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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. There might not have been a perfect 125lb bracket out there, but I had the finals nailed.
  2. Are you blind? He did that shit many times. Happy to see Fix lose, though.
  3. Fix is stalling his ass off, yes. Vito charging head first is a douchebag move. What a cunt
  4. No. The mentality and understanding that they are entirely different eras. Everyone wanted to wrestle for Gable. Talent in the US has never been higher and more spread out. Sanderson has a better product and coaching staff.
  5. I had a wild Session 4, gents. So many ups and downs. So much booze. I have laugh cried, angry cried, sad cried. HFS.
  6. Because he is 37 years old. He is simply looking his age.
  7. They are running the next round of consis, mate. This session is not over.
  8. While I agree, I also disagree. Folks choose not to wrestle Schultz because he can pin anybody and once he is physically on top of you it is impossible to not be under him. Lewan forces folks to not wrestle.
  9. Are they rolling in to the next round of consis in this session?
  10. Not sure why the rest of the heavyweight field wasn't reported... maybe it had to be with True 9th bracketing?
  11. Davison got decked last year by not respecting Pindrickson. If he can avoid the first two minute onslaught, he might be okay.
  12. I am really hoping we see Beard up at HWT next season.
  13. I have a theory. Beard didn't want to have to beat on his little brother (Brooks) so he decided to not bring his soul to this match with Elam. This is embarrassing to watch.
  14. Conventional wisdom agrees, however I don't think it is going to be close.
  15. Remember when Joe Smith beat Thicclay at 174lbs and looked to be the physically stronger wrestler? Ha.
  16. DePrez hit a wall against Sloan. He just stopped moving. Sloan - Hidlay should be good.
  17. Elam riding Beard like Beard is three weeks late on his rent.
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