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Everything posted by scourge165

  1. His biggest win? I guess I'd say Levi Haines the summer before Haines took a Silver at the Worlds(so last year). He beat Haines 2 straight. I think he's every bit the talent Meyer Shapiro is. I don't think it's an assumption. It's from teching Paniro Johnson and just the style of Wrestling, the non-stop relentless aggression. If he does go 165, it's gonna be tough for him to win it, but I definitely think he's on Shapiro's level. I think you're wrong about that. At 157, I think he wins it next year, at '65 I think it's just a long shot he's gonna beat both Carr and O'Toole...but As for AJ and Brooks...IF Ferrari in some world makes 97 and he were to Wrestle him on Sat Night(the Glory plan)...in this alternate reality where he's not on trial for serious felonies and he is close to making 197, I could see him beating Brooks. I'd take Brooks, but it wouldn't shock me to see Brooks lose that one.
  2. Dude, are you serious? How are you taking issue with me saying I hope that the parents invest the money the kid got so he starts with a leg up? How could you POSSIBLY take that and infer any negative connotations? You do realize that a College fund is an investment, right? Starting your life without student loans...should he choose to go to school for something that actually requires a degree, that right there is a leg up. Or just a simple trust fund that he can't access without permission until he's a certain age ~30 is a good one for me. I'm still at a loss as to how that comment could POSSIBLY be met with an eye roll.
  3. LOL...I was headed for the NFL...just ask me! 11-12 years old, about 6' 145. The weight limit was 140 to play RB, so made that...was POSITIVE I was gonna end up 6'5 and Colleges would be lining up! Fast forward to my Sr year and I had really shot up. I was all of...6 1/4th and 190 pounds. I had a couple D3 schools in the area ask me if I was interested in playing Football...in a group meeting with 3-4 other guys on my team. Seriously though, if these companies are stupid enough to give out 6 figures to kids who are 9 years old, I REALLY hope these parents are smart enough to put that money into investments so that kid can start his life with a foot up if he doesn't end up being a phenom...which it's so ridiculous to even try and speculate at 9 years old how a kid is going to grow and develop. This particular kid seems like he's got a pretty bright father, so hopefully he'll end up with something, but how often would it not go that way.
  4. No...they don't. I think this is a bad idea. As a 9 year old, I loved it, but...these kids are going to have plenty of opportunities to get concussed. Play some flag until you get into HS. But that won't happen, so I at least hope they keep working on those helmets. The companies making these helmets pictured below or the padding that goes on over the helmet, they had a prototype for one that had that type of padding inside the actual helmet. A few NFL players whined about it(Jason Kelce in particular)...which I found particularly stoopid given a HOF Center who played professional football in the same state as he does(Webster, Steelers) was the player who started this whole CTE push for safer rules. I don't know if there is any actual relation, but I got ~4-5 real good concussions. Puking, memory loss, etc...one was playing FB, one Wrestling, a couple just as a kid. Then probably dozens of other smaller ones that I didn't think much of and never lost my memory. Relatively common based on how they describe the minor concussions. But now I get these headaches a couple times a week that are just brutal. Kids won't stop playing sports...and it'd probably be even worse for their health if they did given the obesity rate in this Country, so the most obvious answers to me are to keep developing this type of technology and just let a kid develop a little more before they start playing tackle.
  5. I mean...it's likely as true as the X number of years unscored upon, but if any Wrestler was doing it, it was probably him(especially at that time with the Soviets...though I guess "that time," really never ended). WHATEVER the case, whatever he actually could squat, this is a man with BAD intentions. His calf muscles have muscles.
  6. Agreed. He's accomplished a great deal. He's actually...wrestled which is more than some. He's beaten Snyder, Dake, Taylor...he's won World Championships, he's been a Bronze medalist in the Olympics...3X NCAA Champ. He just happens to be Wrestling at a time when you have ARGUABLY the best US Wrestler ever(in Freestyle) at his weight and the best Wrestler...EVER ahead of him at 97KG. Not saying either are the most accomplished(yet) but you could make an argument for both IMO. But ripping on the guy is....kinda cowardly and chicken shit.
