I'm seeing a paradigm shift politically for the first time in the US and to an extent globally and I'm old as balls. Counterculture is being put in check.
The kid is on point most of the time.
He knows wrestling and the wrestlers,
Generally Good analysis.
Doesn't sling alot of BS. in a 10 minute spot you don't get 4 minutes of story time in the preamble.
Tucker tore in to Dan Crenshaw (Eye patch McCain) on his alignment with the Biden administration on the Bill to ban the social media giant.
I'm not sure how I feel about this one. I'm not a fan of the platform due to the massive information collection and that China is getting entrenched in many sectors in the US.
That's awesome. You aren't on the spectrom by chance? Sounds like you are soaking up the sport at a good pace. Too bad the injury ended your career so early..
I just found a list of the worst people of the 20th Century and Katie Britt wasn't on it.
1. Hitler
2 Hillary Clinton
3. Pol Pot
4. Chairman Mao
5. Barak Obama
8. Joe Biden
7. Stalin
8. Taylor Swift
9. Idi Amin
10 Joseph Mengele.
This looks pretty accurate.
Wait, Is he saying that the Democrats are liars and frauds??. That's crazy.
That vaccination is gonna help Chuck when he and his hubby gonna be living in a van at the bottom of a Lake.
I was just typing the same thing. I see the people who have a problem with Brooks and Fix et.al. for professing their faith are the same people that applaud Kaepernick and Rapinoe.