Audio, at least that has been released. I read earlier there is video of this meeting as well, but I don't know if that's true.
Flash back to Fall '20, I thought Biden was dead to rights with Bubolinski (sp?) and what not, actually got excited that after all this time hearing about all the deeds we we're finally going to have some real dirt on him. >>>>> back to current time and its been whistleblower after whistleblower after devastating document after devastating document, but none of it has been able to come to fruition when push has come to shove. When matters get to court of law. I also have to square with the fact that Republicans held the senate for all of 17-21, and both for the first half, and nothing came of the Biden's.
I wanna believe there's enough to get him out and, at minimum, two completely fresh candidates coming into '24. But.......I don't see it. We're going to be stuck with a choice between a guy who can't speak to the American people because he can't freaking talk, and a guy who can't speak to the American people because prisoner #97857468893 cant hold interviews that day.