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Everything posted by Lipdrag

  1. I stipulate what you say. Musk has probably made more than $9 billion from the credits because the share value of Tesla reflects people's opinion that Tesla does not have to have a valid business model but simply be subsidized in every phase of its business cycle: development - Direct cash grants and subsidized via tax abatement operations - Direct cash grants and subsidized via tax abatements sales - mandated and buyers are subsidized including direct cash payments sales of cars by competitors - competitors penalized and Tesla given cash The investors know it is not a valid business model but a hoax - backed by unwise ideologues and people demogoging the situation - and they are in on it. "if the govt set up rules/criteria for receiving the subsidy or for customers receiving and Tesla qualifies then it should continue till the program is changed." Note: I blame Tesla and Musk not one bit for recognizing the hoax and winning the game.
  2. Tesla makes cars at a huge loss. Carbon credits is the main business of Tesla. So, due to made up games (aka a hoax) of spreadsheet formulas we have given $9 billion to the richest man in the world and the total is increasing at a rate of about $20,000 per hour. So, yeah. It feels kind of hoax-y.
  3. Chicago is a sanctuary for criminals but not for citizens. Citizens pay their tax dollars to keep criminals criminating. Elections have consequences.
  4. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Aside from learning how America would not exist in anything like its present form without Hamilton the most striking to me was learning of the human flaws of the founding founders. The petty squabbles - and the momentous ones.
  5. Cow farts. Up until then I thought only the Climateers were silly Chicken Littles crying about the sky falling. Then, when cow farts became the disaster ju jour I knew that Climateers also think they can declare anything a cause of global warming and expect worldwide social upheaval to address their panic. Centipede toe cheese emits 72% more methane than cow farts. Trust me. I wouldn't hoax you on something as important as the end of the world!
  6. 65% of blacks are worried about change in climate (aka Delta Climate for you sciencey equation inclined people - let's shorten it to DC). The Climateers are trying induce widespread panic. Let's designate them Panic Climateers - PC. Do 65% of blacks in Africa have DC induced stress? Same climate facts exist there as here. So, is the DC the cause of the stress or is the cause of DC stress the PC themselves? The key to a happier life is clearly to avoid DC and PC.
  7. Gentlemen, I stipulate the sensual corporal experience is more encompassing by touching the book and turning the page. I also learned what YMMV means after looking it up.
  8. Right. It's different. Listening to a book of a written language being read is different. Different, but still counts. Don't make me go get Larry Bird (world famous trash talker if there ever was one) in here to trash talk both of you about all of the audiobooks he counts.
  9. Audiobooks count. Braille isn't actually reading either, it is feeling. But I am sure you won't tell a blind guy that the way he experiences a book does not "count". The sense (sight, touch, sound) through which the information enters your consciousness should not be subject to discrimination. Show some tolerance for diversity, dude. I read the first 100 pages of Hamilton then listened to the next 600+ via Libby. Often in the car and doing yard chores. Sometimes I would find a couple more tasks to do outside to get through a particularly interesting bit of the book or arrive at my destination but remain in the car listening for a bit until reaching a natural break in the narrative. PS, did I do an OK job of trash talking you? Maybe I should read the book.
  10. "We are going to steal billions of dollars (pushing it over a trillion with accumulated interest due to all of it being borrowed) from your children and grandchildren and give you 51% of the stolen money - most of which will go to the bluest cities and bluest people in your state. How about colluding with us on this generational theft?" Yeah, I don't know how red state representatives resisted the urge to take part in the larceny.
  11. People see what they believe Even when the opposite is extremely visible. Right up until reality becomes undeniable. I am repeatedly amazed at the superhuman ability to deny reality by some of our fellow ordinary appearing humans.
  12. Yes they did. Just like the Venezuelans went on a big socialist diet
  13. Reality just won't play ball with fantasy concepts like "Let's make it more expensive and expect the customers to act the same." Reality sucks.
  14. “Living life according to the dominant social norms of personal responsibility and virtue is not universally health‑promoting,” Geronimus wrote in a Harvard Public Health essay last year. “On the contrary: if you’re Black, working hard and playing by the rules can be part of what kills you.” " . . . Geronimus’ . . . , the concept she pioneered – “weathering” – . . . ideology that is now upending medicine and social policy" If her hypothesis is correct that practicing personal responsibility and virtue is killing blacks and browns then what is her proposed solution? Complete geographic resegregation? Shall we send everyone back? How does her hypothesis contend with the fact that men have a lower life expectancy than women? The Matriarchy is killing us?
  15. Pro #1 - Not Hillary Clinton Pro #2 - Not Joe Biden Con - No apparent real guiding governing or philosophical principles.
  16. Just pulled Walden off my shelf last night Was asleep before page 4. But I am going to make a go of it. I love the title But What if We're Wrong. The present day hubris about people of the past is shocking. If Walden can't hold my attention - probably - I may switch quickly. Edit: Whoa! I just read a review. The book has perspicacity. I need more of that in my life! “Full of intelligence and insights, as the author gleefully turns ideas upside down to better understand them. . . Replete with lots of nifty, whimsical footnotes, this clever, speculative book challenges our beliefs with jocularity and perspicacity.” —Kirkus (starred review)
  17. I propose a Constitutional Amendment. In addition to the following requirements to be eligible to be elected President: The 4 Requirements Are: To be a natural-born US citizen. To be a minimum age of 35 years old. To have been a resident of the United States for 14 years. To have not served for 2 terms previously as president. 5. Competent to stand trial. Otherwise the president might be unimpeachable!
  18. The Biden joke is on us. It is on and all over all of us. The Dems pulled off a real live nationwide Weekend at Bernie's scam. Here's Biden, complete with his signature sunglasses. At least 74 million people detected the joke and tried to stop it. Now some of the rest are finally becoming aware that Bernie is not all there. Welcome to the Party, Pals.
  19. Can't be. He's white. But he is analytical.
  20. Stall camp graduates. Actually they are probably stall camp instructors from Michigan. Motto: We will take no shot before its (over)time. The Paul Masson of college wrestling:
  21. Amine has looked miserable on the mat all year.
  22. Amine does not act like it even started.
  23. Dual National Championship. Let Kerkvliet and Starocci choose sides and let'r'rip.
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