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Bob's Bud
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Everything posted by LJB

  1. i feel like i was listening to a one of the belaglasov brothers in an interview speaking about being given a handful of pills from their soviet coaches when he was first coming onto the scene... he asked one of the established wrestlers at the time what he should do with these... he was told throw them in the trash... all athletes are trying to do the same thing regardless of what country they had the fortune or misfortune to be born in... holding them accountable for their governments actions is not right in my book... should any US athlete be competing based on those standards?
  2. https://www.youtube.com/@bulwrestlingorg/featured this is better...
  3. https://www.youtube.com/@bulwrestlingorg/streams i guess these are the streams...
  4. "one size fits all" philosophies are silly... they are easier for the average to contemplate, but, average is average, yes? should we celebrate average or greatness?
  5. the middle Nutter is in the semis of 63kg greco...
  6. no one involved in high risk sports are surprised when bad things happen... that "surprise" might just be limited to the pearl clutchers... cattle act surprised right before the slaughter as well...
  7. praise odin... i was concerned there was not near enough sarcasm in this thread... i feel better about everything now...
  8. the boy and i were talking about this yesterday... i keep watching it and it still does not make 100% sense...
  9. i use "you" more as a hypothetical... i understand how i approach things is not for everyone and that is by necessity... or design... or whatever...
  10. "toxic" might just be a buzz word that people like to use when they are feeling salty about something... because i can 100% say with certainty i do not defend anything "toxic"... but... i also am not going to let the average define what "toxic" means to me...
  11. australia... and you sound like you want more...
  12. southpoint is at the end of the strip... anything on the strip will be 20ish minutes away... no real biggie...
  13. the stall fest rewards sloppy shots... real wrestling penalizes sloppy shots... our guys grow up thinking a bad/sloppy/half shot is some sort of real action... don't even get me started on leg passing...
  14. until i see a scarlet knight conquer the mysteries of perpetual motion i am sticking with the turtles...
  15. i feel like that settles it... you all don't even have to bother to watch...
  16. all bold statements... i will take some exception to being labeled the "niche sport guy inside of the niche sport" because it is entirely too simplistic thinking... if anything i am the "niche' athlete within the niche' sport" guy which forces me to look at the angles differently than most... whatever... i don't begrudge others for their point of view...
  17. you are not necessarily wrong... i would say several guys, but, the sentiment is not wrong... it makes me crazy at every national tourney the way i see greco officiated... and then the majority of the officials look at greco like the majority of other "fans" in this country, so, it is a constant battle... but... it is what we have, so, athletes have to be made to understand what is going to happen and act accordingly...
  18. spicy ramen myself... just like every morning...
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