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Everything posted by fishbane
Before being absorbed into Flowresting, Rev Wrestling had college rankings that were "all division." They were mostly identical to just regular D1 rankings, but at most 5 or so wresters from lower divisions would be featured sometimes none at all. 285 was the weight with the most lower division wrestlers. There were several years 2004-2008 or so where a number of lower division wrestlers were featured (Les Sigman, Tervel Dlagnev, Ryan Allen, Blake Gillis). That is probably true in some cases, but perhaps not for Sigman and Dlagnev who both won Midlands wrestling at D2 schools. They both later made world teams wrestling against all the D1 heavies
I'm not sure how many kids he has. I put 5 exemptions into the calculator assuming a wife and three kids. He may have more. If he has a larger than average family he was likely spending more on average on housing in Chapel Hill and that will continue to be the case in Stillwater. You were asking about how it could only be 13% higher cost of living in spite of the 34-36% difference in housing costs, not Scott's specific situation. I used rent instead of the home purchase because it was a more straightforward calculation and it should illustrate how the math could work out. It is advised that housing payments should not account for more than 30% of a household's gross income and many people spend nearly all they make especially those near spending 30% on housing. If someone were spending 30% on housing and that went down by 36% (diff in home purchase cost) and the other 70% of their income was all spent on other stuff that didn't chance in price then their overall spending would only decrease by 11%. If some stuff went up and some went down, but more went down than went up perhaps 13.4% is not impossible. To calculate the cost of owning a home the purchase price doesn't tell the whole story since typically you can sell the house for what you paid for it and its not incredibly unusual to even be able to sell it for more than you paid. The only real costs that you cannot recover when you sell are maintenance, taxes, HOA fees, interest on any loan you used to purchase the property, insurance, closing costs, realtor commission, and opportunity cost in having so much $$ tied up in a home. It is unclear that if the purchase price decreased by 36% that all of those things would similarly decrease. Finally having to produce $47k more for a downpayment doesn't mean you had $47k more housing costs since your will likely get that $47K back when you sell. All you really lost was the opportunity to do something else with the $47k in the interim. I have a feeling that if Scott bought a home in Chapel Hill sometime around when he moved there in 2014 and sold it this past summer he does not kicking himself for wasting money on overpriced Chapel Hill real estate.
Maybe he got that fromo John Smith. The first several episodes of the Wrestling Changed my Life podcast were about the Smiths. In one John Smith said that he felt the comfort he had after he started making real money from the shoe deal, camps, and instructional VHS had a negative effect on his wrestling. After the loss in Cuba he set himself on a strict $1,000/month budget. Not poverty level, but not enough to make himself too comfortable. That would have been back in 1990 so it would be more like $2350/month adjusted for inflation. I wonder if he is going to do something similar this year. With his coaching performance slipping will he put himself on a strict $2,500/month budget to keep his edge and save the rest of his $500k salary.
There were a lot of other categories that were cut out and whilst the cost of a gallon of gas is less that doesn't mean your monthly spending on gas will be less. The average cost of gas in NYC is probably higher than Stillwater, but the average NYC resident probably buys far less gas. It's possible the average Stillwater resident drives more than the average Chapel Hill resident negating/partially negating the difference in gas prices. Bank rate says the average household in this country has an annual income of $94,000 and annual expenditures of about $73,000. The difference in rent was $530/month or $6,360/year. $6.360 is only 8.7% of the average American household's annual spending. Suppose other categories are split with some being 0-10% higher in Chapel Hill and a handful of others be 0-10% higher in Stillwater with all the other stuff being on average 5% higher in Chapel Hill that would more than do it. Keep in mind that a lot of stuff has nationwide pricing like electronics and more stuff is going that way because if its shippable and your charge more people will just order it online. An iPhone/PS5/MacBook costs the same in Stillwater and Chapel Hill, and New York City, and Los Angeles. For all items like this they will be more expensive in Stillwater where sales tax is 1.83% higher. Mobile phone plans also have nationwide pricing with the localization being limited to taxes, so I'm not sure how Stillwater has an 11% edge there maybe the taxes are different or they are including landlines. Below are some other categories.
Similarly, Karchla MFFed out of the Clarion Open and Wrestlestat has his record at 4-1 only counting the Lewis loss.
