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Everything posted by Rassling

  1. Wow!!!! I did not see that yesterday. That’s the New York in him doing that! Thanks for posting this PA!
  2. I’ll be happy as a clam when all these Covid guys are finally outta here!
  3. The refs I believe- no way I can be convinced it was directed towards the wrestler. Then again the wrestling community has been very outspoken against some of its best wrestlers lately. I get it there’s meanness everywhere and in every sport but some more than others. Take a look at some of the pricks in here and in the international forum. It’s just human nature I guess.
  4. I’d like to hear it from one of you who is there. It’s hard to believe a large portion of the crowd would boo any wrestler especially after winning. I do not appreciate the kids wrestling style but I would never participate in booing him knowing he has parents there supporting him.
  5. Yozzo had one of the slickest ankle picks I’ve ever seen.
  6. Interesting that a LIVE and FREE 3 hour UFC event is taking place back to back on ESPN immediately after the finals tonight. Coincidence, or perfectly planned to dovetail the D1 college wrestling championships tonight?
  7. Ok thank you. I’m not tech savvy at all and it does sound like I won’t be able to implement it. I made the mistake of asking someone else to do it which I shouldn’t have done. i just thought it would be interesting to see everyone’s ( including the lurkers) predictions (percentage-wise) for tonight. Thanks again sir!
  8. Why they chose this emasculated “man” to interview real men engaged in a real man’s sport is beyond me.
  9. We both posted the same thing at the same time! So there you have it - he ain’t coming back ha!
  10. Did he? I know he referenced having to go back to class if he returns and he didn’t seem to like that idea. Hey who knows.
  11. Peanut - is that live graph you use accessible through this site?
  12. Interesting to see who’s not only winning but dominating their opponents when you lay it out like that. Great job Peanut!
  13. That was his favorite move to turn. . Reminded me of Spencer with his tight waste arm bar
  14. 125 Fig 133 Arujae 141 Mendez 149 Gomez 157 Haines 165 Brick 174 Starocci 184 Keckeisen 197 Brooks Hwt Kerkvliet
  15. I meant no disrespect by asking you to set this up despite what’s noted above. Anyone can create a thread but I’m out in left field when it comes to excel or what ever program you use. My apologies for the misunderstanding
  16. Hey John’s Toilet was I speaking to you? the thread is one thing but I have no idea how to include the running bar graphs you guys sometime use.
  17. Wrestle - do you have a moment to set up a who ya got thread for tonight’s finals. It!will be interesting how everyone feels vs the actual outcome tonight.Tks
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