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Everything posted by Threadkilla

  1. i disagree, the chances of making a Freestyle team in the US is one in 10,000. If some of our better athletes and top folk wrestlers focused on Greco we could compete. The exposure only helps. New and casual fans don't care about either too much.
  2. Greco is huge internationally, it would help if we were better at it, when our guys regularly get beat and don't place at Pan AM's, it hurts, the exposure can only help. Watch Asian or Eastern Europe Greco, It's a different product. WFS is growing in the world and women are joining the ranks at a huge rate, In the US it's folk and Free. Womens wrestling may turn off some but it has helped grow mens wrestling in the US, with women involved, schools are deciding to add wrestling, both men and women. Exposure can only help.
  3. i rewatched the Burroughs/Nolf ending and Burroughs walk out. I slowed it down, There were some boo's but he wasn't getting booed at least by the folks on camera, You can hear, thank you Jordan and you are the GOAT Jordan until he walked in/near the tunnel and one fan accosted him and he responded. A couple bad apples doesn't make a bad fan base. You people make it sound like it was a Biden rally, That's booing.
  4. It keeps viewership up. Otherwise we would have had Freestyle last and had to wait for the greco/wfs. Greco and WFS are not as popular in the US, so It doesn't hurt that they were grouped together. and like Ionel said you could follow match order on Track Dashboard.
  5. It hasn't been reviewed by SCOTUS for 30 years. With 87 percent of the public wanting term limits, it is ripe for review. The pros and cons from the Federalist Papers: The Federalist Papers also offered several pros and cons about term limits and tenure. Federalist No. 62 claimed that experience was essential to public service: “A good government implies two things; first, fidelity to the object of government, which is the happiness of the people; secondly, a knowledge of the means by which that object can be best attained.” Experience is essential?. not so much. These days it has turned into a winning lottery ticket with the lifetimers enriching themselves. I have more faith in many of the young reps than I do in McConnal, Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Graham etc. who have served themselves for over 30 years. However, Federalist No. 53 warned that tenured representatives could thoroughly become the “masters of the public business, and perhaps not unwilling to avail themselves of those advantages.” But an inexperienced legislative body would be “more apt will they be to fall into the snares that may be laid for them.” (Note: The National Archives attributes authorship of Federalist Nos. 53 and 62 to James Madison.) That is obviously not the case anymore.
  6. Bekzod Addurakmanov won Asians and qualified for the Olympics for UZB. Is he still training in State College?
  7. Thats a bummer, didn't know he passed. The first American Yokozuna.
  8. Hakuho the goat approves this message.
  9. US greco has had 4 medals in 10 years. I think 125 is our best chance of a medal.
  10. Spencer Zain Dake Brooks Snyder Parris Solid team
  11. Who is the color guy on Peacock he sounds familier?
  12. Dake Olympic gold medalist, it's time.
  13. yet Bo has nothin but the highest praise for PSU and the coaches.
  14. Peacock did great yesterday AM, sucked last night, then redeemed themselves today. I agree still better than almost any Flo broadcast.
  15. Bo corners for Brooks too, Thay are good friends.
  16. That's why I'm confident. Because I have more faith in Lee and Zain than I did with Zane and Nick Lee.
  17. He meant it then. He was talking about how much of a beast he was.
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