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Everything posted by Lipdrag

  1. Only to your own kid. What did he learn and how does that match go 45 seconds or the whole first period next time? Any other discussion by a parent with an opposing coach is absolutely out of bounds. IMHO
  2. MAGA riots are a very slow burn. Wait for it . . . The unarmed, no explosions nor fires, vehicles undamaged, selfie-taking, waved in by police, stay between the velvet ropes rioters are about to start their mostly unpeaceful strolls.
  3. For every action there is an inaction. Physics. Wayne Newton. Quote Gold.
  4. Agree. Also, a counter takedown should not be the same points as an initiated takedown.
  5. Entitled to what? I have several family members who are both users and dealers. They were born into the same circumstances I was. They made choices. They steal, They live on ENTITLEMENTS (it is amazing how disabled these druggies are) then use them to pay for drugs. When their ENTITLEMENT cash runs out they commit crimes (often on other of my family members) to get drugs. I am aghast that the (un)justice system does not protect the citizenry from these criminals. Almost none of the "low level non violent" offenders are first time offenders. It may be the first time they were caught but it absolutely not is the first time most actually used drugs. Entitlement going on?!? Only entitled people involved in this opinion are the the drug users sucking off society - not the upstanding members of society paying the taxes for the druggies' entitlements and then being victimized by the same druggies stealing from said upstanding members of society to pay for their asinine choices.
  6. If you give up your drug dealer you get probation for the time of your drug dealer's sentence. If you do not give up your drug dealer then you do the sentence of your drug dealer. Drug dealer sentences should be SIGNIFICANT. Example: if you sell drugs (a felony) to someone who ODs then you should be subject to homicide charges. Just like if you are committing armed robbery and "accidentally" kill someone you are subject to murder charges. Strolling through the capitol and taking selfies - no incarceration. Trespassing fine of $100 or so is sufficient.
  7. Very nice uses of match/duel/dual/match.
  8. Echoing 'Rasta; I, too, have reconsidered and softened my opinion, or sharpened my thinking, or become aware of something I had not previously considered at all on some topics (both wrestling and non-wrestling related) via being a member of this forum. I don't have specifics immediately in mind but can certify (sorry 3PtTD without proof) that it has happened and continues to happen.
  9. Gravity: It's Only a Theory Can't be proven. Only observed, measured, predicted, etc. But not proven. Our existence. Can't be proven. We might be a dream in a really big sleepy giant's nightly repose. This is an opinion and discussion forum. Not a proof forum. Yelling "Prove it!" is the equivalent of blowing a raspberry. Satisfying to the blower, I suppose, but a defective discussion technique.
  10. Massive style points for a drop from The Streak!!! Oh, the humanity!!
  11. I know, bud. I was just bustin' your chops. $5k for dirty old sweats is outlandish.
  12. Um, these were the citations. Census. Rasmussen. Reading comprehension is a skill. Usually expected by 5th grade or so. I guess you can call the census a non-factual collection of unknown schmucks' opinions of their citizenship and voter registration status. I will grant it validity. I don't know Rasmussen or his company but I have not heard their polls are any less valid than anyone else's or that they poll schmuckie recluses more than any other polling entity. Isn't a poll by definition a factual documentation of someone's opinion obtained by asking him or her? What is your beef with Rasmussen and the census bureau? As far as the math - 31%, 45%, and 72% in a poll usually do have error bands of +/-. 3% or so. I took 1/3 swaths of the citizens as D, R, and I which was a reasonable estimate. Maybe the actuals are 30%, 30%, 40%. Maybe 29.5%, 38.7%, 31.8%. By definition, all estimates can be made more precise but not a single bit of more precision will change the conclusion that over 50 million American citizens self-identifying as D or I do not believe that 81 million of their fellow citizens cast legal valid votes for Joe Biden. And they are not gullible and eager Trumpies. The more problematic thing is that 2 of 3 voters are concerned about cheating affecting the 2024 election. Do you think the number is really 3 of 5? Or 7 of 10? If the number is more than 1 of 10 then we have a really big issue with perceived integrity of the election and therefore with the public granting validity to the officials exercising public authority. This isn't about Trump. It is much bigger than that.
