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Bob's Bud
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Everything posted by LJB

  1. i am pretty sure i have confessed to this before... but... i was so white trash i had a mullet AND a rat tail in '86... don't be jelly...
  2. the mood is goofy happy poppy punk this morning...
  3. i guess that is what passes for a mullet these days...
  4. and he would have got away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids...
  5. If I’m on the whistle that is 4-0 red 100 times out of 100… I don’t like the call they ended up with but can see how… and that is the rub of replay…
  6. you can find any number of examples of this philosophy working as well as any number of examples of the dreaded "toxic parent" examples working... the only exception i take from askren's point of view is that others have done the opposite and had amazing results with happy kids... not everyone fits into these boxes that people are always trying to force them into...
  7. the other interesting tidbit that he brought up about international refs in general that i had heard previously but never really contemplated much past a simple acknowledgment... to be a UWW ref, their rules say you must be your country's highest level of reffing before you are 40 then you can apply for a UWW license... in america... refs progress from M3 to M1... many countries have no system of progression for the officials... point being, (what the US would consider) an M3 ref could apply for UWW consideration...
  8. so... chatting with our states head ref... had a few things to talk about and decided i would just run this whole valencia thing by him... he watched the action and immediately said 4-0 red... he then sends me this pic... red breaks his lock and is in danger... i can see 4-2 based on red's lock breaking which to be honest, i never even looked at previously... it feels chintzy and not "inthe spirit" of the rules, but, i can see watching a replay over and over again and coming up with that score...
  9. Maybe that was the justification. I don't see any way Zahid could be given 2 pts (TD or exposure) prior to the 4 pt throw. I think the only way for Zahid to have earned 2, if scored correctly, would be if he was given credit for exposing Ukr after the 4 pt throw. But he would have had to hold him there and not just a continuous roll through, which I don't see. valencia lands out of bounds after his sloppy shot... no counters out of bounds... he breaks his lock... he does not end up in a position to even consider a TD, which, even in the middle of the mat if that goes down and valencia ended up covering the hips then it would just be 1 for a reversal... i legitimately have no idea what they saw, but, they looked at it for awhile and surely with better angles than we got on the live feed... regardless... it just meant he lost by less...
  10. no doubt... and all the whining after accomplishes nothing... the boggeyman is everywhere anyone looks for him...
  11. we are now posting pics from other tourneys where someone got some hands to the face? this thread could live forever!!!!!
  12. i do not believe the current sanctions on russia/belarussian athletes has been in effect long enough for athletes to use it as a reason to switch countries... at least one calendar year needs to have past since competing for the current nation... i am sure there is more to that, but, i am ignorant of all of the check boxes that need marked off to switch countries... i do recall something about a couple of belarus athletes having got past the time requirements to switch nations, but, that was started before and unrelated to the current shenanigans...
  13. apparently the assault was just not a big enough deal to anyone else involved to warrant any follow up action...
  14. you are so close to enlightenment... keep at it... i'm pulling for you...
  15. it is a wonder for sure that desanto did not have both his eyes ripped out, one ear, and most of his nose... someone should write a sternly worded email to UWW and see what can be done about this assault...
  16. Not even slightly emotional. Just answering the question about what happened to Desanto's eyes. If you choose to believe the thumb was on the forehead and Desanto is faking it, that is your prerogative. I have no blind allegiance (and don't give two shits about Desanto) and am quite capable of impartially assessing a wrestling match regardless of the name on the front or back, and have done so here. hey... you see "gouging" i see someone fighting off his back and got some hands in the face... whatever... i see things different than most... it is part of my "tough guy" persona that so many like to get salty about... adorable, yes?
  17. i listened to the 2 minute convo FRL had about it and they said 8 kids missed... that feels excessive...
  18. they don't set up testing environments for refs from 20+ countries w/500+ athletes to get the bugs ironed out... they have a 6 hour session where they all get together the day before the tourney... and you don't want to be involved in those meetings... they could make a person rethink some things... factor in all those refs who just got promoted and this could be their first big international tourney... i will cut them some slack... and the fact is i did not see one egregious call stand in any of the matches i watched...
  19. i saw a bunch of refs being "coached" by the chairman throughout the tourney... it happens... early in the season... i saw a very good USA ref act very unsure on the whistle, which, did surprise me a little... my only assumption is that they were several new things that they were stressing for the refs... which i could not pick up on what the hell they would have been... but it felt a little like a regional watching...
  20. i already rewatched again this morning before i offered my take on it... you can't see desanto's eyes or dude's thumb in your still pic... i just choose to not get emotional about it just because the guy has a USA on his chest... whatever...
  21. i did not like 4-2 for that action at all... there would have had to have been two separate actions for a 4 red 2 blue which is not how i saw it at all... they did look at it for quite a while... and i have not been involved in any ref/rules discussion yet this year... there could be a new way of interpreting the action that they are pushing this year...
  22. I'm basing it mostly off of Desanto's reaction, but just rewatched in slowmo. The dude was definitely digging in and it doesn't take a whole lot of finger in your eye to hurt like a motherf*$ker. his hands were definitely in the face, but, i am not going to attribute any maliciousness to it which "gouging" implies... if it had been a random Uzbekistan nobody in america would have used the term "gouging"...
  23. gouging is a super strong word for what happened...
  24. 100% the right call... he did both...
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