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Everything posted by JVStateChamp

  1. I think 10 hours in a gym is one of the factors why it is difficult into hooking kids into the sport. It is very difficult for someone to spend 10 hours in a gym to wrestle 3-4 matches (18-24 min). Difficult to change but I do feel that it is a deterrent for some athletes.
  2. Saw on twitter from Willie retweeting and Cody Goodwin tweeting that Shane Griffith is heading to Michigan.
  3. No disagreement there, I will be the first to admit that I was late on the Messenbrink train. I like to think that I follow high school wrestling well but I definitely was late on watching him. He's very impressive and I think would be successful wherever he went. I have been arguing for athlete freedom to leave a university or situation that did not feel was the right fit as we all make decisions at 18 years old that we wish we could change. But with the freedom of athletes going into the transfer portal, there is also a consequence because unless you are an AA (which sometimes still is not enough) your spot is never safe.
  4. You're right I stand corrected. For what it is worth it was never a shot at MM, more just the fact that there are plenty of schools that are using the transfer portal as they should be, the flexibility for athletes to enter the transfer portal also comes with the risk that someone could be brought in at their weight class. If said coach brings in a transfer from the portal it should not be a hit at the coach's loyalty, their job is to put out the best team and win matches. But thank you for the correction.
  5. The 6 matches in a day seems a bit excessive for a majority of high school wrestlers. I will say at elite tournaments where the brackets are large then yes. But I know for a fact for most wrestlers that are not completely invested 6 matches are over the top and will result in some burnout. But again I can see circumstances where it would be beneficial.
  6. I was more going on the topic of how to approach the transfer portal to current athletes on your roster so no one feels blindsided. I think it is an interesting topic of how to keep guys who are valuable to your team while taking advantage of the transfer portal, seems like it is tricky waters and maybe a skill these coaches are going to have to develop.
  7. Seems like you're discussing more schools than the actual conversation of the transfer portal and the reality of what comes with the territory. I am sure that Baylor Shrunk at 133 for PSU wanted to start for them next year as he has been there for 3 years doing the same work as the starters but PSU brought in a TRANSFER who will make an impact in their lineup for them to have a better team. Every team will and should be getting the best guys for their team, I don't understand the hate. Where was Mitchel Mesenbrink's loyalty to Cal Baptist? He was there for a semester, no coaches change. This is the way NCAA athletics are happening and it seems you are more of a hater of the situation dependent on the school.
  8. This actually in a weird way seems like the proper way to go about recruiting from the transfer portal. Michigan communicated to Lamar about the possibility of VV coming in and explored options on where he would fit best for the team. Its a tricky situation but feels like the best way to approach it, this also gives Lamar plenty of time in advance instead of getting blind-sided by VV commitment.
  9. Michael Bear and Alex Facundo got recruited over at PSU, every school that has the ability to pull from the transfer portal will. Are the wrestlers in the transfer portal showing that loyalty does not matter to them? We want freedom for wrestlers to leave a university if they want to, why should the coaches not recruit or attempt to bring in the best guy at each weight? A certain sense of loyalty is great, but again this is a business, if a coach does not show results they get fired.
  10. To be fair this is true for multiple teams and it will be the way that coaches have to operate to either jump levels or remain on towards the top. Every team is trying to bring in established transfer portal wrestlers, their job is to put the best team forward, and utilizing the transfer portal is now part of their job.
  11. I would think Obe Blanc would be the front-runner. He's been at NDSU for multiple years now and has experience with different universities. Keeping a familiar face may also help retain most of their talent. He would be a good selection as he has the experience and accolades.
  12. I had also seen some rumors that Oklahoma wanted to keep some of their staff on board for whoever was hired next, not sure if that was just a rumor or if it had any credibility. Would love to see Obe take over at NDSU, could be a good opportunity for both universities.
  13. Going back to the COVID year, I was really excited and interested in how a football stadium would host an NCAA wrestling tournament. I would imagine that there would be plenty of tickets for people, I just imagine the seating being a little far from the mats for some. Still, a cool concept would've loved to see how it would have played out.
  14. While I agree with what you are saying about "adulting is hard" making it easier on the child is not most beneficial in growth and development, every school is now trying to buy an NCAA championship team, and I do not see a difference whether the money is coming from a parent or someone that donates a significant amount of money to a program so that they themselves feel connected to the program in their way. But the overarching theme I do agree with. I suppose this mostly goes back to beating the dead horse of is NIL really good for NCAA wrestling, which I do not want to go down that rabbit hole.
