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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Secret Service......but yeah. If 'no fingerprints' it can only be one of two things: A big bunch of BS; or a direct plant because obviously someone was wearing gloves. My guess is the former.
  2. You need a hug. I have spoken to the elders, we will include in our groundings as we connect with Jah.
  3. You are right Paul, that is not very representative of the Rastafari. I will counsel with the elders and strive to do better!
  4. Tone doesn’t come across in text. It’s all good.
  5. In a way….yes. I knew dipshits would come in with what McCarthy and Jordan told them to think, which means to them it’s the truth.
  6. More or less the responses I expected
  7. If missing the forest means I just want to throw out blame and double and triple down on it when I have absolutely no clue what I’m talking about…..yeah, I miss the forest quite often.
  8. So….you don’t know, you don’t have any clue. You just know you’re right. Congrats. Looks like you earned yourself some applause.
  9. But….again….do you know who was invited and passed?
  10. Do you know if prior invites were sent out and passed on? Brooks for example is going to U23's so he would have passed. I believe O'toole is too, so that would explain those entries.
  11. Better yet was the manner in which she pressed him. Your characterization of the 1/6 hearing, I didn’t see that as having anywhere near the non answers that most of these hearings have. Witnesses in that put out a lot of information.
  12. I don’t know much about it, but I do know the arrested’s own statement is just bullshit! Because…well because I just want it to be!! You win the award for today We’ll see how it goes next time
  13. The FBI director does not make charging decisions. Stating it would be inappropriate for the fbi director to testify in a public hearing as to why someone else made the decision they made is accurate, not stonewalling. It’s well known the main point of the theory is that he was involved in the protest in the crowd (which he openly admits) and he was seen on video whispering in someone’s ear right before that someone rushed the cops and went into the Capitol. What is well known to those who paid attention to the case, is that that someone when arrested and questioned stated that the man who whisperer to him (he did not know who Ray Epps was at this time) said to him that he should relax, stay calm, police are just here doing there job. That was his own statement (the man who charged the police and was arrested). I’m sure if it were appropriate for an FBI director to explain someone’s else’s charging decision to a public congressional hearing, he would have been more than happy to offer that answer. But it is not. That part of the case is kept under the rug by people that want a different truth. Too close for the evening: No one is saying there is zero conspiracy, or shenanigans of other forms in any government agency, party, etc. Pointing out items that are not is not a blanket statement that it does not exist. That’s just blatant hyperbole. And blatant hyperbole toward items that are not, takes focus away from those that truly are. Usually….there’s a reason for doing that.
  14. There’s a lot to this whole case that I could sit here and type out, all of it based on time I’ve spent seeking info on on it, because in the first year or so after 1/6 I felt like it was a important piece. Instead I’ll just relate what I’m seeing here, which is a good bit of “I haven’t really paid a lot of attention to…” -But- “I still know what happened and who’s to blame” I mean, what can I say? You can either buy what you’re fed, or not. It’s not up to me to convince anyone of anything. People that really want to know about something will seek it out.
  15. The whole Ray Epps thing, I mean there’s only so much to say, by both he and the FBI. At what point does ‘unresponsive’ become okay asked and answered??
  16. Everyone wants my smoke. It’s really the best smoke, probably in history. You should have seen the people as they got to experience my smoke. Grown men, with tears in their eyes, telling me how grateful they are for the smoke.
  17. That’s just the recreational area, for the smoke and…well…you know….the smoke.
  18. But I do find this perspective interesting, given you later told us you didn’t really watch it. Speaking of tells…. Kinda tells us a bit about how you form your opinions….eh??
  19. I had it on most of the time and I don’t believe that case was brought up.
  20. I’m well aware and understanding of the process. We’ll have to agree to disagree as to how we are perceiving what we are seeing.
  21. The biggest tell in Jordan is that when he’s talking to one of these witnesses, he spends more time looking at the gallery or pretending to fiddle through his papers than looking at the person he is talking to.
  22. Gotcha. I coached at Muskegon (MI) for a little bit. Liked the Pima coaches.
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