  11. It’s silly to bring a what if scenario, into a thread full of what ifs.
  12. How long did it take you to write this response?
  13. Strongly suggest getting a griddle grill, was my last piece and a great addition. And they are absolutely simple to clean.
  14. I understand that, not all instances are the same. I think the point is if it TRULY was a priority, it would have been on the priority list to get it done. The pretending is the issue.
  15. And not every observation is a conspiracy theory. I can't say I have worked in USAW's social media department, but I have worked in NGB offices, and know the ability to multi-task is paramount. Working on the plane in flight, working at the hotel/dorm room on your laptop at 12am, regular communication with the national office no matter where you are on the planet, keeping tabs on the to do list no matter the time and location. It's a valid point, a post could have been sent off in two minutes while making sure the chair and tray-tables are locked in the upright position..... I don't have the angst toward USAW as LJB, although I can certainly understand why he does, but if we don't bring up how we can do better, how do we get better? No matter the area we are talking about.
  16. Sweet corn on fire is amazing. I soak in water for a couple hours, then throw right on the coals/wood for just a couple minutes. Comes out great.
  17. I'm going to have to do something. Storm this weekend put the dock 3 inches under water, that's never happened before, not even during IAN. Three storms out in the Atlantic back to back to back........this summer is going to be quite an advenuture...
  18. It's not a matter of how one wants to look at it, it's a matter of what actually happened. And what actually happened is you used the death of a police officer to hop on an opportunity to make a snide remark in a chat room. There was no comment on this thread about a rock for you to respond to, in fact.....you started the thread with said comment. You can justify it the way you want to, my call to look at it for what it is. If that was your dead nephew in the article and someone used it to make a snide remark on a chat room, you'd be pissed as hell. Which....only makes your choice worse. But....it is your choice, do with it as you will. Have a good day.
  19. Get your shit togther......it starts at the pacific, then spans the Indian.
  20. So you decided to use the death of a police officer to hop on the opportunity for a snide remark in a chat room??
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