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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Yatooma getting the nod here is very perplexing. There are many better options. Also, I don't like being wrong.
  2. Finesilver looks much improved at neutral. Romero last week is just worlds stronger and that is going to be a problem for Finesilver every time.
  3. I would also be willing to pay more. If there was a 'tier' sort of setup I definitely would. Something like what is current with the $10 and the PPV option, but give me a $15/mo option to unlock all of it, and I am in as well.
  4. I actually think Mattin wins that if they wrestle again. Wow. I am almost more impressed in him losing than Baker winning. Mattin was the clear aggressor the entire match.
  5. Honestly, if my interest is in a specific tournament and it is behind a PPV wall as well, then I am going to pay. It makes sense.
  6. That is actually one of my worries that Flo will start charging to watch each tournament too.
  7. Also looks like Baker here for the Camels rather than Augustine. Mattin is a heavy underdog here.
  8. Is it official that Poz is on shirt?
  9. https://www.trackwrestling.com/tw/seasons/LoadBalance.jsp?seasonId=1721604135&pageName=DualMatches.jsp&dualId=6698864132
  10. I think he could be, not necessarily that he will be.
  11. I meant your match by match scoring projection.
  12. What are your predictions as to who it is?
  13. Man... the more I think about it the more I am thinking Mendez might Tech or even Pin Latona. Latona's major claim to fame was is Comacho victories during 2021. NCAAs had no Ivies and I am pretty sure botth Latona and Comacho, who were basically touted as #2/3 for much of the season, were exposed. One main attribute he had going for him at 125 was his length. He isn't going to have that as much at 133 and especially will not against Mendez. It is a pretty bad matchup for him.
  14. I am kind of disappointed that the real TBar can't be TBar here Also, where TF is MSU at?
  15. Breakdown? I will show you mine if you show me yours.
  16. No mention of Bullock here, despite him performing as well ad Finesilver and Striggow InjDef out of the MSU Open: https://www.michigangrappler.com/news_article/show/1247179
  17. Using what each school projected as it's starter and Wrestlestat projects a 25-6 Rutgers victory.
  18. Does Ohio State still win it if the 2022 Penn State squad or the 2021 Iowa squad is at that finals?
  19. Oh, thought this were about tOSU not all of them. Same question to the 2022 individual champions: 125 - Suriano VS NATO 133 - RBY VS Brewer 141 - Lee VS Stiever 149 - Diakomihalid VS Houdashelt 157 - Deakin VS Martinez 165 - O'Toole VS Dieringer 174 - Starocci VS Brown 184 - Brooks VS Dean 197 - Dean VS Gadson 285 - Steveson VS Gwiazdowski
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