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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. The problem with wrestling as a second semester sport, unless we condense the season rather drastically (which isn't necessarily a bad thing), is that WTT, OTT, Ranking Series Events, and last chance tournaments basically immediately start right after NCAAs. So basically the Freestyle season begins immediately - and is rather condensed as it is.
  2. This is why I have a feeling we may see a 'light' 133lb Glory for a few weeks. Weigh in low enough to be able to make 125 within a week or two, but still test the waters at 133. If he were to commit to going 133, he is strong enough I think he could do it on a rather short notice. The only guy he needs to worry about at EIWAs is Arujau. EIWAs did get two (2) allocations at 133 last season, so I imagine it will be at least that with Arujau moving up from 125. Ergo, I think he steals an AQ if he goes 133 with relative ease.
  3. He would be a 197lber if so... ... ...
  4. I said what I said. Check on your SouthWest F3s.
  5. Have you not seen what the deuce happened to SouthWest? Their corporate HQ got nuked (apparently).
  6. Someone forgot to tell Glory until the morning of that Iowa wasn't going to be there and Lee was at 125. We might not have gotten all excited to see Glory at 133 had they done so.
  7. The MatMan Open should have replaced the Midlands, or at the very least you gents who made the MatMan Open happen last year should have taken over ownership of the planning and logistics of Midlands. Iowa should not have started their own thing. Is looks like the biggest duck ever, in hindsight.
  8. 157 and 174 are the inly weights Iowa aren't heavily favored to win.
  9. https://www.trackwrestling.com/tw/predefinedtournaments/VerifyPassword.jsp?tournamentId=690535132
  10. BTN+ has had them every year since BTN+ came out. That was the joke.
  11. Barr has been wrestling 182/190 so he may be 184 for them next season.
  12. Burwick at 133 for Nebraska
  13. Anthony Madrigal at 141 is interesting.
  14. Damn it, you made me double check. Yeah. Davison is the 2.
  15. Hamiti - Monday was the secondary 165lb match I wanted to see at the ASC I am not so sure Monday gets by Hall in the semi-finals. Actually, I would pick Hall in that matchup.
  16. Unsure why Schultz got the 1 seed over Davison. They were literally at the same tournament a few weeks ago. Schultz lost to a guy that Davison defeated the very next round. Convincingly.
  17. 184 has some killer true frosh.
  18. 174 bracket looks clean. Zero byes.
  19. Quincy Monday the 2 seed at 165...
  20. Can you blame them? Done beem cancelled the last two years. Likely didn't want to get screwed three years running.
  21. The potential (7)Gilcher - (10)Gibson R26 match sets up the hypothetical 'Who is the best Michigan native 157lber in D1' match.
  22. Ridge Lovett the 1 seed at 149.
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