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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. I vote for Dr. @MPhillipsdo be the next Celebrity Mod. Needs to happen. Big things - GREAT things can be done under his tutelage.
  2. I think we are both sort of picking apples from the same side of the tree. Meaning I see what you are saying on size, although I think you are drastically underselling the OSU gents. My point was that they have had serious weight-cutters. That doesn't necessarily mean size. We will have to disagree on Fix, btw. I think he is absolutely jacked at 133. He dwarfed every 61 KG guy on the planet during his Silvers run. Also Witcraft sucked a shit-tonne of weight. Yes. There is one from last season at the very least. Add in that he had to do it with what... a month left? Gfellar should have never been 141. Plott IS average sized and Wittlake was not a tiny 184lber. Against Bolen, who is and has been a rather stacked 184lber for the last five years, he went toe-to-toe and did not look smaller. Sheets? Yeah last year is the anomaly. Gfellar and Sheets both were absolutely victems of '7th' year senioritis AND the Focus clan coming through and destroying the culture (in one-ish season) MOST heavyweights do not cut to get to 285lbs. That is a false statement if ever there was one. They might get a bit healthier to get under the 285 limit at the beginning of the season, but during the season they aren't cutting. Maybe Jensen was the last HWT that actually had to 'cut' to get there? Even Schultzy brushed off having to weight manage when he was asked about his 'down' performance at NCAAs. I will even concede that Surber navigated to a more natural weight class despite coming down from ~245lbs to 197 in one offseason. He has physically looked like three different beings the last 14 calendar months, though, due to 'weight management' approaches. Definitely wasn't cutting at all there. Not once. He went Vegan or something.
  3. I had to read that first sentence a good 12 or 14 times before the dots connected themselves to 'cutting weight' not not actually... well... sucking one's own balls off.
  4. Have you missed every season since Marsteller or something?
  5. Devil's Advocate here... why would he drop from last offseason's Freestyle weight of 70 KG (~154.3lbs) to 65 KG (~143.3lbs) for this Freestyle season? Dropping those 11lbs isn't exactly a sign pointing towards a successful venture as D1 149lber for the team that has the most titles in history out of any and all collegiate sports. Especially since that squad is well known to make kids cut a shit tonne of weight.
  6. https://twitter.com/JustinJBasch/status/1674401690936655872?s=20https://twitter.com/JustinJBasch/status/1674401690936655872?s=20https://twitter.com/JustinJBasch/status/167440169
  7. McKenna is average sized 65 KG guy. He isn't going to be able to do much against some of those HP driven, eastern bloc gents. Parris is going to win the whole fckn thing and everyone is going to be like "STEVESON 1, PARRIS 2, THEN EVERYONE ELSE" This will age well. Unfortunately for McKenna.
  8. I don't think they follow. Results are for the weights wrestled.
  9. I was talking actual wrestling results. Comparable data. You're speaking in riddles to attempt to make a point yet look stoopid while doing it. Proceed, please.
  10. I mean... jokes aside... a few years back Malik Amine made it further in his bracket at worlds than Zain Retherford did... in the same 65 KG bracket.
  11. It is fact that weight classes exist for a reason. That means that this becomes a P4P discussion based on results for these gents in the specific weight classes they competed in. This also means that Steveson being the HWT GOAT makes him the GOAT of GOATs. Statistically in a P4P sort of 'per-weight' discussion? He probably isn't up there. There are some toons that absolutely rack up much better bonus point ratios at lower weights and they will always be ahead statistically.
  12. There were two sets of twins, so not all the Finesilvers represent them if there are three representing them currently. Also Matt Finesilver, the larger of the younger twins, is having to wrestle 92 KG. He was 174lbs a year ago then went 184lbs this season just to wrestle 92 KG (202.8lbs) this freestyle season. Not an ideal/easy path there.
  13. You only have one Doctorate? I have twelve.
  14. This guy, for starters, should not be allowed in the room let alone be on the team. One down. Figure the rest out.
  15. He looked so damn stiff at WTT. What does this mean for his job with USAW?
  16. Sorry meant Jared Hill, the actual starter for Oklahoma at 157... he is still there.
  17. Nick Picininni... wow... blast from the past there. Looking at his tapology was also fun as hell. He beat Freddie Rodriguez in his last fight in December of last year. Freddie was a phenom out of high school that has a few rough years at Oklahoma due to off-the-mat issues and landed at SIUE (Alfredo Rodriguez). I honestly think he might have been the best version of himself his Junior or Senior year in High School. He just had no fear and would lay it all out there. That said... the same Freddie Rodriguez that Picininni demolished via R1 Arm Triangle Choke also beat... guess who... ... ? Gavin Teasedale the year prior. Good shit.
  18. Picklo to 184? If not who sits between him and Nachohouse? Butler to 149? Carlson or Nachohouse to 157?
  19. Pretty happy that random forum gents don't get to be doctors and shit to the wrestlers that need it.
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