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Everything posted by Lipdrag

  1. They would also vote for Biden over her.
  2. The idea of incentive money and tax breaks is absurd. There is no legitimate place for social engineering in the tax code. One rate, as low as possible. Period. No favor nor malice toward any. Ever. Then you don't have to worry about getting it back.
  3. Crazy idea. Where do you nutjobs come up with this stuff?!? I suspect you think that "equal protection under the law" is a good idea? Why the heck would anyone want to be a lawmaker if the laws could not be used for and against people as I see fit? Tax laws are meant to nudge, cajole, punish, reward, and otherwise social engineer. Taxes are certainly not meant to pay for the necessary and minimum duties of government as evidenced by our $30+ trillion dollar debt. Sheesh, dude, grow up.
  4. Now THAT is respect. I think we ought to respect people more by taking them seriously when they say something Then react as if our lives depend upon it.
  5. I only rent people. I heard owning them was somehow bad.
  6. But scores only 2 escapes if his one takedown attempt with 30 seconds left in the match does not work. I wonder if he has more stall calls against him that TDs in his career. At least in his matches against quality competition.
  7. I like this idea quite a bit. Thank you.
  8. Yes. I was using silly to highlight our silly TranspoSec Petey B. Thanks for noticing.
  9. Like . . . Woman. Marriage. Eligible voter. Insurrection. Vaccine. Science. To name just a few.
  10. So, in a mono-racial country (say Japan or Germany) those road commissions must make decision on roadways, routes, etc which benefit some communities and harm others. Are Japanese and German roads non-racist because there is only one race and there is no opportunity to be racist? Or is it just possible that the road decisions are really made on mostly the same criteria in every country? I am sure our noted transportation scientist/engineer/historian Petey B. knows the answer and admonishes his Japanese, German, and every other Minister of Transportation whenever he gets the chance about their racist roads.
  11. Thank you for the response. I should have been more specific in my original post. For any wrestler to be in a match it is required to have a coach in the corner. So in this instance each wrestler has a team coach/asst coach in his/her corner. Should each coach actively coach, call instructions, etc. to the wrestler from his corner or should each coach just sit quietly being available only for blood time/administrative issues?
  12. I have a question for my colleagues: in a JV tournament grouped into 6 wrestler pools and no team point calculation do you put a coach in each corner and coach when wrestlers from the same school face off? Whether you answer yes or no please let me know your reasoning behind your position.
  13. In a new level of scandal it has been revealed that Michigan actually inserted that last play in the Alabama playbook. Then used mind control to make Nick Saban call the play. Harbaugh is truly at the next level in this cheating stuff.
  14. I see this is on the non-wrestling topic board but choops?!? CHOOPS?!? This should be on the non-topic topic board. In a related non-topic topic: https://babylonbee.com/cleanArticle/detroit-pistons-relegated-to-wnba
  15. Maybe Copperfield made Epstein disappear.
  16. Water is pollution!!!! Quick, someone ban water. Let us sequester it right next to where we are going to put all the carbon. A decarbonized and dewatered world will certainly save the planet and all living things on it. It is just science, dontchaknow!
  17. I think we ought to be blessed with an analysis of how many matches would have terminated at 20 pts - the mythical but much sought after TECHNICAL SLAUGHTER PINFALL! TSPF!!
  18. The primary rationale given was the cost of the trophy’s. And millions of other dollars were wasted on this guy's education. The trophy is what? Or the trophy possesses what? Hey, CP you knuckledragging mouthbreathing knob licking troglodyte, get yourself some lernin' on 'postrophes!! Word, foo.
  19. I see there word pinfall in the lower right corner of the data analysis.
  20. What is a hobgoblin? A special type of goblin? A super goblin more goblin-y than regular goblins? Or is it a biracial Hobbit/ Goblin love child? Do they have hairy feet and eat 7 meals a day? Is a wise consistency any particular mind's hobgoblin? The intellectual questions addressed on this forum are substantive.
  21. Yes. They are an abomination. Clean 32 man brackets. Give the 33 seed a "So Close" sticker and be done with him.
  22. It is inflation. Grade inflation. Monetary inflation. Now TD and NF inflation. Say it ain't so, Shoeless Joe! What's next? A homerun in baseball counts as 2 runs and a grand slam is 5? Sudden death score of 4-1 just looks wrong when reading after-match recaps. Yes, old school, OT was sudden death! And we had no sissy mercy rules!! It was rightly called a slaughter rule in T-Ball and Little League where I grew up. Bringing it back to the conversation: I like a 10 point major and a 20 point technical slaughter pinfall rule.
  23. This is a class picture. He's still in their grade and this is the class picnic. That is my story to myself and I'm sticking to it. The alternative is too horrific to contemplate.
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