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Everything posted by Interviewed_at_Weehawken

  1. Although I don't have a problem with Parker as the #1, I think many do. This is probably the #1 most complained about seed.
  2. On FRL yesterday, Askren brought up a "rumor" that he had been made aware of. Pyles cut him off and said that he didn't want to deal with the damage control that comes with "cheating allegations." Askren dropped it, somewhat reluctantly. It seemed they were talking about 125, perhaps highly seeded, maybe EIWA? Anyone have any clues?
  3. Very minor taunt, Calls Spencer for stalling late in the match. Really not a huge deal, but probably more than Cardinale would feel comfortable with today. Also, keep in mind that it was pretty much an established fact that Spencer had been hurt in the Big 10 final, as he was caught on camera telling Brands he had torn his knee.
  4. Isn't Cardinale the kid who was taunting Spencer when Spencer was wrestling him without ACLs in the 2021 tournament?
  5. On this and some other boards, I am seeing complaints about seeds of past champs, and other notables. It is almost as if people don't know that Griffith has multiple losses, Dean has multiple losses, and Brooks has a loss and really not a lot of matches. "They are trying to bury Sugar Shane in the brackets! It is a plan to give Carr a loss so that O'Toole can win. It is by design" "Who are the idiots who put Brooks in at #3?" "Dean will win. Penn State shows up at Nationals. Dumb to make him a low seed when you know PSUs record at NCAAs." I have seen variations off of all of these. My head hurts.
  6. Yes, I remember that, too! Taking a step backward off the whistle was generally an automatic stall!
  7. This shape would not interlock. They would need to be 6-sided (hexagon) in order to fit together tightly. Even then, it wouldn't really allow you to fit more mats into any arena, where you can usually fit two rows at most. I think this is purely a form rather than function thing. But I think they look cool. Correct. This would only work with tr My buddy bought one of these for his high school program. They use them once and then get rid of them. His was a semi mat, I believe. The NCAA logo has been removed.
  8. Interesting. It is actually both hands, but more the right. Was he worried about his nose bleeding or something? He looked to have blood on his singlet at the end of the match.
  9. Kept the foot in just barely. I don't think he really wanted to go into rideouts with Phillippi, based on the rest of the match. Made sense to really go for it in first OT.
  10. Well, only six teams and Duke barely counts. Duke only won two bouts the entire tournament! I would have liked to have seen Matty Singleton get one at 165, however. He had to have been in consideration.
  11. Agree with everything, and intent doesn't really matter. Opponent also ended up concussed.
  12. Can't slam from a double? I wonder if Mr. Bono knows that you can even slam from bottom?
  13. Not the mat's fault, but still a bad memory of the mat. First time down to weight and gassed! Usually had a great tank.
  14. Could be wrestling on Day 2 (St. Patrick's Day) and the commentators would love him.
  15. This was from an April Fool's article, but basically what I wrestled on. It was an old mat that they were still making use of.
  16. Odd! I actually wrestled in a tournament that had a square mat. This was the late 80s. When I say "square mat," I mean the competition area was not a circle, but a square. Horrible match. Blew a lead in the semi on that mat!
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