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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. It will count as a 4th title. If 2021 hadn't been free he would have used his Redshirt then, so this isn't the same as Sta(l)rocci coming back. Sta(l)rocci used his proper Redshirt in 2020 and his Redshirt Frosh year in 2021.
  2. Rath looks just like O'Toole. O'Toole was expected to be 157 but could not beat out Jacques.
  3. He isn't that big and has problems with the big guys (Attao, Johnson?). He will be like Parris and get bigger, but he isn't near there yet. Oh no, I am in agreement there. Everything I have said here is a serious hypothetical of IF him and/or O'Toole do redshirt and then come back. If he is spending the time to take a year off, why not put that focus on growing in to 97 KG? FWIW, I also hope Trumble comes back at 285lbs next year, in preparation for being 97 KG on his senior level career.
  4. I know and understand that. The wrestlers who wrestled the matchss there, though are mostly the ones expected tknhe as dnto NCAAs. Same guys. They aren't surprising anyone.
  5. He went 3-3 at NCAAs last year. Guess what Trombley's record at NCAAs is...? Also not a losing record.
  6. They beat three of the teams you listed. Not sure how you cold comfortably put them ahead of them...
  7. I wasn't wanting him to fill out to HWT. I was wanting him to fill out to the weight he will me going towards for the next cycle, which is 97 KG (~213lbs). Go for 225-230lbs for safe measure. He is long. A little muscle will go a long way towards adding weight. Also in two years (2026) that 285lb weight class is going to be Feldman, Pitzer, Kueter, Carroll, Mirasola, Hopke, Mullin, etc. All these big sumbitches we have today are gone.
  8. Evans still makes that a match, fwiw. Also, fwiw that might bite him in the ass. Hardy handled him last time they wrestled and it appeared to be a style matchup issue. Hardy is looking at the 4 seed right now.
  9. Legitimately half of his matches (so far) this year are at 125lbs and the other half are at 133lbs - all in duals. If (key word) he chooses to go 133, I am sure the coaching staff will allow him to wrestle Orine for the spot. It isn't as if Orine, Comacho, or Trombley have shown to be heads and shoulders better at putting results out there when it matters most.
  10. Run on sentence is run on sentence. There are 2,033 other posters on these forums more valuable than that scum of a bot. 2,034 if I choose to include Blue Dragons - which I might...
  11. Oh god. People actually think he's not a troll. HFS guys.
  12. I think you have Rocky go up a weight after a redshirt, in that scenario, as well. His MFS career is going to be at 97 KG. Let him grow to 225-230lbs. Also, Redshirt Sinclair as well. Have Whiting/Hawkes man 184/197.
  13. Joke is on you! I had three other's tabbed... that actually makes it 3.5!
  14. I think the sites are doing it because Trombley has been the guy for them in duals for over a month. Comacho just won the App St Open so I think he is working on getting back to form from whatever it might have been ailing him. I imagine Trombley will get his chance at starting for thr postseason at whatever weight of his choosing (meaning a chance to wrestle off for the spot(s)). Until PatPop says otherwise or until we see otherwise at ACCs I would assume Comacho will be the guy.
  15. No. I just understand that we have two international styles I would prefer to feed in to, not just one.
  16. Or you could not be a turdbiscuit, quit posting in this burner, and just leave it (us) alone.
  17. I don't think it will be a shutout, so I would not take the bet. That said, Cinnatwat doesn't follow through on bets. Never has. Ergo, if I win... I still lose.
  18. Those are MFS weights. MGR has more grapplers, internationally. Why not use their weights?
  19. Any chance you would be willing to do this for D2 and D3 as well?
  20. Also, a loss to Oklahoma State likely puts them more on the hotseat than a loss to this year's Penn State squad.
  21. If they shut Iowa out, will you finally leave us all alone - forever?
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