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Everything posted by peanut

  1. In terms of credentials, there are two GOATS. For the four-years-of-eligibility era, it's Sanderson. For the three-years-of-eligibility era, it's Uetake. Uetake went undefeated, was never tested (according to his coach), and won an Olympic title after his sophomore season. And if we were going to say there is only one GOAT, I think Uetake has a great argument for that distinction.
  2. Here are some Olympic champs who never won an NCAA title: Peter Mehringer '32 Olympic champ Henry Wittenberg '48 Olympic champ Shelby Wilson '60 Olympic champ John Peterson '76 Olympic champ Brandon Slay '00 Olympic champ
  3. Gable is a good call. He wasn’t undefeated in college like numerous others were. He didn’t win a world-level title in the same year as an NCAA title like numerous others did. He won two world-level titles while others have won more. Yet he’s revered. His coaching career has something to do with it. But I’m guessing his tremendous work ethic, his mentality, and his toughness also had something to do with it.
  4. Just to summarize, it seems like the candidates for best individual college + senior-level years are as follows: 2023 Arujau 2021 Steveson 2016 Snyder 2011 Burroughs 1999 Neal 1988 Smith 1987 Smith 1978 Kemp 1964 Uetake 1948 Glen Brand (NCAA champ + Olympic champ) 1924 Robin Reed (pre-NCAA AAU champ + Olympic champ)
  5. Gilbert Arenas recently talked about what basketball player's admire in other basketball players. He responded to a question about how Allen Iverson could rank Kobe as the second best basketball player of all time, even though most people would rank him lower -- and I enjoyed Arenas's insights on the subject. According to Arenas, basketball players don't go by stats or accolades. They go by how a basketball player played. He said when you think of the greatest players of all time, 80-90% have truly freakish athletic ability -- MJ with huge hands and a 48" vertical, or Shaq with his enormous size. But in terms of NBA talent, Kobe was nothing special. His quickness, speed, height, hand size, and vertical didn't distinguish him. Athletically, he was standard. But, Arenas said, what Kobe did with is body was the equivalent of taking a Mercedes S500 and pushing it like a Bugatti. (Kobe famously had a freakish work ethic.) And that is what basketball players look at. Are there similar examples of wrestlers who other wrestlers see as great, whereas fans might rank those same wrestlers lower?
  6. It’s just a list I quickly threw together. Don’t read anything into it.
  7. If MM trains with Dake, he probably has experience with being shut down.
  8. I thought MM was a clear AA threat before the season started. But yeah… it’s tough to predict how anyone will do in D1 wrestling before they actually do it.
  9. MM teched his way through junior worlds. Pretty good sign that he’s elite.
  10. In 1978, Lee Kemp was an undefeated NCAA champ and world champ. In 1999, Stephen Neal was an NCAA champ, Hodge winner, world champ, and FILA Outstanding Wrestler Award winner. In 2011, JB was an NCAA champ, Hodge winner, and world champ.
  11. Poll closes on 1/19 at noon. I was only allowed 20 options. Winners get the satisfaction of being correct.
  12. I’m simply posting recommendations based on postings from law enforcement and politicians in the area. I think there’s a tiny chance any particular person will experience or see crime during a visit, but crime is indeed a problem in the DMV. Just this past November the DC mayor declared youth crime a public emergency. Further, carjackings in DC are up nearly 100% and the “overwhelming majority” of those arrested for it are juveniles.
  13. Because I'm guessing Brooks's COVID year competition (including the Big 10 tournament) was tougher than Starocci's RS year competition. If we're comparing the two, it seems most fair to disregard Brooks's COVID year and Starocci's RS year.
  14. Yeah, they're super close. Some interesting stats though, when you remove Starocci's RS year results and Brooks's COVID year results: Starocci: 65-2; '21 bonus: 25%; '22 bonus: 59.09%; '23 bonus 66.67% Brooks: 57-2; '21 bonus: 50%; '22 bonus: 63.64%; '23 bonus 66.67% Under these parameters, Starocci has a slightly better win percentage, and Brooks was more dominant out of the gate -- but Starocci quickly caught up.
  15. Starocci hasn't lost since his freshman year, and he's been slightly more dominant than Brooks (I believe), so he probably has the edge.
  16. For those of you visiting the DC area from out of town, please note that there is currently a crime problem in DC and the surrounding area. It’s sad because crime is down in most cities. As far as I know, College Park is safe. But if you venture out into the DC area, you should do your homework and be careful. Tips: Stay away from anybody who has a ski mask on. Whenever you’re in your car, have a plan to speed away from attempted carjackers. Carjacking is a huge problem in DC right now. Also, do not stop for someone asking for help when you’re in your car. It may be a trick. Stay away from unsupervised juveniles. They do not look intimidating, and 99.9% of them are good kids, but local lawmakers have said that juvenile crime is a particular problem right now.
  17. Unless I'm missing something, the Xfinity Center does in fact sell tickets for the BIG wrestling tournament directly.
  18. Where would you like to see the Ferraris (if not Iowa)? Personally, I have no opinion.
  19. Maybe Chael Sonnen could provide mentorship services. It would be interesting if the Ferraris are looking at Northern Colorado. Perhaps relative proximity to the Olympic training center is plus?
  20. Does AJ still have three years of eligibility left (including this year)? Is it even possible to enroll in a university for the spring at this point? If we're looking at AJ joining a team next year, which programs might be the best fits?
  21. I get that. But they nevertheless could added a qualifier like "Athletes are limited to four postseasons."
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