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Everything posted by Interviewed_at_Weehawken

  1. Thanks. Remembered the true freshman year (7th), forgot about the redshirt after. Kinda a Zain thing, too.
  2. Yes. Also hit a lot of guts in his US Open performance. I honestly would not be surprised if he has been working almost exclusively on freestyle for the last six years, at least as far as par terre. It is not like he showed any evolution in his folkstyle top game.
  3. I agree to a point. How many of those guys you mentioned took a redshirt or greyshirt? Just curious. I know Joe Williams didn't redshirt. Amazingly, Lee has better placements than Joe Williams and likely more bonus wins.
  4. Yeah. I doubt he goes around bragging that he's a racist.
  5. My understanding is that when he does clinics, he leads off with something like "When you wrestle me, there's a deal we make: One of us is going to our backs in the first thirty seconds..."
  6. Steveson said that Lee was the one wrestler he always made sure to watch. He admired the dominance.
  7. Has had domestic success. That doesn't make him a generational talent, but it is a fact.
  8. Better than I ever did! I still have Lee over wrestler, though!
  9. Didn't Nino's dad coach Mr. Truax or something similar?
  10. Thanks for your response and all you have done. I am in awe of people who make it through these schools. The lack of sleep and the exposure to the elements would do me in early. (And this is coming from a marathoner who has done most of his training in the northeast, and doesn't miss a run if its 0 or 100. At least I get to go at my own pace and also choose what I am wearing.)
  11. I have seen it from NC State sources as well as from the father of the athlete that the slur was directed toward. Also, seems to have a bit of an attitude problem. Started chirping to NC State staff after his win vs. NC State this year. Was still on the mat. Multiple people held back/restrained, including his dad (I believe.) Find the video. It is out there.
  12. Has a great freestyle top game that served him well in age group tournaments and his one senior level tournament. The hope is that it translates at the senior world level.
  13. Exactly. But there was speculation that he wasn't going to.
  14. Where does that statement say "injury default?" Hint: It doesn't. It never happened.
  15. Going back to your initial post, I may have misunderstood your point. You may also be misunderstanding mine. I will take credit (blame) for the initial misunderstanding. I thought you were saying one thing, but after multiple re-readings, you may have been saying another. Mea culpa!
  16. I understand what you are saying. I am a ref. We are only concerned about 45 degrees when one shoulder is on a mat. That is it. If you want to say it is 0 degrees in a bridge or whatever, that is fine. But 45 is only looked at if there is one shoulder on the mat. That is the only time you look for that criteria. Can you picture a non 45 degree situation? Perhaps if a man is on both elbows and crunched forward on his butt in a double?
  17. It is almost always going to be 45 degrees, but there are other criteria that could be met. Keep in mind, the "45 degrees' rule only comes into play when one shoulder or scapula is on the mat. I can't find my NCAA rulebook PDF, this is from an NCAA publication though: A near fall is when an offensive wrestler turns his opponent past 45 degrees for a period of time. This can occur in a bridged position as well, on both elbows or when a wrestler has his back within four inches of the mat. So, "both elbows" can come into play off of a double, a suckback, or a headlock, etc. I usually see "four inches off of a suckback, but I suppose it could be a tilt. (Yianni was careful not to bridge when Murin was tilting)
  18. This was based on another post by another poster who claimed Nate did not wrestle this year due to previous concussion issues and the fear that he wouldn't be allowed to join the Navy/participate in BUD/S if he received another. No idea how or why this medical information (if true) got out there.
  19. At no point did he injury default, nor did any person say that (outside of message boards or social media.)
  20. This sounds great until a ref actually makes a stalling call and everyone loses their minds. (PA state finals this year, ref aggressively called stalling, as prescribed by the rules, and people from around the country lost their minds and said that he should never ref again).
  21. Well, if he already has concussion issues, being in close quarters with explosives while breaching doors isn't going to really help him.
  22. And then you have the SEAL I know or someone like Jocko Willink. Both are absolute physical specimens that you wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of. There is no one body type that makes it through selection.
  23. 45 degrees only applies if a shoulder or scapula is in contact with the mat. The other criteria are: propped up on both elbows, bridging, less than 4". (and we don't have protractors or rulers so sometimes 46 degrees or 5 inches get swipes.)
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