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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. Couple little pieces that don't look too good when it comes to this trail: The assigned judge has sat for 11 Jan 6 cases thus far, all 11 convicted by the jury. In those, the judge matched the prosecution recommended sentence four times, and went heavier than the prosecution recommendation in the other seven. Also interesting, the indictment specifically says that he knew, all of the election claims were false and he spread them anyway, which means they will have to absolutely prove what he did or did not believe, which is pretty difficult to do right. Where it gets interesting is the prosecution will go first, and they will have tons of evidence and testimony, from his own people, that will say he was told repeatedly by his team that the election was not stolen. (They are going to put a long line of admin officials and legal counsel on the stand to hammer this point down). The only way he is going to be able to combat that is to take the stand himself. Oh my.
  2. I dont think there's any chance they go after the death penalty.
  3. Felony charge #’s 75, 76, 77, 78 And MAGA is on the twitterverse talking about his right to lie and throw the whole nation into a frenzy is protected by the first ammendment. I feel sorry for these poor people.
  4. I stand corrected. I’ve always thought that limited it to consecutively. Grover Cleveland f***ed me up.
  5. The two terms is only consecutively. A person can be president for more than two terms, just not in a row.
  6. Agreed, which is why you hear “we are ultra marxists” from representative on the house floor, and see “marxists” hats at campaign rallies. I suppose it’s the same. Not an extremist point of view at all.
  7. MAGA is not a slur, it is a name or acronym for a political platform, an acronym created and embraced by the people within. We all remember the “it’s not maga or super maga….it’s ultra maga” proclamation on the house floor, right?
  8. It’s just precise. Kinda like scallops, texture a big part of it, overcooking it can be easy. Not sure how the place you had prepped then but I like to cut into nuggets, toss in a little bit of butter, little bit of season and on a skewer. Just sear it over hot fire for a few minutes, and right from grill to plate. Squeeze a lemon on the skewers.
  9. Biden’s people found the documents, reached out and said hey we found these documents, we’re returning them, and we think you need to send a team out to meet us here and other places to see if there’s more. They did. They found more. A special counsel was assigned and investigated. That is the documented series of events. I’m not sure what it is you think you’re accomplishing here.
  10. There has been plenty of evidence released, evidence that was the basis of a Florida grand jury of local citizens agreed to charge him. (We seem to forget that when we throw out "politically motivated charges") If you truly, truly wanted the answers to those questions, you wouldn't be asking some anonymous dude on a wrestling chat.
  11. You can't honestly believe that. James Comey, the republican who reopened the investigation ten days before the 2016 election, clearly stated sloppy handling, but lack of intent was the reason for not charging. He's not exactly a Clinton apologist. It is in no way what so ever similar to the Trump case. On Aug 6, 2021....NARA began commuicating with Trump about missing documents; In April of '22 the FBI got involved and Trump was notified, because.....there's still missing documents; requests and subpoena's and visits continue without turning up everything until the search warrant, 15 months after communications began. But....a couple days is supsicious.
  12. Based on the readily available information on all four cases, this is extreeeeeeemley misinformed. The actions of the other three are in no way shape or form similar to Trumps, with the exception of documents at the house. The how they got there and what they did when they were found, are completely different, and the reason for the charges.
  13. Very strong point, which I agree with fully. Which also amplifies why making your entire political agenda out to ‘own’ the other side of the aisle through any and all means necessary….is very dangerous to a democracy.
  14. If MAGA is truly serious about this oversight stuff, will they come back from recess and look at other suspicious international business deals involving other government folks in high places….. or is it another round of dick pics?
  15. That’s where we differ though. I don’t think it’s going to come down to ballot harvesting. I don’t think it’s going to come down to early voting. I think it’s going to come down to actions. And I think the more MAGA keeps trying to front Trump’s grievances, and more that typically moderate republicans continue to allow it to happen, the more that moderate conservative voters are going to vote to defeat it.
  16. Well even Biggs now has come out on camera and said this guy didn’t know anything about any bribes or 5 mil. He didn’t look to thrilled either. Thats….kinda big.
  17. The most bothersome part about all this is that in 2017 Republicans controlled both floors and the White House. And then the ‘own the libs’ platform went into hyperdrive. In the process they managed to lose all three. Yeah got the house back, as was expected based on electoral history, but not nearly by the margin expected. We all remember the ‘red wave coming’. As long as republicans are obsessed with ‘owning the libs’, national policy is going to move further left of center, republicans are going to lose more elections.
  18. Good question came up on another page…..how many times a week you grilling/smoking?
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