I'm not sure about that. In this thread I posted his actual contract that ran through 2021. His base in that was $150k although he signed an addendum (also posted in this thread) cutting his base salary by 10% to $135k during COVID. I could not find his most recently contract. I think based upon various websites that had salary info his base was $170k in 2021-2022 and $180k in 2022-2023. I can't be 100% sure on that since no signed contract is publicly available for those years. I posted his actual contract. Some of that was in there for years up to 2020-2021. I suspect the head coach gets some benefits assistants/associates do not. At UNC he had a transportation benefit. The university was supposed to supply him with an automobile for personal use or a comparable annual stipend. He also had a bonus structure based on team/individual performance built in. Austin O'Connor won him $20k with his first NCAA title. Probably a similar amount with the second one. I don't think it is typical for assistants to get bonuses based on stuff like that or the academic progress/GPA of student athletes like what was in Scott's UNC contract. I suspect differences in insurance or retirement benefits don't really move the needle. If one has a dependent tuition benefit and the other does not that could make a difference. I think Scott has three kids and college is expensive, though I don't think any are real close to graduating high school yet. Such a benefit would be more valuable at UNC in my opinion. I looked this up and previously posted that the cost of living was 11.4% lower in Stillwater. lm not 100% sure what went into that but tax difference should be included. In any event the difference between state income tax between the two is not great. I put $160k married 5 exemptions into a calculator for both and NC was about $300 more. The effective rate was 4% in OK and 4.19% in NC. He would be in the highest bracket in either state which only differ by 0.24% (4.75% OK vs 4.99% NC). Sales tax is higher in Stillwater, 9.31%, vs 7.5% in Chapel Hill. Im not going to bother with property tax as that is most likely rolled into cost of housing. All of this should really be in the cost of living number. $180 in Chapel Hill is likely a wash with $160 in Stillwater taking into account cost of living.
I didn't think Binghamton held the Bearcat Open this year. If it didn't happen then I think that means there are no collegiate opens either in NY or any of the New England States. So they aren't all that accessible in the north east. That said there are a ton of opens in the mid Atlantic and Midwest. Many D3 schools even host them (Messiah, Wilkes, John Carroll, Luther, Wisconsin Stevens Point, Augsburg, Concordia, Wisconsin Eau-Claire, Averett, Grand View, Nebraska-Kearny, Lake Erie, Case Western) If any D3 schools hosts and open some D1 wrestlers will attend - mainly redshirts looking for matches. Conversely since there aren't redshirts looking matches in D3 (athletes are not permitted to even practice with the team in D3) they don't have individual wrestlers looking for them and the D1 coaches hosting them don't really try to get lower division teams. I'd say most lower division teams have at least one or two dates where they will encounter D1 redshirts or backups, but few put opens hosted by D1 schools on the calendar. A few do. John Carroll (D3) attended the Clarion Open as a team this year and did not do well. Most of their wrestlers went 0-2, though they aren't a top D3 team (unranked). TCNJ has the Princeton Open on their schedule and they are ranked #15 in D3. That should be more interesting. A D3 team needs to be pretty good (top 20? Top 10?) for a decent portion of the team to get something out of going to an early season D1 Open. For the exceptional individual on a lower division team testing yourself at opens can be hit or miss. You might go and the field could be relatively weak. Guys still skip early season events or default out of the later rounds. No one will really care if you win the Shorty Hitchcock Open unless you beat someone notable. The D2/D3/NAIA national title will be a bigger deal. You really have to go to one of the big holiday tournaments to see top competition and those are more invitational than opens. Often lower division champs get invites to Midlands. I don't think the Scuffle or Soldier Salute do that. The older Lackman brother (the one that won D3 NCAAs) wrestled at the Midlands last year and placed 6th. Even then the only match he was paired against a D1 AA was in the wrestle backs against Peyton Hall and Hall med forfeited and didn't wrestle. Lackman wasn't the only lower division wrestler at Midlands last year.
Commonly referred to as the hometown discount. Although Scott is from Western PA. I wouldn't discount the significance that it was John Smith doing the asking. I am sure if he phoned up every D1 head coach and offered them the opportunity to be his assistant/associate head over half would take it regardless of hometown or alma mater.
Going back to Scott's compensation at OSU it appears he has taken a pay cut. I think I've found him in the state of OK payroll data and it appears he is being paid $160k/year. The second line in this screenshot I believe to be him (C L Scott) which indicates he was paid $6666.67 Sept 29. Assuming he gets that amount twice per month that is $160k/year and slightly more than Esposito was receiving (see second screenshot with Esposito's pay for the same period last year), but below his $180k base at UNC.
