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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. I am okay if you add Spencer Lee... For clarity...
  2. You put Aaron Brooks behind Zahid, whom he just beat at a lower weight?
  3. I think the internal probe wasn't just focused on Football, just that Football had the worst of it when it came to light.
  4. If you hover over that there GIF you just posted it says "KEEPING UP WITH THE KARDASHIANS REALITY and that is all that I need to know about you to generate an opinion based on all Iowa fans. Apologies @VakAttack. He ruined it for the rest of you.
  5. Oh god. People actually saying Chiggy is better than Nebraska or even... *GASP* ... Iowa... FOR. SHAME!
  6. I am a huge fan of all that is USAWrestling and their success. Despite my hating on Blue Dragons, I was fully in support of Downey. It was disappointing that he lost to a guy that Amine beat the very next round. That tells me that Amine > Downey five years ago fwiw (that was 174lb Amine, too). This all said, ignoring actual results seems silly. I get that JB won 45 times and only lost twice to Dake and once to Taylor, however they hold the most recent win(s). This said, Dake is also 452W - 1L against Taylor and the loss to Taylor was from either 8th grade or 9th grade. It doesn't make sense to give that a proportionate amount of weight. Even though Dake does not have the Olympic gold, he beat JB in the process as well as is 452W - 1L against Taylor (despite many believing Taylor should have won every match).
  7. It's a spoof on the Cinny Jimmabons 'Why don't nobody say nuffin about No Bickal's recent dubyah in da MMA. Not even da phyte bored says nuffin about it, Ahyuck."
  8. Honestly? The guy is named after the Iowa GOAT.. Rushmore of all USA Wrestling GOAT. Let him go out living that dream. Idgaf. What does Cassioppi do? Drop to 197? Is that even possible?
  9. Dare I say that is solid 3rd Tier. Maybe bottom of 3rd tier, but solid, nonetheless. I don't see my Spartans really contending with that lineup.
  10. Pretty excited to see what the trio of Heethus (Princeton), Davis (Penn State), and Horwath (Michigan) do. They kind of fly under the radar when it comes to lighter weights, but I believe all three can be a factor at the weight as soon as this season (hopefully no injuries happen to the gents in front of them to be clear).
  11. Honestly I thought his replacement opponent was better. I thought Bo was going to win fairly easily in both scenarios. He needs a T15 opponent in his next fight. Give him someone like Brunson.
  12. Ever since the Olympics decreased the number of weight classes down to six for freestyle, I have pointed out the insanity of having Olympic weights that coincide with weights that are wrestled the other 3 years. It is awful for the sport as it makes the World Championships in non-Olympic years an also ran in too many weight classes and screws up the division of talent weakening the product as a whole. If your were to put the Olympic weights between the weight classes that exist 3/4 of the time, the distribution of talent in non-Olympic years would be far more equitable. It would also be fairer to the competitors as every one of them would have to move up or down to make the Olympic weights unlike currently where some are forced to gain or lose 12-15 lbs in order to vie for the spot. Lastly, it would be far more representative of the bell curve of human males. The 10 weight classes in non-Olympic years far better represent that curve. Thinking it is good business to keep certain weights intact while delegitimizing 40% of your product line 75% of the time is just plain dumb.
  13. As we know... he did beat our 70 KG Worlds Silver medalist this last cycle in his first tournament up from 61 KG. I imagine he has settled in to the weight a bit better now. ...
  14. I think he just techfalled Dest a couple/few months ago? I might be wrong.
  15. You are pretty late to the party. I answered the question myself. In any case, they are my tiers. Make your own if you believe you can do better. I am doubling down.
  16. I like this feisty version of Wkn. Makes me feel more at home.
  17. I damn near didn't read all of that...
  18. I watched that match in-person. The ref's beat Facundo. Amine was just there for it.
  19. This was pre-weaponized Gilman.
  20. Vito has already said that he is coming back. He self-admitted that he has been in college too long and that the whole proposition of him delaying his final year of eligibility another full season is silly. It's been in 3 or 4 different interviews that he has said almost word for word the same thing.
  21. Asking around and it looks like Webster was in the room during the season this last year and rolled Davenport up quite easily while also giving up a good 15-20lbs. Davenport has HEW. I still would love to see him at UofM trying to get that spark back. In the state of Michigan he was the toughest out for Facundo.
  22. I take Carr over O'Toole in a street fight and that is just another 165lber. Carr is faster, stronger, and looks quite a bit more mean.
  23. You see some of his videos where he has gloves on and throwing hands? He has no speed to them. I would not take him in a street fight P4P. I might even go with goofy Gilman over him just off tenacity.
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