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Everything posted by peanut

  1. Where are you seeing an updated list?
  2. The list of preliminary entries included at least some Belarusians, but no Russians. Now UWW addressed the situation today. Apparently, athletes from Belarus and Russia were vetted for active support for the invasion of Ukraine, or confirmed membership in military or national security agencies. Out of 235 athletes, 26 were ruled ineligible. I don't yet know who exactly was ruled ineligible. But the bottom line is there will be Russians.
  3. Ghasempour is not listed. Cox, of course, is not returning. Both bronze medalists from last year, however, are returning. (Nurmagomedov, Maisuradze.) Here are the preliminary entries: Hajy RAJABAU (AIN) Artunes PEDRO (ANG) Osman NURMAGOMEDOV (AZE) Akhmed MAGAMAEV(BUL) Tejvir BOAL (CAN) Xiao SUN (CHN) Arturo SILOT (CUB) Miriani MAISURADZE (GEO) Balazs JUHASZ (HUN) Pruthviraj PATIL (IND) Amirali AZARPIRA (IRI) Uri KALASHNIKOV (ISR) Abdul ABUIDAIJ (JOR) Arash YOSHIDA (JPN) Rizabek AITMUKHAN (KAZ) Dan CHEPTAI (KEN) Woomin JANG (KOR) Ion DEMIAN (MDA) Gankhuyag GANBAATAR (MGL) Michal BIELAWSKI (POL) Ermak KARDANOV (SVK) Feyzullah AKTURK (TUR) Denys SAHALIUK (UKR) Zahid VALENCIA (USA) Rustam SHODIEV (UZB)
  4. Last year's gold medalist does not return. (Narikuni.) Zain, of course, is the returning silver medalist. One bronze medalist returns. (Akmataliev.) He was also the silver medalist in 2021. Iran's Yazdani was a silver medalist down a weight in 2021. Anybody care to add anything? Here are the preliminary entries: Nikita DMITRIJEVS MAYEUSKI (AIN) Patricio MANGUAU (ANG) Arman ANDREASYAN (ARM) Magomed KHANIEV (AZE) Ramazan RAMAZANOV (BUL) Michael ASSELSTINE (CAN) Hazhimuhan YELIXIATI (CHN) Amr REDA (EGY) Caetano SA (GBS) Giorgi ELBAKIDZE (GEO) Kevin HENKEL (GER) Daniel ANTAL (HUN) Mulaym YADAV (IND) Amirmohammad YAZDANI (IRI) Orts ISAKOV (JOR) Yoshinosuke AOYAGI (JPN) Sanzhar DOSZHANOV (KAZ) Brian Maurice OLOO (KEN) Ernazar AKMATALIEV (KGZ) Yongseok JEONG (KOR) Nicolai GRAHMEZ (MDA) Cristian SANTIAGO (MEX) Temuulen ENKHTUYA (MGL) Fati VEJSELI (MKD) Patryk OLENCZYN (POL) Viktor VOINOVIC (SRB) Niroshan MUNASINGE (SRI) Marc DIETSCHE (SUI) Mustafo AKHMEDOV (TJK) Perman HOMMADOV (TKM) Servet COSKUN (TUR) Ihor NYKYFORUK (UKR) Zain RETHERFORD (USA) Zafarbek OTAKHONOV (UZB)
  5. Last year's champ moved down (Higuchi). However, last year's silver medalist and bronze medalists return. (Atri, Harutyunyan, Narankhuu). Anybody care to add anything? The preliminary entries are: Andrei BEKRENEU (AIN) Abdelhak KHERBACHE (ALG) Norik HARUTYUNYAN (ARM) Georgii OKOROKOV (AUS) Intigam VALIZADA (AZE) Stilyan ILIEV (BUL) Nicholas LATTANZE (CAN) Congbao XIE (CHN) Arman ELOYAN (FRA) Junjun ASEBIAS (FSM) Shota PHARTENADZE (GEO) PANKAJ (IND) Reza ATRI (IRI) Daniel POPOV (ISR) Kodai OGAWA (JPN) Ossimzhan DASTANBEK (KAZ) Kenneth KOECH (KEN) Taiyrbek ZHUMASHBEK UULU (KGZ) Hyeonsik SONG (KOR) Leomid COLESNIC (MDA) Narankhuu NARMANDAKH (MGL) Besir ALILI (MKD) Joseph SILVA (PUR) Nikolai OKHLOPKOV (ROU) Stevan MICIC (SRB) Nils LEUTERT (SUI) Emrah ORMANOGLU (TUR) Yaroslav HURSKYY (UKR) Vitali ARUJAU (USA) Jahongirmirza TUROBOV (UZB)
  6. Today UWW posted a list of preliminary entries (subject to change) for 2023 worlds. This should be an exciting weight with Gable, Zare, Petriashvili, and Akgul all there.
