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Everything posted by scourge165

  1. There was a guy from Wisconsin who was arguably the best Prep Wrestler they developed. Eric Swick. I don't recall his list of accomplishments as he was probably 8 years before me, but he took 5th I believe at the Olympic Trials as a Sr in HS, he won at least 4 or 5 stop signs, he won "Espoir Nationals," his Jr or Sr year. He, like Destin was ticketed for Wisconsin...and did go there. He had a knee injury. I don't know if it was a mangled knee that prevented him from Wrestling or the type a good friend of mine had where he just needed it cleaned out and claimed that ended his career(I've heard both...but people can be petty and also complained about how cocky he was and from what I've seen knowing him well past his career, he seems like a good dude). In any event, the comment about who was expected to be the next 4-timer, the answer is nobody. I don't think ANYONE was looking at recruits like that. This is a more recent development where you look at HS kids and suggest they could win 4 and it's because they're just getting so much better at an earlier age.
  2. This is so mind-numbingly obnoxious and ignorant, I can't believe people are still parroting this bullshit. BONO-HAD-NOTHING-TO-D0-WITH-BURRWICK. He transferred after the NCAA deadline. He transferred because another former AA transferred in. If you don't like Bono, fine. Askren doesn't either. But Jesus Christ, Nebraska has tweeted and confirmed this, the Wisconsin AD did, the NCAA did and morons are STILL repeating this nonsense.
  3. Yup. Loved it. Never won a title so it was a bit of a bust at the time(never really came all that close). In the years since I realized as I see old teammates a couple of times a year and then saw my Cousin have much more success than I did and then my 2nd Cousin who's only a 7 years younger had a WHOLE lot more success and do well at the D1s, I accomplished more than just my Win-Loss record. They knew it was possible. Got school paid for, lifelong friends... experiences.
  4. Yeah...that word we can't remember is a bit different. It has more historical context. Polak is...IDK, I didn't think it was offensive. I have family that's Polish, it IS kinda used generally to make a joke. My Aunt I guess now that I think about it has always excused thrown it out there when my Cousins did something stupid by saying he's half Polak! Then her Husband would say, "what about our Daughter," and of course it was she got less of the Polak genes. Eh, that was their banter, but I don't recall anyone caring. Jap is just what they'd have on the screen. I suppose if you just referred to people as "Japs," that'd probably not be ideal, but in this context it's more the Country you're talking about. Now...if you were to say the ...word that we've collectively forgotten is "up 5-0," I think it'd be reasonable to find that a bit troubling!
  5. That tracks. His 4th...and his final...his 5th! I like how Jimmy acts like this is Gospel! He said he was going to get 5 not long ago, the first to do it. So...this is just what he's saying NOW. Lets wait and see what he says or does in another year.
  6. Yeah...that was a sad story. Really felt for Adolf's driver! Great bit about it here...not sure when it starts, but it's only 6 minutes long and it's all funny; Edit-It starts at about 5:40, but...the rest is a leadup to that joke.
  7. I've never seen the big deal of the C word. If it's good enough for Dame Judith Olivia Dench, it's good enough for me! Or Betty White...she dropped a few C words back in the day. Plus, I think it's good we learn a 2nd language. Isn't that just the anatomically appropriate German term?
  8. It's also been said when you google his address there is a little red dot over his house. He has to let everyone in the neighborhood know when he moves in...or so it's been said.
  9. No...you piece of shit, I "belittled," you using Anne Coulter's 46% of accusations are false as a "source." That you even would use Anne Coulter is incredibly telling. How the ***duck duck goose** would you POSSIBLY even find a way to make that relevant? And you didn't bring up a nickname she had in HS or something else equally...ridiculous? If only you'd learned that from your Mother, maybe you'd have ended up on her lower back or in a piece of latex and we'd not have had to have come across you. I have no questions. He's pretty much answered any question I have about his character. I was genuinely hoping this was an act or...maybe he was part of the Jordan Holm cult...but it's obviously MUCH worse than that. But yeah, I'll throw him on the ignore user list.
