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Everything posted by Rassling

  1. I really enjoy when they show the parents reactions! Dad Munoz is PROUD of his son who looks just like his Dad!
  2. I agree under the circumstances but the fact they get to meet after Carter wrote that makes it more interesting to me!
  3. He did it and that’s all that matters Now he meets Griffith which I’m looking forward to. “I owe Shane an ass whooping” Carter Starocci. 2023
  4. A lot of good wrestlers are out of section 11 as well!
  5. Yes born and raised section 11 (eastern half of Long Island) now a PA transplant
  6. He wouldn’t have been allowed to return to the mat nowadays after a hit like that
  7. Back in the late 1990s during the NY state tourney we watched a young Popilizio get knocked out, come back win it and then earns OW.
  8. Ridge swarmed all over him. Parco vs Gomez? I honestly have no idea. Both kids are tough as nails. My hope is for Gomez to win it all.
  9. Me too after that performance and the other two that preceded this one.
  10. He’s back with a vengeance. Seeded #6? Hahaha!
  11. Woods was good but just not good enough. This should have been his year with Alvirez taking a red shirt but he failed to capitalize on it.
  12. WOW 141 is exciting as hell! Must be fun to be among the crowd at this point!
  13. Happy Birthday Fly! What a great day to celebrate!
  14. Great sportsmanship demonstrated by the two wrestlers. I like that.
  15. Nothing but praise for Shane Sparks from me! Id be happy with him at the wheel making decisions about college wrestling at many levels. ESPN can kiss my a**.
  16. I’m always in favor of our wrestlers behind the mic like Mr Robles
  17. Then what is your solution Socratease? Who would you like to see fill the roll, not for just the 3 days but to take that momentum to effect positive change afterwards?
  18. That’s interesting because the #1 reason I chose not to invest any more money (out of principle) to watch this event is because ESPN is owned by Disney who I despise with a passion. Guess I cut off my nose to spite my face this year. Next year it will my left cauliflower ear to make the same point. Eff em.
  19. Do you thinks he comes out with the brace or some sort of knee wrap? I’ve been monitoring the PSU thread for any clues but found none. I believe Carter wins it close either way.
  20. I like Hardy as a wrestler and as a person after listening to a few of his interviews. It would be nice for him to win but this weight belongs to Mendez and OSU. I’d also like to see Tom Ryan honored with another national champ.
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