  7. Today UWW posted a list of preliminary entries (subject to change) for 2023 worlds. 65kg looks fantastic. Reigning world champ Amouzadkhalili is there. Reigning Olympic champ Otoguru is returning to competition and will be there as well. Other interesting entries (at first glance) are Musukaev, Aliyev, Seabass, Austin Gomez, Colin Realbuto, and Josh Finesilver.
  8. Today UWW posted a list of preliminary entries (subject to change) for 2023 worlds. At 74 kg, Kadzi is entered, but Sidakov is not. Other interesting entries (after an initial scan) are Chamizo, Tsabolov, Demirtas, Salkazanov, Kaipanov, Mitch Finesilver, Anthony Valencia, Malik Amine, and Bezkod. The list of preliminary entries at 74kg is as follows: Mahamedkhabib KADZIMAHAMEDAU (AIN) Hrayr ALIKHANYAN (ARM) Simon MARCHL (AUT) Turan BAYRAMOV (AZE) Cesar BORDEAUX REGO ALVAN (BRA) Magomedrasul Shakhban A ASLUEV (BRN) Ali Pasha Ruslanovich UMARPASHAEV (BUL) Adam Skene THOMSON (CAN) Stone Langston LEWIS (CAN) Feng LU (CHN) Anthony Sterling WESLEY (CPV) Erik REINBOK (EST) Bacar NDUM (GBS) Avtandil KENTCHADZE (GEO) Tim Juergen MUELLER (GER) Georgios KOUGIOUMTSIDIS (GRE) Murad KURAMAGOMEDOV (HUN) Sagar JAGLAN (IND) Yones Aliakbar EMAMICHOGHAEI (IRI) Mitchell Louis FINESILVER (ISR) Frank CHAMIZO MARQUEZ (ITA) Erzo Shamil T ISAKOV (JOR) Masaki SATO (JPN) Daichi TAKATANI (JPN) Nurkozha KAIPANOV (KAZ) Mathayo Matonya MAHABILA (KEN) Orozobek TOKTOMAMBETOV (KGZ) Seungchul LEE (KOR) Vasile DIACON (MDA) Anthony VALENCIA GOMEZ (MEX) Suldkhuu OLONBAYAR (MGL) Marko ANDONOV (MKD) Inayat ULLAH (PAK) Kamil RYBICKI (POL) Shane Christopher JONES (PUR) Iakub SHIKHDZHAMALOV (ROU) Mamadou DIOUF (SEN) Mamudu Mohamed MARAH (SLE) Malik Michael AMINE (SMR) Hetik CABOLOV (SRB) Panadurage Sandeepa Udayantha FERNANDO (SRI) Tobias PORTMANN (SUI) Tajmuraz Mairbekovic SALKAZANOV (SVK) Magomet EVLOEV (TJK) Kakageldi AGAYEV (TKM) Soner DEMIRTAS (TUR) Jamal Spartan ABDUL (UGA) Semen RADULOV (UKR) Kyle Douglas DAKE (USA) Alexander Joseph FACUNDO (USA) Bekzod ABDURAKHMONOV (UZB) Anthony Jose MONTERO CHIRINOS (VEN)
  9. Has any lineup in recent memory looked this good during the preseason? Obviously there are no guarantees in life -- injuries happen, accidents happen, personal issues happen, etc. But as of now, this is a crazy lineup. Based on Wrestlestat rankings, PSU has: 125- #25 Howard 133- #3 Nagao 141- #3 Bartlett 149- #2 Van Ness 157- #2 Haines 165- #14 Facundo / Mesenbrink 174- #1 Starocci 184- #3 Truax 197- #1 Brooks 285- #2 Kerkvliet
  10. Any guesses on Iowa's lineup for 2023-24?
  11. Part of the equation is weather. There a number of “drunkest cities” lists going around, and they all name cold places as the drunkest — Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, North Dakota, etc. State College might have more to offer than other places in terms of outdoor activities, but cold weather deters a lot of people.
  12. Yes. On the west coast, people can go to the beach, the mountains, the desert, a big city, a national park, a boat ride, a big city, a concert, a club, etc. Or they can stay home and enjoy the weather — by skateboarding, rollerblading, playing basketball, swimming, etc. However, in much of the midwest, your options are usually walking aimlessly around Walmart, going to church, or watching sports.
