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Everything posted by Threadkilla

  1. Sadly that is true. The US is turning into a shithole. Our cities are third world. Watch any video on Moscow, Mexico City. Medellin Columbia, watch Peter Santanellos series on Saudi Arabia. No trash, no imigration BS. Many Iranian cities are famous for their beauty all around the world. But, you can buy a BBQ'd rat on the streets of NY.
  2. They pander to anybody for votes. Some people paid to get into that event just to Heckle them.
  3. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68685608 3 Democrat Presidents attend the Biden Fundraiser at the same time. With some of the most amazing talent assembled. Luminaries like Colbert. Kimmell, LIZZO. Queen Latifa and some bimbo I've never heard of. The event started with Comedian Mindy Kaling hosted the event and spoke just moments after singer Lizzo finished a rendition of her hit About Damn Time. Other stars such as Queen Latifah and Cynthia Erivo (Who) also took the stage. Apparently Diddy was busy. But the longest standing ovation was saved for the moment when the three presidents - Mr Biden, Mr Obama and Mr Clinton rose to the stage on a platform. A big steaming pile of Presidents rising from depths. Just to be a fly on the Wall at such an amazing event. Wow. Chants of "four more years" echoed throughout the auditorium for Mr Biden. Even if they have to wheel him in like Diane Feinstein or keep him on ice like RBG. "Three presidents... and none of them are here [in New York] to go to court," joked comedian Stephen Colbert, alluding to Mr Trump's legal troubles. In Other News: Stupid old Trump was attending a wake for NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller fatally shot in Queens. Shame on him.
  4. Yet he graduated college in 5 years. not 7 or more like many. . 3 time finalist. 2 time champ. And he is still younger than at least 6 guys that wrestled this year.
  5. Run of the mill Democrat Pedophile.
  6. Talk about being lazy. Tossing out the race card is weak and a bitch way of trying to shut down dialogue. I'm sure you have the Obama handbook at the ready. A water Buffalo is of the Bovidae family (Cow). You know. cloven hooved ruminants. Letitia James is a cow and she's the racist.
  7. 1928 Dude? Weren't there any stats from Lincoln or Biblical times?
  8. I watched this video yesterday only about a minute or less is spent on the spladle . It was a good interview with DC about the tourney. McAfee was sold on wrestling.
  9. Jimmy creates dialogue. Most of you whiners respond to his topics. People create topics about Cinnabon because he living rent free in your head. Just block him. Thats how I quit seeing Hammerlock.
  10. He was 19-6 as a freshman and is currently on the world team, he should be fine.
  11. Erisman is a great choice. I hope he can keep his team together.
  12. So you are saying you missed it? Care to elaborate?
  13. With that head of steam Kasak had on the backside, I don't think anybody would beat him. I would have picked him over Henson at that point. His consolation run was more the more impressive feats of the weekend.
  14. The new review process this year was better than what we had. Does anybody remember the Woods/Alirez match last year? That review took forever. The independent review that goes upstairs is a big improvement and it removes the ref reviewing his own call. Time limit should be 90 seconds from the review going to the table. The challenge room has 6 or more different vantage points I believe and multiple reviewers. It needs minor tweaks.
  15. Well Brooks can kick Vito's ass. So there is that.
  16. Give Brooks the Hodge and Haines the OW. They both made it look effortless.
  17. Lucas Cochran will be starting next year at 197.
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