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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Can relate. Granddaughter once fell asleep in my left arm while I watched the telly. Wife nearly called 911 thinking I was having a heart attack. Couldn't move it properly for three days. Kid was such a loaf of meat. A dense meatloaf.
  2. I think after 65 you 'em crotchety, not grumpy.
  3. I don't recall any rumors Zahid was heading to Mexico @mspart. Just gents like me that wish he would go.
  4. Pretty sure most gents don't even need to think about it for it to happen. Next thing you know... 'Honey! It's time!'
  5. Teemer is out for the season, isn't he? Can't call him an expected starter for this season at all, then.
  6. Would have to have that old dead politician change the name, though. Can't if it is older than 15 minutes.
  7. I don't mean to be an idiot... ...BUT... Can you please break that up in to paragraphs? I have no care to read it as one large run on paragraph.
  8. I should have named this thread Corny Whiskey.
  9. You can't call us gutter heads if we take your pun as you intended. That makes you a gutter head for saying we are gutter heads before anyone can be one. Simple physics.
  10. It still isn't as bad a take as the Ethan Smith hasn't improved since arriving in Cbus one. That one is an alltimer.
  11. No. Not a farts chance in a shit storm I would do that. Ever.
  12. He took some 'odd' losses his senior season, I believe. Couple with him being a Florida guy (not seen as a NJ/PA/OH type grit) and he ended up dropping his senior season to 'fringe' Top 20 by spring.
  13. You must be new here. I am both Cheech and Chong high combined on Swiderski. It is known I am higher than the highest on Swiderski.
  14. I think 125 he is right there with an injurred Lee. I think this version of NATO is the best NCAAs version we saw. JDJ is likely competitive at 133 with the 2nd/3rd tier guys, but would need a good draw and a good performance to place here . Logie Bear is absolutely a contender. The only thing that stops me from naming him the favorite is that he lost Eierman, albeit in freestyle. A healthy Hunter contends, but no output from an INJDEFaulter. The 2021 field at 157 is a bunch of grinders and that doesn't bode well for a 157lber in a 141lber body for Demas. I think Bo contends here. This was the moat confident and comfortable version we saw of Bo. Top tier in 2021. If Bullard and Turley can AA then Martin can, too. Courts is on that Geer level. 184 is deeper in 2021 than it was in 2015, though. He could get 4th or R16 it. Hard to not look through unbiased eyes here. Frosh Snyder went and won a world championship at 213lbs a few months later. That said it is 197 and he did take some losses in Folkstyle that year to guys who 184lb Amine at 197 would have comfortably beat - including Gadson. I still day he contends. Tava gets slaughtered against this HWT field. What does thus bode for points?
  15. 2021: 125 pounds: 1-Spencer Lee, Iowa 2-Brandon Courtney, Arizona State 3-Patrick McKee, Minnesota 4-Drew Hildebrandt, Central Michigan 5-Taylor LaMont, Utah Valley 6-Sam Latona, Virginia Tech 7-Killian Cardinale, West Virginia 8-Eric Barnett, Wisconsin 133 pounds: 1-Roman Bravo-Young, Penn State 2-Daton Fix, Oklahoma State 3-Austin DeSanto, Iowa 4-Korbin Myers, Virginia Tech 5-Lucas Byrd, Illinois 6-Michael McGee, Arizona State 7-Chris Cannon, Northwestern 8-Louie Hayes, Virginia 141 pounds: 1-Nick Lee, Penn State 2-Jaydin Eierman, Iowa 3-Tariq Wilson, N.C. State 4-Sebastian Rivera, Rutgers 5-Dylan Duncan, Illinois 6-Chad Red, Nebraska 7-Zachary Sherman, North Carolina 8-Clay Carlson, South Dakota State 149 pounds: 1-Austin O’Connor, North Carolina 2-Sammy Sasso, Ohio State 3-Yahya Thomas, Northwestern 4-Boo Lewallen, Oklahoma State 5-Brock Mauller, Missouri 6-Kyle Parco, Fresno State 7-Jaden Abas, Stanford 8-Jonathan Millner, Appalachian State 157 pounds: 1-David Carr, Iowa State 2-Jesse Dellavecchia, Rider 3-Ryan Deakin, Northwestern 4-Jacori Teemer, Arizona State 5-Hayden Hidlay, N.C. State 6-Brayton Lee, Minnesota 7-Kaleb Young, Iowa 8-Wyatt Sheets, Oklahoma State 165 pounds: 1-Shane Griffith, Stanford 2-Jake Wentzel, Pittsburgh 3-Keegan O’Toole, Missouri 4-Travis Wittlake, Oklahoma State 5-Ethan Smith, Ohio State 6-Zach Hartman, Bucknell 7-Cameron Amine, Michigan 8-Anthony Valencia, Arizona State 174 pounds: 1-Carter Starocci, Penn State 2-Michael Kemerer, Iowa 3-Mikey Labriola, Nebraska 4-Bernie Truax, Cal Poly 5-Logan Massa, Michigan 6-Demetrius Romero, Utah Valley 7-Daniel Bullard, N.C. State 8-Jackson Turley, Rutgers 184 pounds: 1-Aaron Brooks, Penn State 2-Trent Hidlay, N.C. State 3-Parker Keckeisen, Northern Iowa 4-John Poznanski, Rutgers 5-Dakota Geer, Oklahoma State 6-Brit Wilson, Northern Illinois 7-Hunter Bolen, Virginia Tech 8-Lou Deprez, Binghamton 197 pounds: 1-A.J. Ferrari, Oklahoma State 2-Nino Bonaccorsi, Pittsburgh 3-Myles Amine, Michigan 4-Jacob Warner, Iowa 5-Rocky Elam, Missouri 6-Jake Woodley, Oklahoma 7-Michael Beard, Penn State 8-Stephen Buchanan, Wyoming Heavyweight: 1-Gable Steveson, Minnesota 2-Mason Parris, Michigan 3-Tony Cassioppi, Iowa 4-Cohlton Schultz, Arizona State 5-Gannon Gremmel, Iowa State 6-Trent Hillger, Wisconsin 7-Greg Kerkvliet, Penn State 8-Tate Orndorff, Ohio State