  13. 31% of Democrats and 45% of independents don't believe Brandon got 81 million citizens validly casting a ballot for him. Let's do some math: Extrapolating the numbers and assume they are statistically valid and throw some Kentucky windage at this and say 1/3 of the total are Dems, 1/3 Reps, and 1/3 Indys and we have almost 240 million citizens > 24 million Dems (31%) and 36 million Indys (45%) for a total of almost 61 million who do not believe Brandon 81 million American citizens voted for Brandon. ~ 58 million Reps (72%) do not believe Let's Go got 81 million American citizen votes. By your logic, there are more Dem + Indy MAGAs than Rep MAGAs. Those are some seriously gullible and eager peeps to register as Dem and Indy yet STILL serve said single person's purposes. Or, you are wrong. The election had very obvious "irregularities" which will be repeated and all 3 sides (D, R, I) know it. The MAGA Dems in Bridgeport and Patterson already are experiencing the "most secure elections" in US history and the associated invalidation of those ironclad elections. Elections just keep getting more securer and honester. What do 2/3 of the people who actually vote know about anything? Rubes.
  14. You can now buy wrestling history.....for a price! Redundancy Department of Redundancy Whenever you buy something it has a price. That is what the word "buy" means. Anyone who buys an EV has money laying around to throw away on a symbolic sentimental items of little actual usefulness and value. At least these things probably won't depreciate as fast nor be as awful for the environment when they reach the time to send them to the landfill.
  15. She brings her hips to the party. And they don't lie.
  16. Make your list and tell us what you are thinking. Don't over think it.
  17. I think your statement of " . . . do not have much in common with . . . wish no ill will, but . . . " is quite reasonable. However, if someone not from your side of any issue so much as hesitates a second before lavishing slobbering wet kisses on child mutilators and does not want porn in kindergarten libraries then he has "fears", is a phobist, and is accused of violating the civil rights of half the country's population. Can lose his job. Be assigned re-education. And there are even laws being passed that could put him in jail. If we apply the same rules to your very benign and reasonable statement then your sentiment makes you a hater and a conservaphobe. Imagine worrying that if someone here sent your statement to your HR office you could very probably lose your job. I am not being dramatic. I personally know of a person who ventured an opinion in an opinion forum outside of work in which he disagreed with the virtuous nature of chemical castration of children. Person was fired from his company for it. The company makes components for trucks, cars, trains, etc. Fired. Not much humanity in that disagreement, was there?
  18. I think the Commander in Chief also requested additional security including the National Guard and was turned down. Citizens roaming about and taking selfies in the capitol on that day happened because the Dems wanted it to happen.
  19. No & No! Oops. You're correct. He was pinfelled.
  20. Does anyone have any confidence in Joe Biden and his staff meeting with president XI? Xi and his staff have lots of confidence!
  21. The THE is capitalized and shall not be abbreviated. THEosu. After the THE nothing else matters in columbus. It also must be said while inhaling and with an audible snort before any following noises are uttered. Trademarks are no longer simply visual. Audible emanations are included and must be practiced for precise usage. All other uses of exclaming inhalations and snorts will be pursued by injunctions. I have heard a rumor they will be dropping Ohio, state, and university from all branded merch and simply be known as THE soon. wOSU is clever and I like it. If OKST is not acceptable to all I think we must insist that all OSU references need modifiers. An unadorned OSU simply cannot stand. I nominate cOSU which can stand for Cowboy OSU or Central OSU. Oh, and by the way, Johnny Hendricks was pinned.
  22. The Palestinians are suffering because of the actions of the Palestinians. Now and in the past. Palestinian political geniuses did all of this calculating. They knew there would be an Israeli response. They knew, as does Uncle Bernard, that no Arabs would let them in. Therefore they knew that their people would die due to their actions and they did it anyway. They chose this. The only miscalculation was that they misunderstood the resolve of the Israelis. Cease fires help the sneak attack aggressors. Imagine if Japan had asked for a cease fire after Pearl Harbor or Midway. If Germany had called for a cease fire at the same time in June of 1942. Antifa would have a real set of fascists to complain about rather than a reality TV show blowhard. Unconditional surrender and begging for peace by the losing side is the only long term way out of this now because the next set of terrorists do not honor the agreements made by the last set of terrorists. The tricky part is which side will be the losing side and who foolishly decides to join it?
  23. Very nice differentiation, precision, and concise response on the exactness of the dbagness. Forums (Fora, I suppose) are the exact place to ask and discuss/debate questions of this nature without the hurling of ad hominen insults. Seems many do not realize this and think insulting someone personally is discussing/debating.
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