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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Basch put out MensFS earlier had all the #1’s except for McKenna and Parris in place.
  2. New tidbit…. the Uvalde officer who was on trial for not doing his sworn duty and trying to protect those kids, was found not guilty of not doing his sworn duty and trying to protect those kids. So the message is….even if a school has an armed guard and they’re not comfortable doing their sworn duty to protect the kids….it’s okay.
  3. Where do I begin? I’ll start with…yes that’s correct. He’s not worthy of a debate. He’s a POS. Maybe me calling him a POS is an opinion. The things he has done are not option. They are actual, mental decisions and physical actions, that only a humongous POS would make. He’s not worthy of doing yours or my laundry, let alone being considered for any kind of leadership position. He is not a bonafide candidate. I could say I’m a candidate, that doesn’t make me a bonafide candidate. He is a POS who’s craving attention so calling himself a candidate. Biden saying he won’t debate RFK, is Biden saying he can’t win a debate… is the stupidest thing you’ve said on these boards. Easily evidenced by 1) did you feel the same when there were no Republican debates in 2020? B) And did you know 2020 wasn’t the first time the incumbent didn’t debate? I could copy and paste a bunch of shit. But whether or not you want to acknowledge and believe truth is neither my responsibility nor my priority.
  4. RFK Jr is a humongous POS. I can’t believe that there are people who take this guy seriously in any possible leadership role.
  5. My apologies for the confusion mspart. You must have me mistaken for someone who believes ‘proving’ anything on an anonymous chat board , is of any kind of priority.
  6. I wanted to believe in what Shapley had to offer. I was buying what he was selling. And then he went on Fox and said he just had to let the nation know the truth........so he decided to go to Fox. I can't take anyone seriously who says in good conscious they want to get the truth out to the nation, and then they go on Fox.
  7. (I am kidding....the joke just popped in my head)
  8. A few years back I banged a japaneese hooker....doesn't make me as world renowned as Hunter... Anecdotes are fun.
  9. He also began wrestling at 8 or 9 with Franklin Gomez.
  10. I mean….is there really much more to contribute to a four page thread about bud light drinking trannies??
  11. I can only imagine the sensation that goes through the bones when the copy/paste lightbulb clicks
  12. Kyle won three, going up to take on that guy people were talking as possible HWT goat, became Olympic champ in college and may go down as the only person to hand Sadualev a loss. Not a weak case.
  13. Pretty much my point. Going through the Americas, you just pretty much have to not pin yourself with your own leg lace. Going through Europe/Asia on the other hand..
  14. I forgot to add and doesn't have to go through Europe/Asia to qualify.
  15. Okay okay let me clarify for all the nitpickers…… He has a year and a half with one of the best staffs in the world and doesn’t have to go through an absolute gauntlet to make the national team. Look out!
  16. Most of the analysts I’ve heard believe they are holding that part for dissemination charges in NJ. The claim being the retention and obstruction took place in Florida. Dissemination (that we know of at least) took a place in NJ
  17. Unfortunately there is history there time and again to lend to that. In fact, you could make that same statement, without specifying a D or an R, and it would be even more factual. Ive always felt the politicians will play to the voters who will continuously call out one side while continually turning blind eyes to the other. And….well we get what we get for it.
  18. He has a year and a half to work with Bormet, Bela, and KJ......and an easy road to the Olympics. Loooooook out...
  19. Audio, at least that has been released. I read earlier there is video of this meeting as well, but I don't know if that's true. Flash back to Fall '20, I thought Biden was dead to rights with Bubolinski (sp?) and what not, actually got excited that after all this time hearing about all the deeds we we're finally going to have some real dirt on him. >>>>> back to current time and its been whistleblower after whistleblower after devastating document after devastating document, but none of it has been able to come to fruition when push has come to shove. When matters get to court of law. I also have to square with the fact that Republicans held the senate for all of 17-21, and both for the first half, and nothing came of the Biden's. I wanna believe there's enough to get him out and, at minimum, two completely fresh candidates coming into '24. But.......I don't see it. We're going to be stuck with a choice between a guy who can't speak to the American people because he can't freaking talk, and a guy who can't speak to the American people because prisoner #97857468893 cant hold interviews that day.
  20. This is all stupid. You make your choices, you live with your choices. You don't force the rest of the field to wait to see if your choices worked out for you or not.
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