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Everything posted by JVStateChamp

  1. Are you talking about the same dual meets that a majority of the starters dont wrestle in anyways? That should solve the problem for sure.
  2. Not that I want these wrestlers collegiate careers to end. But playing devils advocate the wrestlers did know the consequences and the violations they were committing at the time. If they say that they did not know that their careers could be over, I am calling BS. Every team meets with a compliance officer that goes over regulations of do's and dont's. What should a penalty be for student athletes that are gambling on their university? This opens a huge can of worms for the integrity of sports. I am also not blind to think it was only Iowa wrestlers and acknowledge that they were just the only ones to get caught but there does need to be some repercussions to ignoring a clear NCAA policy.
  3. What is the overall purpose of this ruling? Is the NCAA now trying to put some control on the chaos of the transfer portal and which loophole will colleges coaches find to manipulate it?
  4. One impact for smaller wrestling programs that I have noticed or at least believe to have noticed is that they do not get the big-name coaches anymore. In the past, there was a trend where a younger coach looking to get his start in college coaching would start at a smaller program and then build their experience to become a head coach at a top program. Many of our youngest and brightest coaches are opting to stay an assistant at a bigger university rather than become a head coach at a smaller one. The best examples I can think of are UTC's coaching history as previous coaches include Terry Brands and Chris Bono or Tim Flynn at Edinboro before making the jump to WVU. Does this mean the program will be successful? No, but it does draw attention and fans which in turn shows support for the program making it more difficult to drop the program.
  5. I am not positive there is a correlation between football success and wrestling success or vice versa. I believe it's more of athletic success amongst bigger universities. These schools have a bigger draw from crowds and more resources to pump into their athletics which in turn gets the better recruits. I do agree with the notion that wrestling needs to promote itself better to produce more revenue but that is nothing new.
  6. There are pros and cons to providing an extra 3,000 seats, the West Gym atmosphere of being a packed house and having the wrestlers in a small heated environment really seemed to give UNI a home mat advantage. The big question is whether UNI will be able to fill those extra 3,000 seats. As an outsider looking in it's been awesome to see Schwab have success and hope for continued success but this seems to be a hurdle that no Division 1 coach should have to balance with the rest of their duties.
  7. I think this is more of a case that these student-athletes are not sorry that they broke NCAA rules but rather that they got caught. It is truly unfortunate that this ends the careers of some but being an NCAA wrestler, especially at Iowa is a responsibility. There are certain things that student-athletes cannot do (gambling, specific substances, etc.) that the average college student can do. To say that these student-athletes did not know the rules or consequences is very unlikely and they're most likely playing dumb. Student-athletes have meetings with compliance every year to cover the do's and don'ts as an athlete for their university. Whether you agree with the rule or not, it is well known that it is part of the NCAA rules and there should be no excuse for stating you did not know the consequences of breaking said rule.
  8. From a wrestling perspective on the outside looking in UNC seems to be the best of both worlds. Koll will have more flexibility in getting students enrolled at UNC as well as use the benefits of the location to draw east coast talent to Chapel Hill. As I see it Pop in Raleigh used the same strategies when he got to NC State and has had a lot of success. Very similar locations, might give the academic edge to UNC but regardless dont be surprised if the UNC v NC State rivalry is revamped sooner rather than later.
  9. My opinion on the Koll move to UNC which is just speculative on interviews he has done in the past week was that this move was as much of a personal decision as a career decision. It is no secret that Koll's dream job has been the head coach at UNC, I believe he feels that Chapel Hill is a more desirable place to live that offers more benefits than Stanford. Koll is also very transparent in what he considers the potential of UNC's wrestling program. In his eyes, being on the east coast lends itself to more high-level recruits and UNC is a great combination of a program with the tools, resources, and financials to succeed on and off the mat. UNC admissions is more generous to accepting athletes which in turn will accelerate the success of the program in ways that Koll did not have at Cornell or Stanford.
