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Everything posted by Rassling

  1. Is there user friendly link for live updates?
  2. Too late - my error for assuming my Comcast account would be no different than last year. I’m not tech savvy at all and I never ordered an app in my life, at least on television. Wouldn’t know where to begin. Ok back to standard TV.
  3. My Comcast line includes espn and espnu but no espn plus.
  4. Looks like Comcast is not providing multi mats like last year. Well that sucks.
  5. Cormier is one of those rare special guys who transitioned beautifully from success on the mat to success behind the mic. If he’s excited about something he get you excited about or to!
  6. Rich - me too. I’m not sure why some of the posters out of the gate are picking him to lose today but we shall see.
  7. That’s not what I was referring to. Today’s an exciting day so I won’t go back and refer to some of the previous threads expressing concern for the sport. Id rather focus on which toppings to adorn my homemade pizza with this afternoon.
  8. Now this is someone I truly dislike, for many reasons. He brings no value to the sport imo.
  9. DC is a success story through and through. Wrestling, MMA, announcer, interviewer, promoter plus he has one helluva smile and a contagious personality. Any sport would be fortunate to have him in their corner.
  10. It would be great if some of the key issues / concerns for the sport are addressed by some of these guys over the next 3 days, especially with a national audience.
  11. There are a dozen more Bo’s in the making for MMA with minimal if any wrestling no-it-alls capable of selling the connection so we get an infusion of serious $$$$.
  12. For me, investing in wrestling during the early years is like investing in gold. Wrestling is gold to me yet where are the investors? Where have you been besides online at all hours of the night? What have YOU done to solidify our base over the years so our foundation is strong today? The movers and the shakers in the worlds oldest sport have FAILED to protect the sport for future generations to come The young talented kids have no idea just how fragile the sport truly is and it’s largely attributable to those with only clown emojis in their arsenal. Anyone following the upcoming MMA 300 via Bo coming up? Of course not, but the answer to elevate this sport through the stratosphere is right in front of our eyes. MMA enjoys much success through its former wrestlers. From what I can see, none of YOU have yet to connect the dots. If wrestling goes the same route as the Dodo bird it should be front and center on the resume of those who thought they meant something when in fact they meant very little.
  13. perhaps some of these big shots boasting about spending 5K to attend the NCAA event could to donate that money to a struggling school(s) and just stay at home like the rest of us and watch it on the big screen.
  14. The sport needs more Mannings to step up to the plate to voice their concerns. Seems like he’s been holding in these thoughts for sometime.
  15. Says the true keyboard warrior with 6500 + posts. Perhaps the amount of time spent here may have been better spent with family? D1 just lost another wrestling program, and your plan is?
  16. Interesting thread, I hope to see more like this one.
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