  16. That version of Bo may be the best one at 165 as well.
  17. Imagine Steiber in that 2021 conversation with a healthy Eierman and Nick Lee.
  18. There deserves to be two criteria. True Frosh, for those their first year out of high school, and Red/Greyshirt Frosh. Swiderski - Iowa State (FYO)
  19. In Arizona State's preview this is who they list of both squads... not much help: ASU Probable Lineup: - 125 - No. 5 Brandon Courtney: 2x All-American, 3x Pac-12 Champion or Richard Figueroa: Won bronze at 57 kg at the 2021 Junior Pan American Games - 133 - No. 4 Michael McGee: 2x All-American, Pac-12 Champion or Julian Chlebove: 7-6 record as Redshirt freshman, earning two tech falls and one major decision. - 141 - HM Jesse Vasquez: 7-1 before season-ending injury in 2021-22 season - 149 - No. 3 Kyle Parco: 2x All-American, Pac-12 Champion - 157 - Max Wilner: Appeared in 3 tournaments, earning a 7-4 overall record with 2 falls or Michael Kilic: 3x state champion in Georgia, 2x Fargo All-American (Greco-Roman Champion) - 165 - No. 19 Tony Negron: Transferred from Penn State where he went 5-0 at Edinboro Open - 174 - Cael Valencia: Redshirted last year, going 12-4 in open tournaments or Josh Nummer: Went 2-2 at the '22 Pac-12 Championships - 184 - No. 20 Anthony Montalvo: All-American, '20 Big-12 bronze medalist - 197 - Jonathon Fagen: Transferred from Cornell where he went 6-7 as a freshman or No. 15 Kordell Norfleet: 4x NCAA Qualifier, 4x Pac-12 Champion - HWT - No. 1 Cohlton Schultz: 2x Pac-12 Champion, 2x All-American, '22 NCAA runner-up or David Palosika: Did not compete last season Missouri Probable lineup: - 125 - No. 14 Noah Surtin: '22 NCAA qualifier - 133 - HM Connor Brown: '18 NCAA qualifier - 141 - No. 6 Allan Hart: 3x NCAA qualifier or Kordin Shepherd - 149 - No. 8 Brock Mauller: 3x All-American, '21 fifth place finish - 157 - No. 15 Jarrett Jacques: 4x NCAA qualifier - 165 - No. 1 Keegan O'Toole: Defending national champion, 2x All-American or James Conway - 174 - No. 9 Peyton Mocco: 3x NCAA qualifier - 184 - No. 22 Colton Hawks: Wrestled to an 8-3 record as unattached competitor last year or Sean Herman - 197 - No. 4 Rocky Elam: 2x All-American, '22 fourth place finish, '21 fifth place finish or Jesse Cassatt - HWT - No. 7 Zach Elam: 3x NCAA qualifier
  20. I am okay with there being those, to be clear.
  21. Imagine Calipari with some of his super frosh. Going 31-0 in the regular season then sitting his three super frosh for the postseason. Having them suit up but sit the bench in actual red shirts. Kentucky is down by six with three minutes to go in the SEC finals. Whoever they are playing nails a three to go up by nine. He looks over at his assistant and gives the solemn, yet assertive nod. BOOM! One of the super frosh yank their redshirt off and go to the table to rotate in. Kentucky wins the SEC championship on a last second DUNK! National Semi-finals come along. Kentucky is down six again and once again their opponent (a different one) nails a three to go up by nine - only this time there is onky two and a half minutes to go. Calipari with the nod again... BLAMMO! Superfrosh #2 yanks off his actual red shirt and checks in to thr game. Kentucky down by two and Frosh#2 throws up a prayer to Frosh#1 and BOOM! Dunk and a foul! He sinks the foup and they win. NCAA finals. Calipari shoots down the media before the game that he is going to pull superfrosh#3's shirt. He is confident. Even says he may not even sit with thel courtside, but he is obviously joking. Two minutes to go. Down by two this time, but their opponent shoots up a three. Gets fouled and makes it. Puts them down six. OMFG THERE IS THE NOD! HE JACK NICHOLSONED THAT SUMBICH! SUPERFROSH#3 GOES HULKAMANIAC AND SHREDS HIS SHIRT! HE IS IN THE GAME! Kentucky scores 16 unanswered points in two minutes and wins by ten. Impressive. All three enter the draft because they are pissed over having been put on redshirt in the postseason anyways. Experiment failed? Or succeeded? Both?
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