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Everything posted by WrestlingRasta

  1. This. Very much this. And the best is when they tell you they are too damn busy, or don’t care enough about it to read ‘it’….but care enough or have enough time to sit with strangers and argue about what ‘it’ says.
  2. Unless his lawyers are doing his social media posting for him, he is. Although I guess today’s filing you could try to put on the lawyers for using legal procedures and arguments ***directly against the instructions of the court*** But, which way do you think this is going…..Trump listening to what the lawyers say to do, or the lawyers listening to what Trump says to do??
  3. Continuously defying the terms of his release at arraignment.
  4. Todays update of interest. Trump and DOJ were told to confer and come up with two dates and times by this Friday they could have a hearing on the protective order requested by DOJ. DOJ responded we can do it anytime this week. Trump responded we can do it next Monday (specifying after 12:00pm) or anytime Tuesday. As each day passes he flirts more and more with being held in jail until trial.
  5. If you are familiar with any of our (former) international officials, you may remember the late great Tom Clark, whom could not have a conversation without being a genius, witty smart ass. Most chats included many quips and great lines....a couple of my favortie: Hey next time you're at Lowe's, check out the clearance they have on aisle four......a whole pallet full of go f**k yourself. AND You know what, lets say we go to lunch. I'll buy you a go f**k yourself grouper sandwich
  6. Actually you said it doesn’t matter, in answer to someone asking what a smoking tube does. When it does matter, because you can grill shorter cooks and get a nice smoke flavor. Not everything with smoke needs to be hours on end with crisp bark. Grilled chicken breast? Uses a smoke tube. Big cut of grouper fillets, smoke tube is perfect. Just a couple examples of meat you don’t want sitting in a smoker for hours.
  7. In his response to DOJ’s request for a protective order…due to his continuous posting in regard to the officers of the court and listed witnesses…Trump’s lawyers allowed him to go all “but Joe Biden”, including a picture of Biden drinking from a dark Brandon coffee mug in the filing. You cannot make this shit up.
  8. Five kids is something isn’t it, the life of controlled chaos…
  9. That's our biggest. Have six different softball leagues, flag football, and tennis programming. My main task right now is a large racquet facility we are building, 44 courts between tennis and pickleball. Spent a lot of time traveling, but once '16 hit wanted to stay home and in the community. (Except for the Jamaica trips of course!!) Now the bulk of my work is putting out fires or coming up with a way to do something.
  10. Loaded answer haha. Still coaching but from a step back, have been an AD in the past as well as a position at OTC prior to Rio; now work in city's parks (youth and beer leagues, other athletics for 250,000 people). Had my fun, now I'm going to relax and wait for my gov't pension....
  11. At the end of the day, the speed at which it is tabulated does not benefit the accuracy of the count. Given that even after Election Day there is a process of verification and certification that doesn’t end for two months, the speed at which we declare a winner doesn’t bother me at all, the accuracy is really the most important thing.
  12. Now we’re getting into some substance. I like it.
  13. My point is, guys like you and I have absolutely no idea what it takes to administer a presidential election.....state by state......I have to think it's a lot more complex than we imagine. It's real easy to sit on our couch and say I don't like it, change it, it can't be hard.
  14. Not all 50 states are the same. Huge huge variances. I'm sure in those 25 years you also learned that what works in some sports, didn't work in others.
  15. One noticeable difference in what was going on around the country between 2016 and 2020...you may have noticed. Sometimes I think Sean Hannity has an account here...
  16. 2020 saw, by far, a larger total turnout and larger % of eligible voters than any previous election. (30.4 million total voters and 9% higher eligible than when Obama was re-elected for example) It's almost as if there was someone motivating those to turn out.
  17. Similar to my memphis, it's electric but not digital. Has a tray, not auto feed. I get big wood chunks then break them down into smaller pieces. Thinking of trying for that point this weekend to cook offset in the coal grill with some lump and wood, and run some smoke in from the smoke chamber as well. Haven't tried that yet.
  18. By finished up the night of election, I think you mean called. It's more common for states to be called before all ballots are counted, than not. That's why there's a part of the process in December to certify each state, and then the ceremonial step in January to verify each state.
  19. So I don't understand that. A growing nation more and more voters (over 150 million for president in '20 and there were many like me who voted on that ballot but not for president). Next morning or not at all is a pretty tough ask for something so important and needing to be as precise as possible. I get wanting to do it timely, I'm completely with you. But do we want it as fast as possible, or as accurate as possible, and ensuring everyone has a vote counted (as long as they voted correctly).
  20. Yeah I was being a smartass, I clarified below if you didn't see.
  21. Hurricane damage is an issue too. Sister in law has panels get hit and she’s having a problem settling that. Don’t really know the details just know it’s an issue for her.
  22. Honestly don’t know exactly, other than a process that goes through courts then back to the states election officials. Kinda like the paper chad recount in Florida.
  23. It would have started in the same way MAGA tried to start it…through the courts. Then they got shot down 62 times, plus by a whole bunch of secretaries of state….so they went to other ‘processes’ (allegedly)
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