  10. Like I said a good deal of wrestlers have been held back for a competitive advantage. My point on the discussion is I never remember a time that the wrestling world fixated on one wrestler's age so much. Especially at a time when wrestlers are now wrestling for 6 years in college making them 25. My personal opinion is I believe the holdback/ grey shirt route actually shows no long-term advantage and possibly actually shows as a hindrance in the long run.
  11. Great hire for Coach Obe, Hayden will be a nice addition and should be able to draw some recruits, especially around the 157-184 weight classes. Not sure if this marks the end of him competing but seems like it could be a win-win for him and the NDSU program.
  12. Tom Ryan is interesting in the fact he seems to excel in recruiting but his ability to develop talent has been questioned. I imagine when he leaves either Jaggers or Steiber will take over.
  13. I know this is a thread to troll, but I cannot help but think there is going to be a big shift in head coaches in the next 5-10 years. It seems as though John Smith is on the last leg of his coaching career, Some Hawkeye fans want Tom out now and Bono has not seemed to be a fan favorite. This is all speculation and an outsider looking in but I think it will be interesting to see who the next big coaches will be for the more historic programs.
  14. I was around for Mark Hall if I am remembering correctly (always possible I am not), Hall was 19 at the beginning of his freshman year not sure when his birthday is but possible he turned 20 during that season as well.
  15. I can see that argument for sure, is the argument this is an advantage because you are seeing a more finished product or a disadvantage because they will not improve as much? It is very hard to tell which wrestlers will jump levels in college whether they are physically matured or not. I think in general without maturity we are seeing wrestlers at a more finished product before college because of the high levels of coaching that are now available to high school athletes. I did not look at it from that vantage point so I do see the argument for it.
  16. I am not sure I fully understand the obsession with Chittums age, I have never heard of such a debate and uproar about the age of someone. I think the age of these high-level wrestlers may continue to be on the older side as holdbacks are becoming more popular. Just not sure of the relevance of his age.
  17. For the individual it may be better than Iowa, Chittum will be there as a 157 with Paniro Johnson below him and David Carr above him. Those are tougher training partners than at Iowa, as well as adding Brent Metcalf as another person who brings Iowa's background in a different environment.
  18. Not trolling, but I do believe the SouthEast has a large amount of untapped potential that tends to be growing and getting more predominant every year which is exciting. I think Georgia and TN are going to continue to grow and start producing more and more high level wrestlers at the college level
  19. I believe the reason Cleveland has been dominating in Tennessee for 25 years and will continue to struggle nationally is that they are getting the best wrestlers from that area but it's minimal compared to nationally. Cleveland has open enrollment where students in the surrounding areas can enroll to go to Cleveland which makes it not really a public school. Interesting discussion but yes back to college wrestling
  20. PIAA narrowed down to 13 weights two years ago originally the weights being 106, 113, 120, 126, 132, 138, 145, 152, 160, 172, 189, 215, HWT. This was the first year that PIAA wrestled under the 13-weight set established by NFHS.
  21. Do not believe the option of the portal is even available for Chittum as he is not a rostered athlete. Not sure where that leaves him in terms of NLI, but with the portal closing on May 7 it may complicate things. It could very well be he has no restrictions as well because he is not a listed athlete.
  22. I hold my breathe on Pennsylvania, being a PA native and following predominantly Pennsylvania wrestlers it frustrates me that we had a different weight class set than most everyone last year. Adding 1 pound to every weight up until 145, didn't see the logic in that but the PIAA probably knows more than I do
  23. One rule I wish every state would adopt is to agree on a set of weight classes. This is the selfish viewer aspect in me, but I always get mixed up when watching Ironman, Powerade, and Beast when they all have different weight classes, as an athlete I can't imagine the different weights are all that fun either.
  24. I believe the process is we take the best available wrestler, if someone is the best available option I think we should take that individual. Taking a less qualified younger wrestler is ageism at its finest.
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