I found an email in my spam folder regarding Young, et al. v. FloSports, Inc.., Case No. 2023LA000516 (In the Circuit Court of DuPage County, Illinois, 18th Judicial Circuit). It is related to Flo failing to properly disclose automatic renewal charges and cancellations terms. That's really not surprising as Flo won't even tell you how much the service costs until you enter an email and set up a password. That always seemed to be putting the cart in front of the horse to me. Anyway. Class members have until 1/25 to register or exclude themselves from the settlement at https://fsrenewalsettlement.com. I've copied the relevant portions of the email below "The Class Plaintiffs allege that they were enrolled in automatically renewing subscriptions for FloSports’ content without adequate disclosures and notice regarding renewal charges and cancellation terms. FloSports claims its subscription renewal practices complied with all applicable laws and regulations and that it fairly disclosed all terms associated with its subscriptions. Thus, FloSports denies all allegations of wrongdoing, and the Court has not determined who is right. Rather, the Parties have agreed to settle the lawsuit to avoid the uncertainties and expenses associated with ongoing litigation." Am I a Class Member? Yes. Our records indicate you are a Settlement Class Member. Class Members are persons who, from August 29, 2018 throughSeptember 29, 2023, enrolled in an automatically renewing FloSports subscription using a California, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Florida, Illinois, Washington D.C., North Dakota, Virginia, Hawaii, Vermont billing address and paid fee(s) in connection with such subscription. What Can I Get? You must submit a Claim Form (see instructions below) to receive a benefit from this Settlement. Class Members with active subscriptions to FloSports may choose to receive either (1) a pro rata cash payment of up to $30.00 for annual subscribers, and up to $6 for monthly subscribers via check; or (2) a 10% discount on the next immediate FloSports renewal charge (or an electronic voucher for a free pay-per-view event from FloSports, with certain exceptions, if your membership is no longer active when the settlement becomes final). If you are an inactive subscriber to FloSports, you may choose to receive either (1) a pro rata cash payment of up to $30.00 for annual subscribers, and up to $6 for monthly subscribers via check; or (2) an electronic voucher for a free pay-per-view event from FloSports, with certain exceptions.
I think many were already doing that. In Johnson's charging document they said the account was his mother's. I believed it was linked to him by the phone/gps position. Bets were being placed from non-public locations in the ISU athletic facilities.
It's not like Smith didn't have domestic competition either. We had world champs before (Lewis) and after him (Brands) at his weight and he beat them.
1988 Olympic gold medalist Sarkisian was in that event. It's not like everyone took the year off. That kind of odd finalist can happen especially before they started seeding the brackets. In 2012 Jake Herbert was in a crazy unbalanced 84kg bracket. The bracket was won by Sharifov over Espinal in the final. Espinal's side of the bracket featured a single wrestler (Marsagishvili) that won a single medal (bronze 2011) at another Olympic/world championships.
The Washington Post had an in-depth feature on Jim Jordan that was published a couple weeks ago just after his bid for speaker was derailed in that secret ballot. I found it pretty interesting and gave some insight to him as a wrestler and the Strauss scandal. I've linked to it below. If you don't have a Post subscription you can dodge the paywall by changing to reader view if your browser supports that. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/interactive/2023/jim-jordan/
Yes, I think the weight class reduction has added difficulty for the modern guys especially before the expansion of worlds, and for those competing at Olympic weights. I am not sure it effects Baumgartner's accomplishments as much as others. In 1996 the top weights were 90, 100, and 130kg. It then went to 87, 97, and 130kg, then 84, 96, and 120, then 86, 97, and 125kg, and now 92, 97, and 125kg in non-olympic years. I don't know that any of that moves the needle and makes soon set of weights significantly more competitive at 130/120/125kg. Would adding 3-4 kg to the second biggest weight make the top weight less competitive? If so dropping 5-10kg from the top end would make its less competitive. To me the reduction in weight classes is more of talking point in figuring out where Smith, Kemp, Jackson, and the Shultzes rank than Big Bruce.
It wasn't me that you were responding to, but I don't see this as docking for losses at the end of an amazing career. It's more of an accumulation off accolades that leads some to prefer Baumgartner, Schultz, or Snyder. I'll take an example from baseball to illustrate Mickey Mantle and Henry Aaron. Mantle was a part of 7 World Championship teams, won 3 AL MVP awards, and lead the AL in WAR 6 times over an 18 year career. Aaron, who was 2 years younger than Mantle, was on 1 World Series winning team, won 1 NL MVP, and lead the NL in WAR twice over a 23 year career. If you are picking teams and 1957 Mantle and any version of Aaron are available the choice is obvious - Mantle was better in 1957. Mantle was better than Aaron's best season a handful and times. He had a higher peak and was better on a per game average over his career. Despite this I think Aaron is almost universally ranked above Mantle in lists of greatest baseball players of all time. His high level of play and longevity resulted in him retiring holding the MLB records in many counting stats including games, AB, HR, RBI, extra base hits, and total bases. He also retired with the second most hits in history. In wrestling and combat sports in general it is more of an all or nothing proposition. A Hank Aaron type wouldn't get the same recognition. Being in the top 5-10 in the world consistently over a 20 year period doesn't matter as much as winning a handful of titles.