  7. Exactly. I mean, a big part of it is those lifts are hard and you don't get all that much time in par terre, but it's also just not easy in Greco to get a guy loaded and off the mat. If you can get to that point, you can usually hit the throw...but if a guy is just reaching back and hooking your leg, it's damn near impossible to step in and throw a guy. Karelin...was just a machine. Even if the legend is SLIGHTLY embellished, he was the most intimidating Wrestler ever. I don't think he lifted a ton(at least not as often as you'd expect). Maybe I'm remembering wrong, but I thought he had his own training and part of it was he'd go for runs in the mountains with those big old wooden like 34 inch snow shoes in 4-5 deep snow. Because running is easy...gotta make it a challenge! And then he'd do those zercher deadlifts. The rumor is that he'd do reps at 500 pounds, 3 sets, 12-15 reps and to failure on the final rep. I'm skeptical he was doing 15 at 500, but I suppose if anyone would, it'd be him...
  8. Jeeesus. Some dudes are built different...and to me that's most Wrestlers. The work, the running, all the shit that goes into it. And then SOME are built different-different! The first time I had a finger at a 90 degree angle I whimpered. After a while...well, I still whimpered like a beat dog, but it'd got back in easily enough. If I looked down and that finger wasn't there? Yeah...I'd be...not calm!
  9. I'm late on this one, but I'm REALLY high on Riddle as well. He just moves so easily on his feet. He's the one who knocked of Mesenbrink as a Freshmen I believe. But he's slick. Transitions well, hits shots to both sides, good chain Wrestling on his feet. I had him as one of my underrated guys from this class. Could easily seee him being a multi-time AA and a contender if he keeps developing his shot and...of course does all that stuff you need to do. But the talent's certainly there.
  10. D1 Yes, I pulled a lot of weight. About 30 pounds from the off-season...but I settled in to a routine. 10 over on a Monday, 6 over on Wed, drink a lot of Water Thursday, but no food and then nothing until weigh-ins with a couple workouts. My academic demands were pretty significant. I choose my school for a particular degree. Though, my coach did encourage me to get another degree that was...VERY easy(So I got both). I also had great teammates/coaches that would let me mis a practice(which I'd try and make up on my own, but wasn't the same)...and the show up at 7AM the next morning and 4-5 guys would be there, with the coaches and I'd get a full practice in. They did that a couple days a week anyway, but all I had to do was ask and they just shows up. I can't even begin to articulate how ridiculous I think this is. Wyatt Hendrickson JUST took a 3rd and you've had...6-7 who's been in the finals or top 2 in the not too distant past. So even there, where it's objectively more difficult, it's possible. But to say if you have a difficult degree that's time consuming, you don't care as much about Wrestling, well...that's just REALLY ridiculous and...might reflect on you more than other Wrestlers. Every year you see a guy in the finals who's majority in Organic Chemistry or a very time consuming major. Again, you have SO much time off during school even with Wrestling. If you can just simply manage your time... Well, Shane Griffith pretty clearly disproves this theory. You can ABSOLUTELY focus on a difficult degree and an NCAA Title. You can also focus on spending 5-6 hours a day with your buddies playing video games or going out and drinking and partying. You can do 2 of those. You CANNOT do all 3. But in a non-service school, you can absolutely do two of the three. Your choice which 2 you'd like to do.
  11. What does the NI-err...starting salary look like?
  12. That seems kinda silly. I knew plenty of athletes who were serious students on top of being athletes. You have no job, nothing to do and you've got 16 hours a day(if you get a good 8 hours of sleep). Your coaches told you what majors you couldn't entertain if you wanted to Wrestle? At most, I was Wrestling 2 hours a day. I'd get a 1 workout in the morning and then maybe life for 90 minutes. That's lets say 6 hours to shower, travel. Lets say you're taking 15 credits, that's 15 hours a WEEK. So 3 a day. 9 hours. If you want to, that's PLENTY of time to study and put in the work, write papers and whatever necessary reading. I wrestled with a 3X AA who was a Math major who was a Mimbo..."male bimbo," who found PLENTY of time for extra circulars to party and screw around. One was a double major, History and English(plans to go to Law School) which was an exceptionally difficult program. He was a runner up and an AA. It's really about time management. It's difficult, but a coach telling you these are your majors if you want to wrestle for me...probably shouldn't be a College Coach. I brought this up in another thread, but the schedules that the service academies have, THAT makes dedicating yourself to Wrestling a bit more difficult(or any sport)...but there's so much mandatory events that go into that, it's really not comparable.
  13. I thought for all the service academies, they had...something like "decision day." And that was basically if you showed up the first day your Jr year, you were in. You had to finish school and a 6 year commitment(that may vary depending on what you go into).