  10. Yes...that's exactly what I'm saying. To the guy who mourns NOT the 22 year old girl who died Yeardley Love, but rather not making use of his killer in society(because he was so clearly a boon to society when he was part of it). I'll be more literal and clear as you seem both ignorant and stoopid. This is what I was responding to. Who are the "those," of us? Seems like it's just you who thinks EVEN if he's guilty, it's a shame to spend that money to put them in prison. I also saw a post you made complaining you can't rape your wife any longer. What other grievances do you have? 46% of rape accusations are false...and because you like Anne Cunter, that's proof you're pro-Women? Honestly, after seeing just what you had to say about an innocent 22 year old women who was beaten to death and your tepid defense of the murderer and...just all of the this nonsense, you're not one side or another...you're on an Island. You're just demented dude. WOW...here is proof that Jordan Holm shouldnt' be in prison and that it's just such a waste of money to send someone guilty of sexual assault to prison...and that George Huguely is REALLY the victim, and...what else is this meant to prove? The CAPABILITY for women to lie? Something that I don't think one person is disputing. Yeah...I'm looking for "henpecked" point you twit. You're absolutely right though...the strongest way to make your point as a rape apologist(and I guess murder apologist) is to...bring up a TOTALLY unrelated case about a women who worked in a lab and committed fraud by blindly believing the Cops. What point do you think you've made here? https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndoh/pr/lab-analyst-sentenced-falsifying-test-results Here's a case where a man in a lab also faked results...and he didn't get any time in prison. Of course they're wildly different, but that seems to be of no consequence to you, so we'll just say now there's a double standard and Men get lighter sentences. It's about as valid as your rigid scientific findings(or Annie's). I should stop. I should have stopped when you expressed more concern for how longer a murderer is serving in prison than for his victim, a 22 year old women just starting her life and apparently even cited her past in a way to discredit her. When I go for a hike and see shit, I don't stop, poke around in it and see what type of shit it is, so I should have approached you the same.
  11. ...who the fck is wondering that? IF he did it, is it worth prosecuting and putting him in jail? Oh...and those precious tax dollars...that would get spent either way. You're actually a guy who is equating a sexual assault with a punch in the face somehow and...if punching someone in the face doesn't get you jail time, well...then neither should rape or sexual assault, right! Boys will be Boys! There's a reasonable balance we're trying to find between condemning and punishing people for allegations of sexual assault and what the fallout SHOULD be vs what it has been while the facts slowly come out(Trevor Bauer, Quintez Cephus, etc...) but you're not even doing that. You're just saying, 'eh, even if it did happen, is it really a big deal?
  12. Ok...that's my mistake. Was there seminal fluid found or not? I thought there was. I'm not sure what you mean by "weighs against his protestations of innocence," though. Are you saying you're giving both equal weight or that there were so many people in the House that night that heard her and supported at least the sequence of events in the allegation, that it outweighs his?
  13. Yeah...this should kinda be the default position for everyone. I think it's pretty easy to name a few high profile cases and say, "see, women always make up rape allegations against men," but...that's pretty lazy. I also think the 46% is....not worth giving anymore attention. But of course "women lie." They ALSO...drown their babies and they poison their stepchildren and they have sex with younger students. Those are things women HAVE done. And if you want to have a bad faith argument like Tx, you could use a women like Anne Coulter to GROSSLY skew the number who actually make up rape accusations and I'd guess it's a TINY fraction of those who never come forward because it's such an awful process for a rape victim to go through. One that's so much worse when you're accusing a well known athlete. Imagine coming forward with a legitimate claim against one of the most powerful men in the Country(nobody in particular, not getting stuck in that quagmire). It has to be brutal.
