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Everything posted by Rassling

  1. Why even acknowledge such an idiotic post. The wanna be title niner probably has a crush on him and he’s not interested.
  2. Jesse Jantzen sec 11 / Harvard immediately comes to mind.
  3. I still can’t get over the crowd booing Fix last night. Can anyone there confirm it was Fix they were booing at, or was it another match?
  4. Interesting how little acknowledgment was made for #9 Carter knocking off two former champs. That’s because everyone who’s anyone views Carter as #1 which is how he will end his college wrestling career this evening, number ONE. Carter for OW.
  5. He already beat him 11-3 in the semis last and this year he’ll do it again. Vito will be hitting Fix often with his elbow pass to quick side step to single leg take down and probably right to his back a few times. Tech perhaps?
  6. Take a listen to this remarkable interview with MM after the semis. This kid is going places on and off the mat.
  7. This guy will succeed in what ever he chooses to do in life. Attitude of gratitude on display right there.
  8. Ha - he’s such a fake phoney fraud. Id like to see one of the kids just walk away without saying anything after one of his disingenuous comments
  9. I don’t understand why the NCAA can’t hire a wrestler to do the interviews after a match like this.
  10. How about this ASU team! Many studs putting on a show.
  11. Very happy with the results of both matches. Now I’m even more confident Gomez pulls this thing off tomorrow night.
  12. Gomez is not even breathing. Guy came in at great shape.
  13. Man does that performance by Vito not make you proud to be a wrestling fan. Against a guy like Crookman no less!
  14. Vito wrestling Crook like he wrestled RBY plus he has something to prove.
  15. Fig is a 3 x California state champ. We’re seeing why.
  16. Don’t recall this many really really tough 125’ers in one tournament in a long time.
  17. Great job man, the graphics and the intro setting the stage!
  18. Wow I wish I saw that. Zooming in on family after a win is something I always look forward to!
  19. “Sipping on gin and juice” Cheers boyz, it’s been fun so far! See ya in a few hours!
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