  14. Wow...I did not know that. I know guys who Wrestled for Navy, but I didn't know that they had a preparatory schools school that feeds into it that they could Wrestle at. So I take it they can't compete while at that school, but they DO have the option to go there first and practice before jumping right in? I respect anyone who's willing to step onto the Mat...but that respect is multiplied when you do it at West Point, Annapolis, Air Force... I remember hearing the schedule at Annapolis and it was like 18 credits a semester, these ridiculous Math classes. Basically you're schedule is pretty well set for ~15 hours a day and then you get to sleep and a TINY bit of free time. I'm also just going off memory and I don't know if that's EXACTLY how it works, but it doesn't leave much time for literally anything else. The person I know said it was actually tough because they didn't even have enough time to get in extra workouts. Andre Carter, an OLBer/DE from West Point was projected to go in the 1st round at one point...but fell all the way out of the draft because he simply lacked the strength and technique. The thought is that if he can spend all his time on the game, he'll put on weight, he'll improve his technique and could be a stud. Sadly, he went to the Vikings, so...we probably won't hear much from him in the NFL....
  15. Feels like God has to be 1st. Otherwise...if you've only been religious since you were say...6 and the OTHER guy since he was 4, well, that's an easy call. God's DEFINITELY tilting the scales in the other guys favor. This feels like common sense. What you really need are headphones around the stomach so the child can hear Aaron Brooks speeches in the Womb. Maybe a little air pod in the belly button(if they have an inny and so long as it remains an inny). I now think the list has to be revised. God Celebration PRE-match display of athleticism After that, it's all getting pretty obvious. You need a tribal tat, you need a funny tat on the back. The only way around these are to go to PSU and to have Cael put his hands on you and just ordain you. But I hear that's quite tiring and he can only do it with 3 Wrestlers at a time...so
  16. Definitely a banger...I just can't ever Remember the Name when I'm looking for it on the playlist.
  17. I thought that was when she was hurt, no? I thought she played with some ligament issue she played with or...something. I just remember watching(not...willingness, believe me) that story about the Women's Soccer Team and that was part of the story. Maybe it became part of the story after the fact. I really couldn't be less invested though, so don't feel compelled to get back to me on this. I got annoyed with the USWNT when they lied about being paid less than Men.
  18. Ahh...thank you. I didn't know Root flipped. What the hell is going on there? Reader and Gross are great coaches...I think Bono is pretty good. Eh, whatever. It doesn't matter. But I remember when Estrada committed, I watched what I could find of him and...he definitely looked like a stud. I know at one point, Beau Mantanona, the #2 ranked '45 Parco's little brother(who ended up 3rd) plus the 12th and 13th ranked kids were all at 145 in Cali. The #2 ranked kid's name is slipping my mind, but it's a common name. Like...Martinez or something. That would have been a fun tournament to watch. Anyway, just shows, does not help to get in on these guys so early. Someone's just gonna come and pick 'em off.
  19. How does Navy RS guys? I've NEVER heard of this before. I thought it was a strict 4 and done. I mean, the athletics is a distance 2nd compared to...just EVERYTHING else...
  20. Wyatt Ingham... He's a kid from Koy Hopke's HS. The 45 from Cali...Estrada. Flipped from Wisconsin to Iowa. 2X State Champ...not sure if he's got a loss...but he was undefeated as a Soph, no tourney as a Freshmen. Looks like he's gonna be a perfect '49 in College. I don't really pay attention to recruiting rankings that closely, but he was 70th last I recall. He's definitely a top ~15 recruit. And a kid coming in this year who I think could really surprise is Ethan Riddle. Kinda overshadowed by the likes of Sinclair, the Mirasola, Mesenbrink(who he beat as a Freshmen) and others. He's a Freshmen this year while the other two are '24.
  21. Well...it'd be the 3rd transfer, so he'd have to sit a year(or graduate). So that later is possible. But I don't think it's going to happen. Things aren't well with the individual most likely to facilitate that move, and apparently and haven't been for some time...meaning BA and John Mesenbrink. But who knows.
  22. Yeah, 1...not a great thing, but it suddenly feels like a nice little treat compared to a shit swirly. Also, I can't get the image of 4 Doctors standing around an X-ray reading, "huh...I can't believe that...Snails can sleep for up to 3 years? Well, lets go pull this thing outta this kid and...do NOT break the glass!" But seriously, that is genuinely horrible. Geezus...our hazing was like...carry the bags and mundane things. That is brutal.
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