  13. I think we have to expect Oregon State to put wrestling on the chopping block. And Stanford wrestling may again be on the chopping block (if it cannot get that sweet Big Ten invitation).
  14. I think conference realignment is about money, not research. And based on the money metric, my current best guesses as the biggest targets for the Big Ten and SEC are all ACC schools, or ACC affiliates: Notre Dame Clemson UNC Duke (basketball + market) Georgia Tech (market) FSU Miami The biggest catch in the imploding Pac 12 appears to be Stanford, but I'm not sure the Big Ten wants them.
  15. Okay -- wow -- more movement today. Here's the recap: Washington & Oregon to the Big Ten Utah, Arizona, and Arizona State to the Big 12 The Big Ten will have 18 members, with four schools on the west coast. None of the west coast schools have wrestling teams. The Pac 12 -- with Colorado previously announcing its departure -- is now left with only four schools: Stanford, Cal, Oregon State, Washington State. For wrestling, the Pac 12 will have the following schools: Stanford Oregon State Cal Poly (affiliate) Cal State Bakersfield (affiliate) Arkansas at Little Rock (affiliate) However, it does not seem like the Pac 12 will survive much longer. Stanford in particular is probably desperately trying to get invited to the Big Ten. Cal probably assumes it's only shot at the Big Ten is as a companion for Stanford. For wrestling, the Big 12 will have: Iowa State Oklahoma State WVU ASU Air Force (affiliate) Cal Baptist (affiliate) Missouri (affiliate) Northern Co. (affiliate) Northern Iowa (affiliate) NDSU (affiliate) SDSU (affiliate) Utah Valley (affiliate) Wyoming (affiliate) Pretty crazy shakeup. And everyone thought NIL deals were going to ruin college sports.
  16. I think it's possible that, at some point in the future, the Big Ten and SEC agree to leave the NCAA and have their own championship game. That would really give them a stranglehold on college football money. What would that mean for minor sports? I have no idea.
  17. Burroughs already said he'd coach a new UCLA or USC program. I'd love to see it.
  18. It looks like Oregon and Washington will be joining the Big Ten. It's all about the amount of money candidate schools can bring in, including TV revenue. Once Oregon and Washington join, there will be 18 schools in the Big Ten, with four on the west coast. I wonder if they might create or reshuffle the divisions within the Big Ten (depending on the sport) to accommodate the massive distances between schools. I'm guessing the Big Ten and the SEC are looking to expand even further. Who are the biggest fish left? I'm thinking Notre Dame, Clemson, Duke, UNC, ASU, and Stanford?
  19. Actually at 61kg I'll go with Vito vs. RBY (Mex).
  20. Which of these matches could Latin America win? 57- Richards vs. Cruz (PR) 61- Vito vs. Silva (PR) 65- Lee vs. Rivera (PR) 70- Zain vs. Destribats (Arg) 74- Dake vs. Anthony Valencia (Mex) 79- Chance vs. Jones (PR) 86- DT vs. Torreblanca (Cuba) 92- Macchiavello vs. Zahid (Mex) 97- Snyder vs. Silot (Cuba) 125- Gable vs. Diaz (Ven)
  21. It's reasonable to put Dake ahead of Taylor in the p4p list based on their head-to-head results. But as of now, I am more impressed with Taylor's freestyle resume. At 2018 and 2019 worlds, Dake's best win was against Hasanov. Then at 2021 and 2022 worlds, his best win was against Salkazanov. (In both 2021 and 2022, Sidakov and Kadzi were missing from the field.) Meanwhile, each time Taylor won gold, he had to beat Yazdani. Plus, Dake does not have an Olympic title while Taylor does.
  22. My opinion... Snyder- 1x Olympic champ, 3x world champ (8x world-level medalist) DT- 1x Olympic champ, 2x world champ (4x world-level medalist) Dake- 4x world champ (5x world-level medalist) Gable- 1x Olympic champ Cox- 2x world champ (6x medalist) Zain- 1x medalist Vito- I'm just impressed ok? Chance- Beat the returning gold medalist Nick Lee- Beat the returning silver medalist Richards- Beat the returning silver medalist
  23. Steveson is on a short list of wrestlers who won world or Olympic titles before their senior years. I think it’s only Uetake, Smith, Snyder, and Steveson.
  24. I think JB once tweeted that he’d be interested in coaching at USC or UCLA.
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