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Bob's Bud
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Everything posted by LJB

  1. BRONZE AT 77... GER has him in the air... goes to the edge as per... then dumps him straight to his back instead of arching...
  2. 55KG was pretty damn fun...
  3. anyone who thinks one side is any better than the other has been hoodwinked... don't fell bad guys... this has been going on since we were in the caves and the trees... most are programmed to just accept it...
  4. finals look saucy... shotadze at 63kg... gutu at 77kg... anytime you have a chance to watch gutu you should... bisultanov and losonczi at 87kg...
  5. if you think one side is any worse than the other then you fell for it...
  6. LJB

    Bo Nickal futures bet

  7. it could be any of the players that people like to squabble over in here... just pick one...
  8. it is always flo's fault... everything is... keep up with the narrative...
  9. the only danger is a bunch of people made to look really foolish... i will let the rest of you debate who those people are...
  10. LJB

    Bo Nickal futures bet

    it was pretty straight forward... might have been a cup check that helped with the initial TD, but, the end result was never in doubt...
  11. cheating or maybe just taking a flame thrower to all of... (shenanigans heard in the background) (silence)
  12. to be perfectly honest... my life would be far less complicated if i was attracted to a different type of woman... but... sadly...
  13. THC is the only cannabinoid for which there is a urinary threshold and it is set at 150 ng/mL https://www.usada.org/athletes/substances/marijuana-faq/#:~:text=What does a threshold for,is below 150 ng%2FmL. to be honest, i do not know what other substances fall into this category... i am working under the impression we are just talking about the devil's lettuce... and i feel like 150 ng/ml is high right now... i could be totally off base...
  14. they showed that prehistoric b!tch how they did things downtown...
  15. i have little doubt your paper deserved at least that A-...
  16. for sure... just that wrestling is not as concerned with specific gods as some are...
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