  14. Yeah, what you read was the Jordan Holm website. He was given a bedroom to sleep in. He went into one of the bedrooms, fell asleep on the floor, then, when the couple finished having sex, he went and performed oral sex on her while...getting excited. The girl woke up to him(and his deposit on her leg) and started screaming and he was forcefully removed from the house. He wasn't an innocent. He was a weird dude who's DNA was found ON THE victim. Also, pretty sure he gave up the right to a Jury trial as he believed he'd have a better chance with a bench trial. You're REALLY hanging your hat on the wrong "Men are victims of lying women," case here bud. --Edit-- Here's one article; He left semen on her thigh. She was passed out. Now this was years ago and I didn't recall all the details. It's possible he laid there while her and the boyfriend had sex, then the boyfriend had gotten up, or I just have that detail wrong, but he wasn't in the bed with her until he climbed into the bed and he ejaculated on her thigh. Not really sure how you're going to justify that and then claim there was NO WAY a sexual experience took place when he literally left semen on her leg and woke up screaming.
  15. Wasn't Coulter a lawyer for about 5 minutes...and mostly corporate law at that? Then she went into politics and became just a ridiculous, over the top personality? And why would I want to ask a rapist daughter anything? And the accuser was facing Masterson and that tiny little TOTALLY by the book, non-intimidating little entity known as the "Church of Scientology." They're WELL known for not intimidating or harassing accusers, right? It was also three accusers including his ex-girlfriend. But to be clear, HE is just another "victim" of these women?
  16. To be fair to idiots all around, you don't need to be a lawyer to know that a victim cannot "withdraw" charges. That it's ALWAYS the state. You can prosecute a DV even if the Wife is no-cooperative, you can prosecute a rape even if the victim is not cooperative. It's obviously going to be very difficult and it rarely happens. You make a complaint to the Police, you tell them what happens, they investigate, a lot of shit happens, THEY decide if they'll press charges. Insofar as it's up to the victim of any crime to press charges, the Police(or the DAs office) may ask "do you want to press charges," and if they say no, they probably won't as their case is often largely be based on a victims testimony other pieces of evidence to support the claim, but most people should understand our legal system enough to know it's the state that brings the charges. Civil Court=Depp vs Heard Criminal Court= State vs Holm(For example since he was brought back up as one of those poor guys who was found guilty of sexual assault).
  17. I wasn't sure if I should use the laughing emoji on this response or what. It's funny because of the absurdity of it, but it's also...not the funniest topic. I wonder if in this guys mind(which I guess is to say Anne Coulter's) does this now go in the "false accusations" category? Is that all it takes? A women who doesn't want to testify? I'd LOVE to know how they quantify what makes up a "false accusation?" Are we being honest and limiting it to the Trevor Bauer, Brian Banks, Quintez Cephus type cases or is it just a girl who finds herself the subject of a great deal of public scrutiny and now no longer wants to get on a stand and testify? I will say, the 46% of the accusations in the Military being found to be false is...so persuasive. We all know what a GREAT job they do with sexual assault allegations(Fort Hood, Vanessa Guillen) and what an intellectually honest arbiter of truth Anne Cunter is.
  18. If I was accused of a rape? One of the most cowardly things a man can do? No, I would not plead guilty under any circumstances if I was innocent. And he was NEVER getting anything close to 80 years. You're not the guy who hears "the charges carry penalties as long as 80 years and 250K in fines if found guilty," and think 80 years is actually realistic are you? I mean, I kinda had my answer when you used Anne Coulter as a source and suggested that 40% of rape accusation's are made up, but...but I'm still wondering if there's a couple brain cells you can rub together.
  19. Yes, I hope Angelo has great success as I don't believe he's assaulted or shot at anyone's house. AJ, even assuming this girl(who nobody knows and has not benefited from this in ANY way) was lying because...that's just what those women do, he's already proven himself to be a massive dirtbag who should absolutely get what's coming to him.
