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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Fan vote is going to hurt Starocci. Two Penn State gents on the docket.
  2. Isn't he a little guy? Don't they look for 5'10-6'0 range?
  3. For the Ohio State I think there are four (4) options for gents going up, maybe five (5) depending on redshirt usage. Four that make sense... D'Amilio up to 149. I am not sure the status of Decatur. If he stats around another year, he coule man either 141 or 149 - whichever weight D'Amilio does not go. Sasso up to 157. I am no professor for tOSU, but I think if Sasso comes back it might be up at 157. Gallagher/Wilcox to 165 to compete with Hepner for the spot. Kharchla up to 174. Makes sense. The fifth option would be depending on redshirts and all that, but if for whatever reason Bouzakis ends up being 141 and Mendez redshirts, Gonzalez could go 133 w/ Kilkeary running it out at 125. What I actually think their lineup might be come B1Gs next season: 125 - Gonzalez 133 - Bouzakis 141 - Decatur/D'Amilio 149 - D'Amilio/Decatur 157 - Sasso 165 - Hepner/Gallagher/Wilcox 174 - Kharchla 184 - Shumate/Geoggg 197 - Geoggg/Shumate 285 - Feldman I have a gut feeling we might see Hoffman in the portal.
  4. In a way it encourages a wrestler to score first.
  5. There is no flip in OT. Whatever wrestler scores the first point gets choice - meaning top, bottom, or defer. If a guy gets over one minute of riding time, and keeps it, in regulation and if at the time he got the one minute it would have been the first point in the match then that counts as the first point as well. This actually happened at NCAAs.
  6. AOC was busy listening to Mr. maga for three and a half hours make AOC jokes about how he was a better AOC than the other Meme AOC is.
  7. Imagine if Seth ends up at Michigan and beats Kerk at B1Gs or something next year.
  8. Literally two people in this thread in 'denial" mode, dipshit. Can you not maths just like you cannot verify your source(s)?
  9. You know how stoopid you look, right? Only in your universe am I a Penn State boy.
  10. Isn't Nate Jesuroga going to the military or something ans foregoing wrestling at Iowa?
  11. Clearly this is some gladatorial dictatorship where if you must believe a newcomer's unverifiable and unethical bullshit as fact or you are a crybaby.
  12. Unfortunately he doesn't understand your name in a moniker because you actually don't give any shits. The ole 'I did not have sexual relations with that woman' arguement won't save them like it did Bill.I.Am.
  13. And the coach cannot reapond. Are you really this ignorant?
  14. So you're in the know and know they're currently or plan to cheat?
  15. You seem to be the only one sad that you won't share your sources...?
  16. It must be Swatford's brother feeding Minnow false information (again).
  17. So we are being assured by some newcomer to the chat that Mr. Lee has definitely reached out to Bouzakis. The same Bouzakis who is not in the portal and currently a student at another B1G university?
  18. When he did start competing again I think he had jumped from like 126 to 145 and struggled at first (still competed at a very high level, but lost matches he might have won before).
  19. Carson got hurt one year, I believe, and he was forced to sit almost an entire year over it.
  20. A ) Bouzakis doesn't beat Schriever right now. B ) Focus 2 doesn't beat Seibriecht ever. C ) Chittum will be competing for the 157lb spot. D ) The same thread claims Poznanski is talking about going there for 184 despite him saying several times in many outlets that were he to go somewhere else he would go 197. He would only got 184 for Rutgers because of who Rutgers is for him.
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