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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Not that they’re not some serious accusations, but I think we’re all confident the list of presidents profiting from presidential pardons is, like my johnson, long and distinguished.
  2. Correct, they are all over the place. Puppets, and parrots.
  3. Each presidential election has become increasingly a little more ‘lesser of two evils’ than the previous.
  4. Epstein was equal opportunity scumbag. The left could go on all day about ‘acquaintances’ from the right, and vice versa. Humorous watching anyone try to one up the other in that dept. The whole which media source is trustworthy is a pretty entreating debate to watch too.
  5. From my state and nothing but a parrot. Trump owns him big time.
  6. I think to answer your question, if I were in a position of deciding to offer (job, scholarship, whatever) this kind of case…my presumption of guilt, if at all, would begin after digging well past social media information. Result of case would be a factor but not only factor.
  7. We have to remember that ‘innocent until proven guilty’ is in the eyes of the law. And we see people get off of crimes they oh so obviously committed because of technicalities all the time. We do this, in law, intentionally making it difficult to convict a guilty person, under the philosophy that we’d rather let four guilty people walk, than convict an innocent man. Again, in the eyes of the law. Individuals can see a case with their own eyes, and make their own decisions accordingly.
  8. That actually was what I said to him. But, I don’t have high hopes for his development over the next four years.
  9. And spread the footprint of M2 in the process.
  10. Have a friend who has been real high on Jesse Mendez since beginning of HS (we’re from Indiana but no longer) Aaanyway, he signed with Ohio State, I said no good dude. No good. Didn’t believe me. Just here recently he texted me randomly, “watching Mendez I feel like he’s regressed”. I didn’t say anything.
  11. What is this, Noah’s Ark? They come in f****ng twos??
  12. So, not to jump in here but yeah to jump in….so you are doing exactly what he is saying you are doing, then using that very thing that your are doing to say you are not doing it. You are not using what was actually said, you are….self admittingly….replacing his words with your interpretation of his words, then using the fact that it’s your interpretation to define “that’s what you said”. This is literally crazy.
  13. Had a couple of my staff folks come back from this leadership conference, that sounded more Paump and circumstance that anything actionable. One case in point, in a lecture on managing different types of personalities, the lecturer actually said “feelings are true, facts are not” These were adults talking to adults. This is where we are….
  14. I can never understand how regulations automatically equals "THEY ARE ELIMINATING OUR RIGHTS" Every single right we have, rights much more directly relating to the right to live, are regulated. For example: The AIR we breathe, has regulations. The WATER we drink, has regulations. The FOOD we eat, has regulations. I have not heard one.....single......lawmaker.......propose the elimination of the right to bear arms. But, as has been mentioned above, having a straight forward conversation with nothing but facts. (Gun owner and life long conservative)
  15. I was disappointed in Comer's press conference. Was really expecting some hard dirt. The only evidence is nine people over the span of three years made a total of 10 million dollars in foreign business deals. I'm sure there are more to these deals than what Comer has shown so far, but I just don't see where this comes close to proving anything? What are they waiting on.
  16. I find it interesting that the most important aspect of this topic people are focused on, is Parrish's choice to use sarcasm. You think he doesn't know it was a different between assault and rape? Furthermore.....do you think he cares? I think he answered that with 'the title stands". If you all want to jump on the throat every time somebody uses hyperbole, whether it be here or with an exclusive audience on cnn....I hope you have a shitload of stamina. Best part of the town hall meeting.....he's going to have yet another lawsuit on his hands.
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