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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. Most likely, not including any incoming transfers and assuming that incoming frosh redshirt... 125 - McHenry 133 - Ragusin 141 - Nolan 149 - Lamer 157 - Lewan 165 - Amine 174 - Walker 184 - Rogers/Bullock 197 - Rogers/Bullock 285 - Jenkins
  2. I know the rules to weigh in, insofar as 'must wear a USAW singlet' etc. Are there rules for minimum weight? Muat they weigh in over 86 KG to wrestle 92 KG, for example?
  3. One thing, as a fan, I do like is that Top 7 placers from the Open qualify for WTT. That means we could potentially see the the 2nd-7th placers from 74 KG, 79 KG, 86 KG, 92 KG, and 97 KG as well as any past medalists, age level champs, NCAA champs, etc all try to give 92 KG WTT a go. That would be so phucking cool, yes? Yes, I do understand weight classes exist for a reason... still though... right?
  4. I believe your interpretation is the same as mine. 61, 92, and 125 will have WTT towards the end of May. All other weights will have their Final X participants decided by 11:59 PM on April 30th. The caveat is that medalists have until April 21st to accept their Final X bids. If they do not accept by then there will be a WTT just like the other three non-medalist weights.
  5. I know it can be, fore sure. For me it is easier to view the Olympic year as the outlier now. It helps understand it a bit better. I am old, though. They added a shit tonne of importance to the US Open this year, though.
  6. What? Have you not been around the last ten years?
  7. Facundo did better, in high school mind you, 171+ I think.
  8. Criteria for 2024 Olympic Redshirt...
  9. So it appears that so long as they place Top 7 at any weight they can compete at WTT.
  10. So it appears Men's Freestyle, Men's Greco Roman, and Women's Freestyle are alo basically using a copy/paste - same format, @Mike Parrish. Thank you for that.
  11. I am also interested in some of that. I expect Cox to win 97 KG US Open. If he doesn't, though, do we see him go up to 125 KG? I fully expect Hidlay to give 92 KG a go if he does not win the US Open 86 KG. I don't know about Valencia or Hall. I expect basically all the 57 KG guys who do not win to give 61 a go. We might see some last minute choices of 65 KG guys going down to 61 KG, too. A lot are very large, so I don't expect it. Will we see any 79 KG, 74 KG, or dare I sat 70 KG guys attempt 92 KG? Imagine Hayden and Trent both going 92 KG.
  12. He could compete for a MAC or SOCON title, for sure. The Rocky Jordan route I don't see him competing for many points, let alone AA honors, and many of the upper echelon schools likely see it the same way.
  13. I have said this so many times but alas it won't be done. His frame up top has room to grow, but he has little bean poles for legs. Also, I think the greatest poetic justice would be for him to win it all after three fourth place finishes.
  14. I imagine we see a slew of 97 KG guys split off snd go 125 KG or 92 KG if they don't make Final X. I am rather interested to see what Isaac Trumble can do against 125 KG guys, honestly.
  15. Both Trent Hidlay and Zahid Valencia are entered at 86 KG. I imagine the 86 KG guys who don't make Final X will go WTT at 92 KG? Adam Coon is entered at 130 KG for Men's Greco Roman.
  16. Greetings All, Next big event for us and winners get a huge advantage, at least for Men's Freestylr In Men's Freestyle the winners all advance to Final X. For weights where there is an incumbent Worlds medalist there will be no World Team Trials. Only 61, 92, and 125 will hold World Team Trials, providing Cox does in fact go to 97 KG. MEN'S FREESTYLE 57 - Gillman sitting out waiting on the winner from the US Open. 61 - Winner from the US Open will face the winner of World Team Trials. 65 - Diakomihalis sitting out waiting on the winner from the US Open. 70 - Retherford sitting out waiting on the winner from the US Open. 74 - Dake sitting out waiting on the winner from the US Open. 79 - Burroughs sitting out waiting on the winner from the US Open. 86 - Taylor sitting out waiting on the winner from the US Open. 92 - Winner from the US Open will face the winner of World Team Trials. 97 - Snyder sitting out waiting on the winner from the US Open. 125 - Winner from the US Open will face the winner of World Team Trials. Does anyone know if Men's Greco Roman and Women's Freestyle will be doing it the same way?
  17. Curious if it is a formality sort of thing? Being as he is looking for a Graduate program to enroll in and he may know he is going back to Cal Poly, but must enter the portal out of formality? Didn't we see a couple of those last season? Wasn't Slavikouski one if them last season?
  18. So I found this from the collegiate duals... The 194.1 is from Day 1 and the 189.0 is from Day 2. Odd.
  19. He was closer to 184 than many of the 184s in Tulsa. Someone from his team told me he was 'under 190 with his warmups on' one morning there. Also, for example: At the collegiate duals he weighed something like 2.4lbs less on day 2 than day 1. Like 189?
  20. Did you notice when @Jason Bryant announced Sasso for his finals walkout that he said THE Ohio State University? ***duck duck goose** electric!
  21. He is still a little guy. Some of the physical tests they go through are absolutely brutal and power dependent.
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