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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Late to the show, but I did bring my own whiskey... That said, I did want to throw out and not necessarily defend LJB - to clarify only - that he is actually a well known, well knowledgeable, and well respected member of the USAW community. Guy is smart AF.
  2. Being that it was an accurate take, to the fullest, the actual results say otherwise. Your opinion is allowed to be different. It is also wrong.
  3. And someone once had the gaul to tell me RBY would not bonus Teske. +3 on that bonus there.
  4. Does Tanner Hall get twelve asterisks then? Wasn't he ~41 with another year left when No-Neck Schultzy decided to come on and compete for the Sunkist gents?
  5. I thought she was going to go up to 76 KG to close out the cycle?
  6. Looks like Michigan didn't intend to try and win this dual. Shame.
  7. nhs67


    These are all good things. I will reply soon.
  8. nhs67


    I believe he means aside for Starocci.
  9. nhs67


    Okay, so his wins against whom? He beat Lewis. We have established that. Lewis is one tier higher, which is fine for the way my tiers are stacked. Who else has he beat that would warrant he move higher? Has he beaten anyone in Tier 3 or 4? No. You can try to discredit last seasons postseason all you want, but those were peak performance results - supposedly. They still matter for the sake of tiers, at this point. Especially since Labs hasn't shown anything to prove he has separated himself. That 5-3 O'Reilly(~tier 5?) win doesn't help prove that.
  10. You complicating it for the drunk old guy, mate.
  11. I have zero time to count when it comes to the sweet honey
  12. I ordered an Irish car bomb in Dublin and the guy looked at me and said 'Da mudder in lar, eh?'
  13. 14 Irish Car Bombs, 8 full rack of boar ribs, and an acre of corn for me. Ewually disappointed.
  14. Wasn't rooting for either, so no lost sleep from me. Indiana roughed them up. I was impressed.
  15. Rutgers is currently blanking them rather handily so not sure.
  16. nhs67


    I clearly said that it was my opinion, so well done there. Also I challenged you to give me yours and you have - so thank you. I didn't think we were arguing though? I like talking this stuff. I am also addicted to wrestlestat, so I can assure you I am not ignoring actual results. Hence Labs being 3 and not 2 - he lost to a tier 4 guy at B1Gs last year. All this said, keeping 4-12 as one is also understandable, if that is how you view it. I just don't.
  17. Still winless in the B1G in in ~10 years.
  18. Lewis could win every match he wrestles the rest of the year 3-2 and the only matches that would actually be close would be Starocci, Foca, and Labs.
  19. Fair enough, yes. If you look at the score and not the tempo or pace of the match in which who is controlling where and how then sure. It was close. Labs was never in danger of losing.
  20. I recall the matches, I just don't believe they awere that close, regardless of score.
  21. Are we allowed to tweak @Wrestleknownothing? I think we see a different roster for both sides. I think Barlett ends up beating Schriever, Haines Majors Seibriecht, Lee pins Steen.
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