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Everything posted by Threadkilla

  1. Like Cael said, we don't really think about that kind of stuff. We just want our guys to win and that will take care of itself. Ish.
  2. Shareholders approved the merger of Digital World Acquisition Corp. with Trump Media & Technology Group, his 60% stake is worth 3 Billion. Water Buffalo Letitia James is repotedly beside herself.
  3. Has anybody tuned in to the watch party? It's cool. you can watch two dudes watch wrestling on blurred out screens and have awkward conversation and you get the bonus of JD looking into the camera with the inquisitive dog look. It's pretty comical.
  4. The Iowa fans care more about the record than PSU does. Let Iowa keep the record so they can have the "yeah, but" argument.
  5. Has anybody else looked for Mike's cousins on the broadcast? 2bd year in a row for me.
  6. How do you ruin a good thing, idk let's ask Chael.
  7. People seem to forget that Cardenas already beat Shapiro this year.
  8. Cardenas had a body lock with the arm in and took Shapiro to his back hard but legal.
  9. Remember the last time that Cardenas concussed Shapiro?
  10. ESPN showing more commercials than wrestling.
  11. I think Cormier was a two-time junior college national champion at 197 pounds, in 1998 and 1999 at Colby. Brock Lesnar was at Bismarck State College and won the 1998 National Junior College championship as a sophomore after finishing fifth as a freshman.
  12. 2011, He missed weight for the consi semi's and finished 6th. Still 4x AA I believe.
  13. Really, you don't say. Have you checked any other boards? Are they still posting anti-mom-memes? I haven't been on college boards in forever, but I kinda doubt PSU fans give a rats ass about any of it.
  14. Quentin Wright pinning Grant Gambrill in the semis in 2011 always sticks out to me. I can't find a good video of the match.
  15. You are doing a great Job. Keep up the good work. Your analysis is top notch.
  16. I was totally against his style last year,. But something changed.
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