  20. And just curious, but how do YOU think that's going? Using Ann Coulter's absurd "46% of sexual assault claims," were proven to be false? I'm also fairly certain Holm left DNA, just not in the genital region of his accuser because what he was doing was INCREDIBLY weird. He waited until this girl and her boyfriend had sex, passed out, started performing oral sex on her while...also "gratifying" himself and left DNA in the vicinity, just not on her. She woke up, started screaming and the other Wrestlers there threw him out(I believe his teammate was apologizing profusely for him). I don't get why Jordan Holm was brought up at this point, but not sure why you'd be defending him...OTHER than this sign is pretty accurate;
  21. I have what's proven thus far to be an irrational believe in Trumble. But he's got that 6'4 frame, I don't know how he cuts to 197LB, but 97KG would likely be a great fit. That said, we are writing Snyder off...RIDICULOUSY early. I absolutely think Snyder could come back with a VERY different game plan vs Tazhudinov. He came out, attacking, shooting and Taz just lit him up. I don't think that means Snyder couldn't come back, Wrestle a different match, wear him out, try and grind him down(you know, basically his style his whole career) and then be a little more deliberate with his finishes. Maybe he can't, but I'm not putting Tazhudinov in this untouchable category above Snyder and Sadulaev based on this years Worlds. He definitely blitzed Snyder who never really seemed to get into the match and Sadulaev was so clearly NOT healthy that match was basically meaningless. I hope more than anything, Snyder and Sadulaev get to Wrestle again 100% healthy as the initial reports I heard about Sad were scary. What I'm pretty confident about, there's nobody coming along anytime soon who's going to be better than Snyder who I think you could argue is the greatest American ever. Not more accomplished, but he's bumped up again at least a top3 all time Wrestler in Sadulaev.
  22. Far as I know I'm still allowed to post here. Just haven't been around much as of late, but forbidden? Don't think so. Pretty sure little guy is allowed here as well!
  23. My Freshmen year I came out of Football at about 180(just 6'...though listed at 6'3!) We had a returning qualifier at '45, '52 and '60...but they weren't world beaters. So I start cutting, our coach was an idiot and shady. We didn't have to pass the hydration test. So I qualified for 144.-something. I remember asking the coach what he wants me to Wrestle at. The 160 was willing to bump up, so I could slide in there(especially since our '52 was like 5'6). His answer, "as much as you can." I got down to '52 and then our '40 got hurt, so he wanted us to shuffle down. 145 was...pure misery and our 145 ended up in the Hospital. At the same time, our 135 sprained his ankle pretty good and I remember hearing this along with our assistants(who would become the HC the next year and was an actual College Wrestler). Upon hearing he couldn't make the cut to 135...our coach, straight face says, "what about 130." He was an idiot. He coached a LOT of teams that won Conf and went to and won a couple State Titles, but never had a guy place higher than 4th in his 12 years. The next year we had multiple State Champs and lost Conf by a few points. The new coach was FAR more concerned about guys wrestling their best weights and each Wrestler being THEIR best. It'd eventually translate to more team success, but it immediately made the sport a lot more fun. Went up to '70 and never dropped back down.
  24. I was just involved in a Twitter thread about the UFC and their weight cutting. I suggested using the NCAA Wrestling standard. They won't go to 1-2 hour weigh-ins or even same day for multiple reasons...one being the athletes don't want that. The other, it's an entire event they use to sell the fight. But the fix College Wrestling made in...I think '97 is the way the UFC should go.
  25. Jimmy just...doing Jimmy things. 125-Ayala dec Howard 3-0(Toss up) 133-Nagao dec Teske 3-3 141-Woods dec Bartlett 6-3 149-Van Ness Dec Voinivich 6-6 157-Haines Dec Franek-6-9 165-Messenbrink Maj Kennedy 6-13 174-Starocci Maj Brands 6-17 184-Truax Dec Calliendo 6-20 197-Brooks maj dec any realistic, none fantastical option 6-24 HWT-Kerk dec Cass 6-27 I think 125-141 are toss up's. I think the new rules hurt Nagao just a bit, but he'll adjust. He was just so good at Wrestling smart on his feet, maybe giving up a TD, but then getting out and then punishing guys on top without actually turning. But he was also a Freshmen. 141-Batlett just keeps improving. Woods was the best in the weight last year(not the champ, but IMO, the best overall). I think Howard could easily win, but he hasn't Wrestled and he's finally gotten that shoulder properly repaired. I think the 3 point TDs are going to help the guys like Brooks and Starocci. I think they're REALLY gonna help a kid like Messenbrink who will shoot 45 times a match. Haines is a guy I think will just keep getting better. I just don't see this being all that close.
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