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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. It sucks, right? I actually had three racks of ribs, five sacks of baked potatoes, and twelve screwdrivers - sans the vodka this morning. Sobriety is an unfortunate experience most days. At least the food was good.
  2. Pretty sure only 2nd mester.
  3. Can't drink today. Actually onsite and in Tampa today.
  4. Not under mine own rule, though. Also, today I learned Kodiak Island is larger than Puerto Rico.
  5. If we are counting only the USA, then I need to know if you include Puerto Rico or not.
  6. Aisle* Unless you mean isle. Then I am intrigued as to which one is #7?
  7. It seems like something is missing there...
  8. Hahahahaha. Had to. You know you're a treasure. We don't deserve you and ypur constantly thankless efforts.
  9. Guys. No shit. I am being a turdbiscuit and messing with Wkn.
  10. Missing 125 in the <insert obligatory word here) dual.
  11. Negatory, Batman. No crossovers. One dual per school today.
  12. For redshirts? Both are the same year out of HS either way.
  13. Eh, I hear you and understand. I can still want what I want. Vasbinder of MSU did it. Because they want gents wrestling the wrong weight classes he must go 285.
  14. Seed conferences based off of conference dual meet results. If schools face each other outside of the official conference meet, it gets used too (thinking Bedlam here). Ignore the name of the wrestler entirely. Input the school name during the seeding process. It's a start and it will ensure that schools are a bit more honest, hopefully. Edit #1: Not sure how we implement this to NCAAs, but one method to determine AQ is perhaps use the previous seasons NCAA results. Top 24 earn AQ for the conference, with each conference earning at a minimum one (1) AQ - on the chance a conference has no Top 24 placers. The balance becomes wild card (up to nine of them). Edit #2: Keep NCAA seeding and WC selection the same, as-is. I like it. Match count requirements, RPI, record, etc. Edit #3: I would also like to see D2, D3, and NAIA each get their champion (or highest accepting placer) a chance at D1 as well. The caveat is that those three cannot participate in the pig tails, so at the very minimum they must be seeded 26-28 at the lowest. Oh! Also conference champions cannot be seeded in the pig tails either!
  15. DanTheMan's basement is better suited to be a practice room for a B1G program than what Sparty is currently rocking.
  16. I am sure he was very good in high school. I am also sure that when he looked to his peers on the left and right of him at that time the phrase "These m*th*r f*ck*rs are basic. They elementary." held an entirely different meaning at the time.
  17. DanTheMan or WestCoastDan?
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