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Everything posted by Lipdrag

  1. give free drug kits with plastic straws. Why can't drug addicts use useless paper straws like the rest of us? What makes them special and above the law? In California drug addicts have rights that normal citizens don't. Same with illegal aliens. If you are a law abiding normal American citizen with no particular skew in any direction then you are very very controlled and oppressed by CA state government. If not, then you get rights and privileges beyond imagination - like plastic straws without penalty and other wondrous things.
  2. Polls are done by asking real people their opinion. Ballots are a different thing. Biden's ballots are going to be up in those battleground states. Biden's ballots will show he is a more popular democrat than Barack Obama. By A LOT because that is how many ballots it will take to beat Trump. All the polls are doing is showing the DNC how many ballots they will need to generate.
  3. The House just passed a bill to detain and deport illegal aliens who assault police officers. Why did the House not pass a bill to detain and deport illegal aliens who assault humans? With a rider to detain and deport illegal aliens who are aliens here illegally? Why do police officers get special protections? They are armed anyway. Maybe this is a way to chip away at the problem: Pass laws incrementally to detain and deport illegal aliens who commit violence against protected groups (i.e. women, lesbians, gays, blacks, asians, hispanics, indians, non-christians, transes, furries, children, leftists, democrats, elderly, etc.) in addition to police officers. Then the only people illegal aliens can assault with impunity becomes straight, white, adult, conservative, males which account for about 20% of our population. Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and all of its close relative acts: [VALA, VAGA, VABA, VAAA, VAHA, VANCA, VATA, VAFA, VACA, VALeA, VADA, VAEA, and the VAPA (Violence against Police Act)] I think could all pass with a hate crime rider on them. VASWACMA (Violence against Straight, White, Adult, Conservative, Males Act) will, of course, fail.
  4. I was incredulous that the courts would not even consider the evidence and dismissed cases based on lack of standing. Justice was not done. The justice department(s) (local, state, and federal) avoided having to even hear if they had to administer justice. There is no wonder in my mind how many of the institutions of our country (academia, media, courts, law enforcement, government agencies, healthcare, corporate boards, etc.) are finding themselves in a state of cratering public trust. When the courts use contortions to claim that American citizens have no standing to have evidence examined in a case about the election of the American presidency they have worked hard to earn and rightly deserve our disdain.
  5. How can a water main break in Atlanta, unplanned and unneeded building evacuation in Detroit, flash drive losses in Milwaukee, and other random events that all occurred within minutes of each other on a particular night and helped one specific person be considered to be caused by a very interested party that has its sole goal as helping that one specific person? RIdiculous (and criminal) to question these random and totally unrelated topics. Nothing to see here. Move along, America, and sin no more via your silly noticing of things that don't make sense and are impossible to have happened randomly.
  6. Biden calls calls Al Gore a Big Fat Liar. Biden states, "I, you know, man, invented the thing. Come on, man. The interweb. The googlenet. The world wide wave. The cyberwax. Gore is a dog faced pony soldier. Neil Kinnock (look it up) knows I invented it."
  7. https://babylonbee.com/news/latest-polls-show-biden-will-need-twice-as-many-fake-ballots-to-win-election-this-year
  8. The government is so good at helping through lies that the government (FBI) will lie to itself (FISA court) and the government charged with prosecuting crime (federal courts and prosecutors) will do nothing to stop it! Then the government (congress) will pass a law extending and further enabling the further lying by government to government to "help" citizens even more. Gotta love all this help. We certainly are paying enough of our life's precious energy for it.
  9. Not fishy. It was the plan. Find out how many votes (oops, I meant ballots) are required to win at midnight then go make the (or retrieve the pre-made) ballots. That was the plan. It was published. Media outlets were saying it was going to happen. Paraphrasing, "Don't be surprised if when you go to bed Trump is leading but Democrat ballots will be counted later and Biden will win." It was also Clinton's plan. Her team simply did not realize the extent of the ballot preparation required. This year will be interesting. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice . . .
  10. Israel Warns Civilians To Evacuate Rafah In Most Incompetent Genocide Ever https://babylonbee.com/news/israel-warns-civilians-to-evacuate-rafah-in-most-incompetent-genocide-ever
  11. "A 15 month old they them." For singular plural pronouns how do we treat the verbs? Normal pronouns/grammar: "He wants his pacifier." Groomer pronouns/grammar: "They wants their pacifier." Or "They want their pacifier."? Does pronoun legislation extend to the verb also? Redefining words to fit an agenda is confusing.
