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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. All this talk is making me feel like a Minnow stalker. It feels... gewd.
  2. I have to log out of my actual Facebook and Twitter to see what he's posting anywhere now. It is upsetting. I deserve entertainment, too!
  3. Ah yeah. I forgot the Kueter thing. All of that is bonkers and why it baffles me that he is surprised people think he's a Turdbiscuit.
  4. It is weird that it isn't J'Den Cox, right? He's won a Worlds or Olympic medal like 7 years in a row, yet we all have supreme confidence in Captain pulling it off. FTR - I voted for Nick Lee
  5. Aye and watching Mineo retween the guys trying to defend him is almost too cringe to read.
  6. No, I understand all that. It still doesn't explain how he wrestled attached for four seasons and still has two to go. He started out the gate as a true frosh. He didn't redshirt at all, at least not properly. So the only way he could have two years remaining is if he got a medical redshirt approved. If he does, I get the two years remaining. When you factor in the 30% rule, 5/16 = 31.25% which is greater than 30% so that is where I am getting hung up there.
  7. Where are you and @Antitroll2828 getting two years left, though? I am not disputing it, just curious since he competed for Rutgers for four seasons already.
  8. That is assuming Gomez wanted to go to Michigan. Had he wanted to, he would have considered them before. I don't recall them being in the hunt before.
  9. Also, you lost Ramos. I know Northwestern's is a bit different as the guys who left were Grad Students and of the four gents Michigan got, only one has more than one year (there 'Free' Covid one) in Cannon, who has two (2) seasons of eligibility remaining. That said, they have three 125lbers on the roster, two are true frosh and one is an incoming redshirt soph who went 3-8 his redshirt frosh season at Buffalo. They have zero 133lbers on the roster and the covid stuff also screwed up their 149-165 lineups. You have Chumbley and Mayfield at 157/165 when one should be down at 149 - but having to wrestle a season up at 165 may have made it so Mayfield can't get back down to 149 as efficiently as originally planned. So now they have two decent 165lbers and nowhere for the one to go because 157 and 174 are also covered. Read that all in one breath, btw. That is how I imagined it being done.
  10. Charge your fone. That's embarrassing. Also, didn't Anthony get rejected at admissions? Also, also, I see this as a giant -o|oo to the Iowa gents that clearly don't want them there.
  11. Also, as far as Michigan goes, there are a few 149lb options on the market right now. I just don't think they are going to go for a 'Jamison' type get because they have both Mantanona brothers, Adams, and Gilcher coming that should be the 149-165 gents for a few years. The younger Mantanona could be the 141lber, too. I could and would welcome being wrong, though.
  12. You also could be correct. In my day there weren't all these exceptions, so to say.
  13. That is the rule now. Was that the rule then? Would they apply a 'now' rule to then? Aside for that, all fair points. It would be cool if he had two years left and at his proper weight, I just don't know that it seem fair. He wrestled for the team four years already and wasn't able to go further due to well known weight issues. I guess what I am saying is that I wouldn't be upset if they didn't grant him a 2nd year left. He's been wrestling.
  14. Michigan needs a 149lber and Woodley (who I saw over the weekend did say he was 'done done' btw) was there last year. I bet he goes to Michigan.
  15. My first gut reaction was that maybe KD and DT are over at M2 for the next few weeks, but then I got to thinking "Why would the WC head somewhere else?" That makes me think they have different time slots. I think they might even let the wrestlers choose what they focus on, and not actually coach them up.
  16. I think this is a huge reason Brooks is right up there with his underhook game. He had to simulate the best in the world and got to be pretty damn good. He might even be Hidlay good with that underhook series.
  17. Even if he didn't wrestle past 12/29, he wrestled eight (8) duals - actually half their wins as a team. Rutgers went 16-5 as a team and in eight of those wins, Sammy Alvarez wrestled.
  18. This is the one reason I am not going to be surprised if Richards pulls one match out. Despite one of them being a career 133lber and one of them being a career 125lber in college... https://www.wrestlestat.com/wrestler/13245/gilman-thomas/profile https://www.wrestlestat.com/wrestler/14736/richards-zane/profile ... I do think that after the Olympics we might see Gilman head up to 61 KG for a couple years, if he does decide to compete through 2028, and then drop back to 57 KG the year before 2028 OTTs (2027 WTT).
  19. A lot of smoke saying he is going up this year.
  20. How? He has represented Rutgers in a dual four years. 2020 - 16 duals 2021 (free year) - 3 duals (late in the season too) 2022 - 8 duals 2023 - 8 duals How in the hell does he get six attached seasons?
  21. There are levels to this and, all due respect, Richards just isn't there (yet). I wish him health and good fortune. I just don't see it.
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