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Everything posted by jackwebster

  1. I think the point is that WKN would never leave a full drink around.
  2. Can you explain "sequencing" so I can get the joke?
  3. I was recently rewatching his finals, and he would tilt with what looked like a hug, like he just gently wraps his arms around the dude -- no lock -- and leans over. Crazy.
  4. Mark my words: the current crop of youngsters who grew up with an existential fear of climate disaster, plague, and economic collapse and/or with a thorough distrust of the political mechanisms that spread this fear will not be motivated by fun, games, dodgeball, and play wrestling. The surly is coming.
  5. Really? I did not know this rule of bougie decorum.
  6. Despite the evangelism, the PSU guys seem pleasant. They smile and even laugh when they win. Even Bo Nikal who makes his living hurting other people at least went through the motions. Is there no room for surly dudes anymore?
  7. Really? I did not know this. Could you tell us more? Like, were all parties ok with this?
  8. Im gonna go ahead and hijack this Ferrari thread. Apologies. Re Smith and Reinoso: There is some debate about whether Smith held something back in the Olympic pool match bc he knew that the Cuban would have to pin him to advance. Watching the match, that seems possible. JS keeps getting stuck in the same position (like a Merkle) but doesn't seem that worried about trying something different. However, those interviews leading up to Barcelona make it hard to believe that he would ever concede a match, esp to Reinoso: “It’s the same way with that Cuban. Even today I think about this guy beating me. I think about it every time I see him, everywhere I go at world events. I look across at him and he can say he beat me. It just . . . just gives me stomachaches when I think about it. I mean, this guy got beat by a guy from Sri Lanka at the World Championships. Sri Lanka? Where’s Sri Lanka? Sri Lanka. And he beat me. A guy from Sri Lanka can’t even beat high school wrestlers from the USA. It just takes a little bit of you. I don’t think I’ll ever get over things like that.
  9. I couldn't read that one before it kicked me out, but I think you are right: Wrestling With Himself : Olympic Champion John Smith Blocks Out Everything Else, Then Beats Everyone Else - Los Angeles Times https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1992-07-19-sp-4788-story.html
  10. I saw the match online. In the vid, JS was shooting toward the viewer at the dude's left leg. Reinoso, or whoever it was, moves his left leg to the right until he and JS are facing the camera. Then, the Cuban sorta squats on him. JS ends up losing the match. My memory is that the vid is in waay low def, like John Smith vs Alan Fried low def It must be that match from 1990 at Cerro Pelado. . . and the vid is out there or lost in the interether . . . or it's time to go back to my shrink for a refill.
  11. Those are serious programs. I imagine the majority (?) of the grad guys are also hitting the books. For the others, I wonder if they just call it a day after the tournament. It might make more career/financial sense to just get on with your life, opportunity cost and all.
  12. What sorta advanced degrees are the 6th year guys getting? Here's one: Masters Degree in Leisure Studies: Applied Health and Recreation. I won't even bother with a one-liner. I'm just wondering about other interesting grad programs.
  13. Ugghh. It's neither the Olympics nor the Grand Masters. I can't find it. I'm starting to think I imagined it. Maybe somebody can help. Where quick_single when you need him?
  14. The video openly discusses the problems in the home.
  15. Fwiw Relative Age Effect: Beyond the Youth Phenomenon - PMC https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7692010/
  16. That's the move that Reinoso used to take down Smith.
  17. I think he was mocking my misspelling. Btw it's nowhere near Texas.
  18. Really? I didn't even know they had wrestling.
  19. I was born at Muskogee General Hospital. My mom went to school with JC Watts. My dad taught and coached there.
  20. Murin got way better. Idk what was expected of him. Brands got better. He was beating guys he shouldnt have. I don't think he was a highly regarded recruit.
  21. This is the biggest self-own of all time. Spratley is from Eufala. Ever been to Eufala? It's a place where McAllister is the Big City. That dude got out. No way he's coming back without a little push. (Only half kidding)
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