  15. This is only speculation correct? In my opinion, I do not see this as protective helicopter parents, like you said they are able to do with their money as they please. Helping a program/university that your child attends does not seem like anything surprising. This case is different in that they have the means to supply a lot more money than most parents, but I would say 99% of parents on any team donate money to the program within their financial means. The athlete is not guaranteed a starting spot by this, actually, quite the opposite as they will bring someone in who is significantly better. Again, this is speculation but let's not say it's a helicopter parent when many of us would provide the same for our child had we been in their position financially.
  16. I went back and rewatched a couple of the finals matches, I must say after three times watching the Sasso/Berger final minute I am not sure I agree with the ruling of the challenge. It did not seem like Berger did anything that enabled Sasso to expose his chest wrap and felt like the scoring should have remained 2 and 1, but again I will be the first to admit I am not a genius on the freestyle scoring more just a fan.
  17. Techs are actually very difficult to come by actually. FRL just discussed how rare a tech fall is in the NCAA tournament, out of the 640 matches in the NCAA wrestling tournament there were only 9 tech falls. 1.4% of matches ended in a technical fall that does not seem too easy
  18. I am not an Iowa fan in the slightest but let's not be naive and think that other programs PSU included aren't throwing money around just the same. It is outlandish to think that Iowa is the only program that is trying to get recruits with the use of NIL money. There is a lot to be said about trends and success. PSU has done a great job of adapting to the times, training is much different now than it was 20 years ago. Now that PSU has built its success people want to be attached and part of it. This ship will change to the next program whether it be Iowa, Ohio State, Michigan, Virginia Tech whatever school like everything it will come to an end and someone else will take over.
  19. If I were PSU I would look to see if Ayala has any interest in moving to Happy Valley. Seems like a good fit for him
  20. The way I understand NIL which I may be completely wrong so I will admit that if this is not correct, but in my interpretation, NIL was made for an athlete to promote themselves using their face or name such as host wrestling camps, do individuals with their names and post it on whatever platform they desire or have a company use their name or face to promote a product. I did not believe it was intended to be used for an athlete to say school X offered me $10,000 NIL can you match or exceed that offer?
  21. My viewpoint is that you are correct that NIL is not supposed to be used as a recruiting tool and many predicted that this would become a big issue once NIL came into fruition, but let's not act like the NCAA did not know this either. NCAA was getting scrutinized by everyone for not allowing NCAA athletes to get any money for their name, image, and likeness. Then they allow it and are being scrutinized because its because used as a recruiting tactic. Cannot have it both way and I understand this goes way beyond wrestling and wrestlers are in reality a very small fish in a big pond in terms of NIL money.
  22. I agree with the viewpoint of the transfer portal being more of an issue. With your point of NIL counterbalances the Transfer Portal in theory that is an appropriate assumption and conclusion to come to. In reality, more specifically wrestling than football the other schools like Lock Haven, George Mason, etc. do not have the funding or athletic support compared to those of a PSU, Michigan, Penn State, even NC State. To argue that NIL will balance transfers is unrealistic the mid-majors are already fundraising just to raise money that the school does not give their program. But with this being said I do not have a solution to this off-balance of power as it is above my intellectual level LOL
  23. I do not think the argument that NIL is ruining wrestling is a completely fair argument, I think the combination of the Transfer Portal and NIL developing at the same time has turned recruiting into the wild wild west. Eventually, this may trickle down on high school recruiting where college coaches do not want to commit to a high school prospect but instead, save their resources for the transfer portal and take their chance at an already established wrestler. Is this good for the sport of wrestling?
  24. What would the positive be to this hybrid model? It seems if we try to combine the dual and individual into a hybrid model we're eliminating the opportunity for any mid-major school. It seems every idea or change that is being made to enhance the sport is actually moving towards taking away more programs.
  25. This was my interpretation of why the ruling was illegal, this move and position is seen in every practice room and competition. If Shilson does not get knocked out the move is not even questioned. The moves intention is to use the momentum from the bounce to withdraw your elbow. If you remove this position by making it illegal more wrestlers will shoot for the intention to just hang onto the elbows.
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