  12. Representation without taxation is one of our biggest problems. People who pay no federal income taxes and very few other taxes get to vote on how to divvy up my earnings and to vote for politicians/policies leading to massive debt. How could that possibly go wrong?!?
  13. Because it is not news. Mentally unstable people doing irrational and criminal things is normal for them. Dog bites man is not news. Crazy nut committing crime is not news.
  14. Yet our test scores relative to the world continue to freefall.
  15. Very interesting fusion of sexual abnormalcy controversies: gay men in positions of power sexually abusing children/adolescents and leftist sex/gender ideologues chemically and surgically altering children/adolescents with a mental disorder - gender dysphoria. Is TPT is excusing the second because of the improper reaction to the former?
  16. Husker, you are right and wrong. Of course you are right that one doesn't have to be directly or personally affected to have a valid opinion and the moral authority to speak about something. I haven't been murdered yet but I am against it. I guess that makes me a bigoted murderphobe. You are wrong that you have not been directly affected by illegal aliens. Everyone is affected by illegal aliens being here when tax money is spent to accommodate them. Those are dollars our grandchildren will have to pay back with interest.
  17. Don't forget to add the tinfoil head protection against space rays. No collection of worthlessness is complete without that. I think I brought up the mask issue in this thread. I mentioned that I sometimes doubt if we can answer "Yes" to the second question of the National Anthem. I used the example of the worse than worthless masking mandates lending doubt that we are still the home of the brave and land of the free. I am surprised that it went viral.
  18. But wind is free!!! The electricity from the wind must be free also!!!! In fact, we will have so much free electricity that we can turn it into money (via made up things like carbon credits, natch) and give the electricity and the money away to illegal aliens and homeless people!!! Only right wing extremist climate science deniers can't understand this!!! If only they would agree with us then the free electricity and excess money will start flowing. Their denying it is what makes it not work yet.
  19. If people who trans are more likely to die prematurely then it seems like not transing them is the most pro-life position.
  20. Which "don't" are we discussing? Biden's "don't" to Iran telling them not to get involved nor to let their proxies get involved in Hamas/Israel kerfuffle? Iran ignored that within minutes. Biden's "don't" to Israel telling them not to retaliate against Iran's missile barrage? Or one of Obama's famous "don't" diplomacy declarations? I don't know which don't is the topic of the discussion.
  21. Let's apply some Lobster Logic: Millions of people voluntarily build fences around their properties. Public servants in every jurisdiction wear gold stars proudly and conspicuously. Tattoos are displayed with joy by people. Free food, clothes, transportation, and health care are sought by people the world over. Therefore, if a government were to provide these things we all would be in a form of heaven. Anyone whining about having to wear a thin easy to attach gold star to help each other out needs a swift kick in the ass. Anyone whining about having to get a small easy tattoo to help each other out needs a swift kick in the ass. Anyone whining about having to live in a secure gated community with free food, clothing, health care, and all the exercise you want to help each other out needs a swift kick in the ass. There have been several such a benevolent governments that gave all these things to special people and also gave swift kicks in the ass to whiners with the temerity to complain. Lobster just loves those types of ass kicking governments and the type of people who implemented them.
  22. Nope. Those masks were no more useful than tin foil hats helping out crazy people defend against space rays. Your point is refuted.
  23. The US of A. The end of black enslavement in America. The removal of the wehrmacht from Western and Eastern Europe. I know those things are only about 250, 160, and 80 years old so it is kind of early to tell if they will last. But each was gotten when the good guys wielded not only the barrels of guns but also the high velocity projectiles emanating from the ends of those barrels. Asking the British parliament and monarchy, asking the slaveholders, and asking the wehrmacht to see the light was spectacularly unsuccessful. Maybe no one said the magic word. Please.
  24. Here are the masks my colleagues and I wore every day. The last picture is the helmet my mask attached to and other gear I wore every day. I no longer have my mask from 35 years ago as I gave it to the aviator in picture 3 who is my son. Tough enough for you, RL?
  25. O! say does that star-spangled Banner yet wave, ⁠O'er the Land of the free and the home of the brave? The question now has changed from the original. No longer is the fact of the waving in question as it was when Key wrote the lyrics. Whether we remain in the land of the free and the home of the brave is now the pertinent part of the question. I, personally, felt distinctly unfree and cowardly wearing that idiotic, inane, and ridiculous mask on flights in 2021 for just one example.
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