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Everything posted by JVStateChamp

  1. I do not believe that NFL players decided to wrestle because they realized they could dominate in high school. They probably used the tools and skills that wrestling inherently develops to use on the football field such as balance, hand fighting, and fighting for position. I am sure their are plenty of high level football players that wrestled for their high school that did not dominate, just as someone who is very high level in wrestling does not always dominate at football. But the skills they are able to enhance doing multiple sports expands their athletic ability.
  2. Thank you for the clarification. Pennsylvania and the PIAA have a real issue with their blanket policy that combats transferring, I am not knowledgeable in other sports in the PIAA but wrestling cannot be the only sport that feels student athletes are losing the opportunity to represent their school as long as they live in said school district. This is completely hypothetical, but what if Kunstek's parents could no longer afford to send him to Blair and wanted him to return to his high school. Why should he be punished and ineligible for a reason such as financial? Again this is a completely hypothetical reason.
  3. From my understanding, PIAA has set rules that if a student transfers after their sophomore year of high school they are required to sit out the following postseason. I believe that Louie Gill just had his trial and was deemed ineligible, I could be mistaken.
  4. This may be beating a dead horse, but for Ohio State this may be a good opportunity for them to use one of Feldmans 5 matches just to see where he stands with one of the best at the weight class.
  5. Some of those smaller schools with less known names also come from the smaller conferences which are fighting for NCAA qualification bids whereas the BIG10 will not have that problem. The more opportunities that the smaller schools gives their athletes the greater the chance of earning that qualification spot come conferences. I am not 100% that this is the mindset but I definitely think it is a factor.
  6. What is your reasoning behind him not being that athletic. Everything that I have watched or seen on him shows that he is very good in wrestling positions which include scrambling, flexibility, and strength. In my opinion these would be traits for athletic ability.
  7. If we are looking beyond this year, I think with the depth at 165 with the likes of O'Toole, Carr, Hamiti all being so young Kennedy winning will be a tall task. I am interested to see how the young talent Iowa has brought in produces. Would not be surprised if it were someone like a Kolby Franklin at 197 or a Cody Chittum at 149.
  8. This dual will be a great indicator to see where Swiderski stands with the rest of the field at 141. IMO (which means very little) 141 is the most open weight class this year.
  9. Back to the original discussion question, I believe him redshirting this year may hinder his ability for the olympic team. I know the saying "wrestling is wrestling" but I think that the grind of a full NCAA season would have an impact in his ability to transition for the olympic team. I would assume that Spencer will wrestle in most Big10 duals and be ready in the second semester.
  10. If I am not mistaken I believe he is a 2017 high school grad. Lost to DeSanto in the 2017 PIAA finals.
  11. With a tournament style being a 2 hour weigh in, could this be the opportunity for Sasso to turn the ship? Seems the weight has been an issue for him thus far.
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