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Everything posted by Bigbrog

  1. Claiming something is "Childish" and then using the term MEGA....golden...good work Plasi....good work
  2. Sorry I don't do twitter/X...does it just say Boom, or is there a reference to AJ?
  3. ThreePointTakedown reminds me of the lady waiting in line to get on the plane watching the US Marshals bring up a guy in chains to the front of the line to get on first...and she says "I can't believe they are doing that to that poor man and embarrassing him like that."...to which, before I could say anything, a guy a few spots back goes..."Wonder how his victims feel?"
  4. Why does someone's video of Jan 6th always have to do with Tucker?? Weird.... Anyway, what are people so afraid of when it comes to new video's of that day?? That it won't jive with what ABC/CNN/MSNBC's news told them???. Hypocrisy is abound when it comes to Jan 6th. If both sides were honest, everyone would be open to any and all videos, all the "evidence" and not jump on the political wordsmithing MSM bandwagon every second they can get to call things big bad names so it sounds ten times worse than it TRULY was...and all that just for political reasons. Here is a hint...you can not like Trump and not think Jan 6th was an INSURECTION!! I know the media tells you those two things aren't exclusive...but they are. The saddest part is that MSM and people who follow them without questions pick and choose what they get all mad about instead of being consistent in what is a "protest", a "riot", etc. Makes a lot of people look really stupid...especially when they come on here and speak as if they are all knowing that Jan 6th was this HORRIFIC time in our history and lie to themselves by saying that group of idiots on Jan 6th went there to overthrow the election and yell INSERECTION!! Half of you probably don't even know what that word means except for what the news fed you.
  5. I wonder where all those "inner circle" people are that can attest to his claim that he is a "nice guy"? You don't ever hear, or at least I never have, people that truly know him stick up for him or come out in support of him. His dad/family don't count...but even there you don't hear much...again at least I haven't seen or heard much. Anyway, clearly he is a narcist.
  6. ?? What do I have to do with any of this? I haven't even posted on these threads about Jan 6th. But nice job making a point...however, no one knows what it is. I can't bring myself to post on anything that neutral starts...there is crazy (like you Plasi)...then there is Ban type crazy...aka, neutral
  7. Suppose you would think this is funny....
  8. Interesting/sad take. Why are you so quick to judge/prosecute certain people for certain things but yet are so quick to easily dismiss the implications of being associated with this completely sick and disgusting human being?? You think it is just "coincidental" people are named and being shown to have been to pedo-island?? I'm always amazed at what some people find noteworthy and what they don't...
  9. Good question Threadkilla! One can only speculate as to why....
  10. Ummm...reporting doesn't equal court documents
  11. As much as I don't like the idea of it, I agree with this as a way to fix the problem.
  12. Are you saying most Christians are racist?
  13. I agree...just like when people claim it is racists to require ID's to vote...however, you then turn around do exactly what you claim others do by writing the last sentence.
  14. Hard to understand some of the "logic" on here about immigration. To say "who is going to work the farms?" if we fix our broken immigration system is total speculation and...well...stupid. If we fix what is broken why would it mean that people would stop coming into the US??? And how is fixing the broken system and asking that our boarders be secure "racist"?? Mind boggling that a thing like a secure boarder has become a divisive thing and get's labeled "racist". I think people forget that presidents on both sides of the isle have called for a more secure boarder. When president Obama said it did people call it racist??
  15. Easy question...I have had as much opportunity as my best friend from high school...yet he makes significantly more money than me. Another example...professional athletes...I could never be professional basketball player due to my physical make up.
  16. You know...this was actually a good post. This I can get on board within terms of having a discussion. You are right...I do get a little "squirrely" when people claim "privilege" as a reason people made something of themselves and others who haven't made something of themselves didn't have "privilege". Anyway, I understand the past and how terrible it was for certain groups of people...we should NEVER repeat those times in our history; however, we shouldn't oppress groups of people for oppressing other's in the past. We have done a good job and continue to do a good job to fix the policies that do not promote fairness...but I live by the moto that fair doesn't mean equal either. I also live by the adage that I treat everyone equally and only judge people based on their character....not their skin color, where they were born, who they marry, how much money they have or don't have, or how they identify themselves or dress. Anyway, thanks for posting a non-judgmental/confrontational post...even though mine was. Merry Christmas!
  17. This is a tough one, except for the fact that that guy shouldn't have ever been a police officer. Seems to me that every cop I know or have ever known swears by the moto "To Serve and Protect"...and they do it at all costs...especially when it comes to children.
  18. Wow...you claim others of having a "MO"...you ASSuming things about people is your "MO". Funny part is you "think" you are fighting for the oppressed when in actuality you are doing no one any good with the things you say. Here is a hint, people that are less fortunate than others don't need you making excuses for them. Excuse after excuse. By the way, it isn't a person's fault if they had a good family to fall back on. It isn't anyone's fault if they worked hard to get themselves out of a bad situation. I too was in jross' position when I was younger, almost exactly the same position, a lot of debt and missed payments from extremely high interest rate credit cards and loans (I had no debt history, nor did my family), but I didn't have any of the things you claimed he had, and I was still able to get out of the debt I racked up...how...through working multiple jobs, getting a degree, and learning how to budget with absolutely ZERO help from anyone else. Let's see if you can work in reality and facts instead of pure emotion...who are the "victims still today"? And I ask based on policies in place today, or "systemic actions" that occur today. Please provide actual evidence of this.
  19. Unlike you I answered based on my opinion and what I think, not assuming what other people think.
  20. After all that over-emotional foot stomping and belly aching in the original post....I weep for people who don't know how to think for themselves and only read and listen to the things they want to hear so they can be the victim or make others out to be victims.
  21. I can't believe 3 point takedown hasn't come on here to lecture people about "privilege" yet....
  22. This is why I love Bill Burr....he talks about Trump and liberals and think his take is spot on...the whole clip is great but this part starts about 7:20 min in
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