Maybe that was the justification. I don't see any way Zahid could be given 2 pts (TD or exposure) prior to the 4 pt throw. I think the only way for Zahid to have earned 2, if scored correctly, would be if he was given credit for exposing Ukr after the 4 pt throw. But he would have had to hold him there and not just a continuous roll through, which I don't see.
valencia lands out of bounds after his sloppy shot...
no counters out of bounds...
he breaks his lock...
he does not end up in a position to even consider a TD, which, even in the middle of the mat if that goes down and valencia ended up covering the hips then it would just be 1 for a reversal...
i legitimately have no idea what they saw, but, they looked at it for awhile and surely with better angles than we got on the live feed...
regardless... it just meant he lost by less...