No idear. Longest medal streaks - I think 1) Snyder 9 (2015-2023) 2) Baumgartner 8 (1983-1990) 3) John Smith 6 (1987-1992) 3) Dave Schultz 6 (1982-1987) 3) Kyle Dake 6 (2018-2023) 6) Bruce Baumgartner 5 (1992-1996) 6) Jordan Burroughs 5 (2011-2015) (2017-2022?) 6) Bill Scherr 5 (1985-1989)
Antonio McKee? Legend says it happened in 1989 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lIKip3hpxA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoIM_vm4Du4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJKwmBrPHSY
Apparently Repechage is French for stupid
fishbane replied to Wrestleknownothing's topic in International Wrestling
The logic being used to select the repechage wrestlers isn't that they proved anything, but rather that it has been proven that there are at least two wrestlers better than the wrestlers not in the repechage - the wrestler they lost to and whoever ultimately defeated that guy. The repechage does a not awful job at determining the second best wrestler in that half off the bracket or at least that's the logic The guy who loses in the first round to the finalist does get a free pass to the repechage, but he also has to wrestle 1-2 matches whilst the semi-final loser is waiting - its not easy, so that may help account for the poor record. However in a way making him wrestling 2-3 matches in a row balances the fact that he only wrestled 1 and the semifinal loser wrestled 2-3 the day before. They all need to win the same number of matches too finish 3rd. Probably the fact that they now seed the wrestlers is a bigger factor. Yazdani's repechage performance in 2018 was pretty remarkable. After losing to Taylor in the first round he won three straight matches beating Taylors opponents by a wider margin that Taylor did to finish 3rd. It is far better than most other olympic combat sports which just give bronze medals to the semifinalists -
Is Penn State Twice as Good as Anyone Else?
fishbane replied to Wrestleknownothing's topic in College Wrestling
He would have needed a major to tie the dual. During the season in question, 1996-97, I think there were ties in duals, but this was for the NWCA National duals championships, so presumably some tie breaking criteria would have come into play. I can't imagine they would just share the title. I have no idea what the tie breaking criteria was for the event, but applying the current criteria to the dual would favor OSU. Assuming McIlravy majored Arias the teams would be tied in team points (17-17), first criteria - match victories (5-5), and second criteria - # of Pins, forfeits, DQ, defaults (0-0). The third criteria, total match points from Dec, MD, and TF would likely settle things. In the 9 other matches OSU held an edge in total match points 53-36. It would be impossible for McIlravy to close the match point gap via a MD. He would need an edge of 17 points which would be a TF and then the team score wouldn't be tied. Maybe if the 4 point TF was a thing in 1997 he could have won by 17 with the team score tied and the total match points tied. Even in that highly unlikely outcome (how do you get a 17 point advantage w/o NF?) OSU would likely just win on the 4th criteria - total NF points. OSU had a 4-1 NF advantage in the dual and I doubt Arias accounted for 3 of those. For McIlravy to change the outcome of the dual he would need at least a 5 point TF over Arias. Keep in mind that McIlravy was not wrestling for a reason (concussion symptoms) which makes a TF less likely. Also where the bout would have been wrestled in the dual could have come into play. At the 150lb bout OSU was up, but they had not yet scored any bonus points. It would not have been clear that a TF was going to be the difference in the dual so McIlravy may not have had felt the urgency to get it. -
Is Penn State Twice as Good as Anyone Else?
fishbane replied to Wrestleknownothing's topic in College Wrestling
There weren't actually that many changes from the dual. Really only two. Guerrero, Reyna, Branch, and Smith all outplayed their Iowa counterparts at NCAAs. The big change was, as you said, McIlravy missing the dual. Still he would have had to not only win but win and get 1 bonus for a tie or two bonus to win outright. Arias was a decent wrestler and entered NCAAs that year as the 10 seed. Two plus bonus points was a possibility, but also might not have happened. The other change was at 118 where Moore beat Whitmer in the dual and Whitmer reversed the result in the NCAA semifinal. This was famously Whitmer's senior season and only season as a starter for the Hawkeyes. Moore entered NCAAs as the 2 seed and would win it next season. The 1 seed, Morgan, was upset before the final. OSU was really good that season. They scored 113.5 team points - that's enough too win many years. If there was a team that good this season this wouldn't really be a discussion. -