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Everything posted by scourge165

  1. You could be right, but I took his comments a totally different way. It was about how those other things in life took the pressure of winning off him, the obsession with it(being singularly focused). He seems like he's in a really good place now with a healthy balance...and why not try and win a couple more? He really shot up among the all-time greats(in the US) since he bumped up. He has a chance to reach another echelon.
  2. Just to be clear, this is from the deposition in which Hunter's partner says he has no idea who Hunter ACTUALLY called, what they said, what they did? It's kinda cute how you just made up a narrative there and then using quotes inserted a completely different context to his answers. Kinda circling back to the original point which is why this should be public...so people can't just make shit like this up. Jesus Christ...the dude was President, he's the leading candidate to be the GOP Nominee and he's the one that 1/3rd of the country blindly follows. So SHOCKING that his name would be brought up in this conversation!
  3. I did go Messenbrink. He's just so relentless. But I get why others haven't with O'Toole and Carr. I want to see him vs Hamiti though. O/U 21.5. Who's got the O? I'll take that!
  4. Or...Levi Haines. He was in the finals last year as an 18 year old. I don't know exactly how old he was, but he was 18. It's a odd contrast. These HS kids wrestling with and beating the best in the Nation and then you have guys 8 years out of HS. Not that I blame them. I know a lot of people who'd have taken an extra year...or two.
  5. He's threatening child predators. Why the hell would anyone be bothered by that unless...they were maybe the one who might end up getting hurt? See...I don't read someone saying, "I'm gonna beat the shit out of this child abuser," and think, "oh shit, he's threatening me!" You're kinda telling on yourself with this one. I'm still not sure about all this. But dude, you seem like you're him and you're justifying shit that shouldn't be justified, you're making him more unlikeable and you're making "him" sound even more sleazy. Also, you're not doing a very good job of hiding that you are him.
  6. I think you're oversimplifying it. I don't think people with that type of brain are going to be turned off by the sport if guys are wearing shorts and then an under-armour shirt. But shit, I guess after seeing they're literally putting it on porn sites, it should be an option for HS and above. I just didn't like Wrestling someone in shorts or in a shirt...but I(we) all practiced with guys wearing sweatshirts and shit like that. You might get a finger caught in there every once in a while, but that's a helluva lot better than seeing young kids in JHS on porn sites because they have both legs in and that's...something that excites a brain that's just wired wrong.
  7. Well...then you've at least done something about it. I've only seen College kids on there...which is bad enough, but I imagine there are a lot of kids(as in young boys)? I also went into the comments and saw someone talking about how they never Wrestled or Coached, but don't like the coach yelling. That was...odd. So is this guy a pervert or is he just enabling perverts to try and make money off of them? The later doesn't excuse shit, but I wonder if he's a danger for the children he's around(sans the Camera).
  8. I'm staying on topic. You came up with this ridiculous story about a drunk driver and tried to somehow mitigate what he did with..."facts," that I am skeptical of and then you continue to add that he was illegal(NOT a felony). YOU made it about how killing someone who wasn't an American Citizen in this Country(again, if that's even the case) a lessor crime than a citizen(as you again reiterate by claiming he's a felon). Also, "held up on [your] story?" Story does sound like a good descriptor, but I posted once about it?
  9. Eh, I kinda agree with you, but I think your logic is a bit flawed. It DOES have something to do with the singlet or they'd be just as interested in watching Hockey or Basketball. I'd guess it'd be similar to girls' Volleyball(or more likely private school uniforms). I don't like that the solution is to not wear Singlets, but maybe you leave that to the kids, or you give the parents the option through HS? I don't know what the answer is. Hell, I don't even see the problem...I'm not gonna go looking too hard for it either as...that feels strange also. I saw the names, I searched them on YT. I saw a lot of College Wrestling where you see a pretty clear outline, but I haven't seen enough where I can tell it's intentional. That's on the Midwest Wrestling. But I have only watched a couple.
  10. This is...amazing. Yeah, if you go after a minority JUST because they're a minority, that's a hate crime. Why it was thrown in like it was somehow less serious because the person who was hit here was an "illegal alien," is ***ducking** weird. And your response is this...? Their using the person's status as an illegal alien to try and LESSEN the severity of the crime(which I'm also skeptical given the claims of the details).
