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Everything posted by nhs67

  1. No THAT is a fake title. Who did Iran send to the championships? Not the actual Asian champ.
  2. The Kazakhstani looked phenomenal and will have DT in the semifinals.
  3. Amine needs to watch more DT-Yaz tape. Yazdani isn't bouncing around here. Just forward pressure. He won't win if he lets him do that. He needs to try to do what DT does to him. Likely wouldn't work... but this definitely isn't.
  4. Deng threw his hips into the equation ~26 itimes and did nothing for 5M53.5S of the match.
  5. All Deng had to do was wrestle for 6.5 seconds and he made this a match.
  6. This could go so many ways. The key is what are they challenging?
  7. A pissed of Zare is no good for anybody. You ever see him against Masoumi? He makes him look amateur.
  8. Are these guys afraid of Parris? Nobody seems to want to actually wrestle with him.
  9. Deng is solid. Makes Parris look not very big.
  10. All four matches 1-0 with three of them being shot clock.
  11. Parris the only one in all four matches to score a point 90 seconds in.
  12. I was okay with the challenge being reversed. I could see it either way, however international refs tend to not think like we do.
  13. Vito with a slow... strut... to keep warm? HAHAHA
  14. I am really hoping for a better showing from Amine against Yazdani this time. I think he lost in like 90 seconds last time via Tech (two years ago). We'll see.
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