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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. This is actually what I said, just in a long-winded, hard to read, poorly formatted paragraph.
  2. I still want Zain at 74 KG. I don't know what weight he is going yet, either, and I don't know if it's been publicly announced. Has anyone seen him? Does his jawline look drawn out or does he still appear to be weaponized?
  3. I imagine the way it is going to be set up is that mats 1-8 have the preliminary 125-184. Mat 1 will then have 197 prelim and Mat 2 will have 285 in the hole. The 16/17 match on down (in the bracket top to bottom) will then start being 'on deck' for Mat 3 through Mat 8. Then it will start in order for the 125 14/19 match on down eight more. It will likely show that way pretty early tomorrow morning as soon as brackets are finalized.
  4. Yes. They will line up two matches on deck (typically), but have the next 20-30 wrestlers also 'in the hole' for warm-up purposes. Not sure how KC is going to be set up, but until they eliminate 1/4 of the field after the first round of consis it tends to be rather crowded in the warm-up area. This is on Trackwrestling, so you can also follow along there, insofar as who is on deck and whatnot. It is also pretty easy to set up Track to send you text messages or notifications when a wrestler you want to watch/see is on deck as well as when there is a result to report for a specific wrestler (or team). If you need/want any help in setting something like that up shoot me a DM and I can probably talk you through it pretty easily.
  5. Didn't Devos have a negative bonus percentage this year. Obviously I am being stupid with that comment, but the point is that nearly half of his victories were within one takedown from being sent to overtime or losing outright. If we are going to throw stones at the #2 seed in comparison, why not bring up the 7-2 Decision loss to the guy who stole his AQ in Baumann or loss via Pinfellery to Lock Haven redshirt Bassett?
  6. Bringing any sort of religion in to it removes any attempt at validation you are trying to create. Sorry/not sorry. Many of the most evil, vile people in existence today and throughout history have done bad or evil in the name of whatever religious deity they zealously chose to follow.
  7. He was twice the size of the first guy he wrestled. The size difference looked comical and he couldn't do anything with the advantage. I didn't see his Bronze medal match.
  8. I want 65 KG qualified first. Green isn't qualifying it for us with the way he is wrestling right now. (Un)fortunately he wouldn't be able to earn that right because he isn't going win OTT. A duck is a duck.
  9. They will typically skip over their matches until the time necessary passes. There are 15 other matches at each weight that can be wrestled while waiting for that time. They don't just wrestle 10 matches then weight 30 minutes once they're concluded. Once it starts it doesn't stop until all the designated matches for that session are over.
  10. Neither have even competed for a medal at Worlds. For the standard of representing us at 65 KG to qualify the weight, I do consider them as slouches. A close loss to Tobier or Tevanyan means more than a loss to either of them. His second match for bronze he didn't even score a point.
  11. Like ten minutes after the pigtails start, maybe sooner.
  12. I wish he would just give 74 KG a proper go. Same as Pantaleo. Even if they weigh 160lbs, they will have a tank. Maybe not a factor for the #1 spot, but could play spoiler for some gents at making the team (Pantaleo is like 8-1 against Berger all-time and Green is like 5-0 on Retherford all-time at 70 KG yeah?).
  13. Easy answer for Retherford is that he has beaten Johnny D every time when it actually matters and he has won two straight Worlds medals the last two years - the last of which being a Gold.
  14. His first loss: https://uww.org/athletes/aghayev-musa Guy DNP at U20s last year at 61 KG. He lost to him via 6-3 Decision. His second loss: https://uww.org/athletes/kudiev-abdulmazhid Guy has basically no Senior level success. He lost to him via 4-0 Decision. He lost to slouches.
  15. What's wild is he openly admitted to breaking said rule(s) on several podcasts/interviews and nothing came of it. Where was Manning then? This seems to have some elements of being a bridesmaid and not the bride in it.
  16. I believe that all except the finals were available on ESPN+ last year, with the finals only watchable on ESPN proper. I might be wrong.
  17. He kind of has to, doesn't he? He lets it ride the way it is(was) and he is forever a pedo and never allowed to do his 'dream' and whatever that means again in the history of ever. Not in the states at least and not in the midwest where everyone knows his face now because of the aforementioned gents ensuring that the information got out there. He sues for defamation and even if he wins the defamation suit, it doesn't necessarily clear him insofar as legitimate pedo concerns to those who aren't stupid enough to know there is a difference in this lawsuit and clearing his name in the court of public opinion. In that court of public opinion a victory it would make him appear innocent, which is all he needs most of the world to think. I hope there was people that got enough physical evidence to ensure there was reasonable doubt, which should (?) clear Brain, Pyle (and Co), and Minnow. The beauty of today's world is that once it is out there it can be out there for ever. That is also a curse, but for the sake of burying this piece of shit, it could be damning. I hope the cunt is reading this and I hope he is scared shitless that he is going to lose. Because he is going to lose.
  18. See above. He didn't get an at-large. He stole Augustine's bid.
  19. My man... he stole a bid. He didn't get an at-large. None lf the three I mentioned did, meaning that comparing resumes with Wilson makes no sense.
  20. Valencia and Faison got at-large bids? Bauman did, too? Missed that.
  21. Wilson had all season to not end up with 16W - 12L as his record.
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