  11. Yup. "If it was Trump's children." And the 2B that his Daughter and Son in Law got from the Saudi's? I'll add a link(though I'm sure anything is "state-sponsored," and any Republican isn't REALLY a Republican when they speak against him). https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/4148951-comer-says-kushner-crossed-the-line-of-ethics-with-saudi-deal/
  12. You really want to do this? Go stupid statement or incoherent statement for incoherent statement?
  13. LOL...the problem with living in a bubble. You REALLY believe that Biden "gets a pass." Just this very topic shows how Biden's "gaffes," are often exaggerated. It's sorta like how when he fell on the bike and they KEPT replaying that...while failing to mention his feet were clipped in, or when there were sandbags(for some strange reason) on the stage and they kept showing just above his shins so as to now show what he tripped on.
  14. I did. They specifically mocked Biden and stated that claiming there were airports in and of itself was so bad, it was disqualifying. Then they pull up the actual speech and it's Biden talking about the "Stable Genius." Just admit there's two standards. Biden's and Trumps. Or concede they're both old and say stupid shit...IDC, but the way they went from "you'd be told to retire from any job," to "well, he mixed up his words," is telling. And to say Trump's speech was "entirely lucid," is hilarious. He was reading from a Teleprompter and did his usual shit. "Completely lucid; Yup. "rammed the ramparts." It's how Trump says everything. He just says the thing and then re-describes the things while often taking credit for it. 'They had ramparts...big beautiful ramparts...we rammed them. I told them to ram them, no other President could have rammed those ramparts, the Generals told me not to, but I said, we're gonna ram them, so we rammed them and we destroyed them.' Remember how Jackson felt watching the Civil War? LOL..."Lucid." Sure.
  15. I did the same. I don't know that it would have stood out to me if I hadn't been looking. Not sure what to make of all this...I'm too ignorant about all the accusations and haven't spent much time...but the kids in the videos did have pretty clear outlines. That's also Wrestling, so...IDK. I didn't read the comments though.
  16. Obviously it's not just about being longer/bigger, but when you're talking about Brooks and Ferrari, I think it's a bigger factor. I'm also just not impressed with Sloan...relative to Brooks or Ferrari. He's a great Wrestler obviously...a finalist last year, but it's all relative.
  17. I think you'd have to go with Brooks, but...man, that'd make the weight class so much more interesting. The length and size vs Brooks could make it the only real matchup that's interesting. (That's obviously not to say that Brooks is necessarily "small," for the weight, but he's certainly not a long '97).
  18. Yup, definitely LBJ(that's what I think you went by before). It makes sense now why you were so easily...bothered.
  19. Yeah...it's more just evidence that you got irrationally angry about...well, I still don't know about what. Did LBT or whatever come back as JimmyBT?
  20. And the Soccer style in-season tournament? Yeah, there's a lot of shit they're trying. Seems to be working. I know it's sacrilegious to like Basketball if you're a Wrestler(we must be at odds forever!) but I kinda liked it. It made the early season games a little more exciting. But really...nix the floors. Too distracting.
  21. Yes, that was the extent of what I said, not just one part of it. As for replying to you despite not ever personally encountering you! Wow...you're right. I should build a personal relationship with everyone before I comment on a Wrestling FORUM... What, what'd you say to me? Yeah...that bud. And again, it took you two posts(and an edit) to reply to one post that started about as benign as possible. LOL..alright bud, you have a good one.
  22. It's always good to try and use a steal-man argument rather than just going with the crowd. That seems like a reach to me...but reasonable. Where it seems odd to me is they've done this two years in a row, correct?
  23. Also, didn't say, "too small," I said he's a SMALL HWT. The kid himself literally talked about how miserable it was to get up to 255 and how he'd rather cut weight than do that...so I don't know why I'm even arguing this point.
  24. Jesus Christ dude...he's a smaller HWT. He's ONE example of a guy I cited who would have benefited from a 220 weight. You used his weight at the B1Gs last year. I pointed out that he had to go on a 12,000-calorie-a-day diet to be able to get up to 255 and it was bigger than he'd EVER been in College by far. That's it. I'm also not sure why we're fixated on Hilger, but if he got down to 215 from NOT training, you don't think that'd probably have been a better weight for him than getting a belly and gaining 40 pounds? Also, "trying to cite one example." How many examples do I need that he had to GOURGE himself to the point of him saying he'd RATHER cut weight than have to eat that much again so he could be a bigger HWT? Is that something where you expect 3-4 examples for a single Wrestler?
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